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Jeffrey Todd, Ph.D.
Associate Professor of German and French
j.todd@tcu.edu817-257-6362Scharbauer Hall 3201 (map link)
Program Affiliations
MA, Ph.D., University of Cincinnati, German
MA, University of Cincinnati, French
Magistère, Université de Paris IV (Sorbonne)
BA, Asbury College, History
Courses Taught
Beginning German (3 semester course)
Intermediate German
The German-American Experience
German for Reading Knowledge
German Culture and Civilization
Germanic Mythology
Berlin: A City in Film
Introduction to German Literature
Richard Wagner's Ring des Nibelungen
Study Abroad in Cologne and Berlin Intellectual Life in the GDR
The Poetry of the German Lied
Beginning French
Intermediate French
Beginning Italian
Areas of Focus
German intellectual and political history from 1800-present / jazz music in the GDR
“Interview with Mack Goldsbury.” Cadence: The Independent Journal of Creative Improvised Music. Vol. 38, No. 1AE (2012). 180-200. Print. -
Glenn, Jerry and Jeffrey Todd. Paul Celan: Die zweite Bibliographie. Monograph published online in December 1998 at the Paul Celan Home Page, maintained at University of Wisconsin, Madison at until 2007, then at until February 2014. Currently unavailable online. -
“Die Stimme, die nie verklingt. Ernst Robert Curtius’ abgebrochenes und fortwährendes Verhältnis zum George-Kreis.” Wissenschaftler im George-Kreis. Bernhard Böschenstein et al., eds. Berlin: De Gruyter, 2005. 195-208. Print. -
“Stefan George and Two Types of Aestheticism.” A Companion to the Works of Stefan George. Jens Rieckmann, ed. Rochester: Camden House, 2005. 127-143. Print. -
“‘Poetry is Praise.’ Beobachtungen zu Stefan Georges Dichtung.” Castrum Peregrini 52, 258-59 (2003). 45-66. Print. -
“The Price of Individuality: E. R. Curtius’ Exclusion from the George-Kreis.” Germanisch-romanische Monatsschrift 51.4 (2001). 431-445. Print. -
Glenn, Jerry and Jeffrey Todd. “Paul Celan. Eine Auswahlbibliographie der Primar- und Sekundärliteratur 1997-2001.”Celan-Jahrbuch 8 (2001-02). 391-439. Print. -
“Adorno’s Ban on Poetry after Auschwitz.” Focus on Literatur 3.2 (1996). 147-157. Print.
- MOLA Department Chair, 2008-2013
- Co-Chair, Language and Culture Fest
- Director, Trier Internship
- Faculty Senate, 2001-2004, 2007-2008
Last Updated: November 19, 2024