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Nicholas Albanese

Nicholas Albanese, Ph.D.

Associate Professor of Italian and Department Chair

817-257-6360 Scharbauer Hall 3203 (map link)

  • Italian /
  • Film Studies /
  • Literature & Culture


Ph.D. Indiana University
MA Middlebury College
MS College of William and Mary
BA The University of the South

Courses Taught

First Semester College Italian
Second Semester College Italian
Third Semester College Italian
Fourth Semester College Italian
Cultural Content and Written Expression
Società italiana: The Mosaic of Contemporary Italy
La novella italiana: Topics in the Italian Short Story
Topics in Italian Cinema
Italian Culture as Reflected in Italian Cinema
Italian Culture from the Unification to the Present
Southern Italian Culture through Film
Dante's Inferno

Areas of Focus

Contemporary Italian Literature & Culture; Italian Cinema; Southern Italian and Sicilian History and Culture; Representational strategies in cultural production

  • “Reconstructing Identity at the End of the World in Gianni Miraglia's Muori, Milano, muori! and Francesca Genti's La febbre” in Composite Identities: Percorsi tra cinema, teatro, letteratura, musica, scienze sociali e politiche, Edizioni Universitarie LED, 2023, pp. 95-105.
  • "Homo Oeconomicus and the Limits of Storytelling: Italian Apocalyptic Fiction of the Long Downturn." Italian Culture. Vol. 39, 2021, pp. 1-22.
  • "The Ethics of Story-telling: Strategies of Voice in Leonardo Sciascia’s Il consiglio d’Egitto." Italica, Vol. 96, Number 1, Spring 2019, pp. 52-70.
  • "Between the Stage and the Street: Art and Artifice in Giordano Bruno’s Candelaio." Explorations in Renaissance Culture, Vol. 45, Number 2, Fall 2019, pp. 165-186.
  • "Bodies in Space: Emplacement in Alice Rohrwacher’s Corpo celeste." The Italianist, Vol. 37, Issue 2, 2017, pp. 228-242.
  • "From the Poet to the Pedant: Models and Counter-Models of Classical Learning in the Renaissance." Futhark. Revista de investigación. No. 11, 2016, pp. 3-23.
  • “Le voci del mare:  il nostos antropologico di Creuza de mä” in Musica pop e testi in Italia dal 1960 ad oggi, Longo Editore, 2015.
  • Streetwise Italian Dictionary & Thesaurus, McGraw-Hill, 2005.
  • "La novella italiana: strategie per competenze linguistiche, interpretative e critico-analitiche nella generazione digitale," American Association of Italian Studies Annual Conference (virtual). June 2021.
  • "Identity on the Verge of Apocalypse in Contemporary Italian Fiction, " Identity/ies and Beyond (invited), June, 2020.
  • "At the End of Time: The Apocalypse in Contemporary Italian Fiction," Intersections: Crossing Italian Borders in Music, Art, Literature, Theater, and Cinema, 7th Annual Conference, Florence, Italy. June 2019.
  • "Mediterranean Landscapes in the Cinema of Alice Rohrwacher," Mediterranean Studies Association 21st Annual International Congress, Sorrento, Italy. June 2018.
  • "For a Mannerist Reading of Giordano Bruno's Candelaio," Intersections: Crossing Italian Borders in Music, Art, Literature, Theater, and Cinema, 5th Annual Conference, Florence, Italy. June 2017.
  • “Letteratura di (im)migrazioni: parametri di una condizione transculturale,”  Intersections: Crossing Italian Borders in Music, Art, Literature, Theater, and Cinema, 4th Annual Conference, Florence, Italy. June 2016
  • “Coming-of-age: Interstitial Space in the Cinema of Alice Rohrwacher,” New Trends in Modern and Contemporary Italian Cinema, 7th Annual Symposium, Bloomington, Indiana, April 2016
  • “The Apocalyptic Ecocriticism of Filmmaker Alice Rohrwacher,” Northeast Modern Language Association (NeMLA), 47th Annual Convention, Hartford, Connecticut, March 2016.
  • “Signifying Soundscape: The Anthropo-musical Space of Creuza de mä,” South Atlantic Modern Language Association (SAMLA), 87th Annual Conference, Durham, North Carolina, November 2016
  • “Donne ribelli fra adolescenza e maturità nel cinema italiano,” Women of the Mediterranean, First International Conference, Sant’Anna Institute, Sorrento, Italy, June 2015
  • “Il fantastico fra scienza e mito:  il caso di Niccolò Ammaniti,” Northeast Modern Language Association (NeMLA), 46th Annual Convention, Toronto (ON), Canada, April 2015
  • “Fra mare e mito:  il Mediterraneo apocalittico in Fuoco su Napoli di Ruggero Cappuccio,” Mediterranean Visions:  Journeys, Itineraries and Cultural Migrations.  First International Conference, Sant’Anna Institute, Sorrento, Italy, June 2014
  • “Apocalisse urbana nella letteratura italiana attuale,” Northeast Modern Language Association (NeMLA), 45th Annual Convention, Harrisburg, Pennsylvania, April 2014
  • American Association for Italian Studies
  • American Association of Teachers of Italian
 Editorial Committee, Visioni Mediterranee:  viaggi, migrazioni e itinerari culturali (Mediterranean Visions:  Voyages, Migrations, and Cultural Itineraries). Lanciano (CH), Italy: Carabba Editrice, 2016.

Last Updated: November 19, 2024

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