David Colón, Ph.D.
david.colon@tcu.eduReed Hall 414A
Program Affiliations
Ph.D., English, Stanford University, 2004
BA, English (Spanish minor), Brooklyn College, City University of New York (CUNY),
Courses Taught
Introduction to Fiction
Introduction to Literature
Freshman Seminar: Reality in Latino Fiction
Major American Writers
Introduction to Latina/o Literature
Prison Literature
American Poetry Survey
Contemporary Latino Literature
Mexican American Culture
Research Seminar in Global Literature
U.S. Multi-Ethnic Literature
Contemporary American Poetry
American Poetry II
Race and Gender in American Literature
Literature of the Latino/a Diaspora
Areas of Focus
Latino/a Literature & Culture
20th and 21st Century American Literature
Critical Race & Ethnic Studies
Gender and Sexuality Studies
Poetry and Poetics
Contemporary Fiction
Literary Theory
2022, Primary Author, with Max Krochmal et al. Latinx Studies Curriculum in K-12 Schools: A Practical Guide. Forward by Jacinto Ramos, Jr. TCU Press. 198 pp. -
2021, with Daniel Luis Archer. Introduction. "Latinidad, Memory, and Literature." 'Memory Studies and Latinidad,' Eds. David Colon and Daniel Luis Archer, Special Issue of JOLLAS: Journal of Latino/Latin American Studies 11.1 (Spring). University of Nebraska-Omaha. 1-12.
2021. "Locations of Contemporary Latina/o Poetry." The Cambridge Companion to Twenty-First Century American Poetry. Ed. Timothy P. Yu. Cambridge UP. 48-60.
2018. “Making It Nuevo: Latina/o Modernist Poetics Remake High Euro-American Modernism.” The Cambridge History of Latina/o American Literature. Eds. John Morán González and Laura Lomas. Cambridge UP. 353-370.
2018. "Marginal Erotics: Roberto Tejada’s Sexiness.” American Poets in the 21st Century: Poetics of Social Engagement. Eds. Claudia Rankine and Michael Dowdy. Wesleyan University Press. 380-397.
2016. “Siempre Pa’l Arte: The Passions of Latina/o Spoken Word.” The Routledge Companion to Latina/o Popular Culture. Ed. Frederick Luis Aldama. Routledge.151-161.
2015. “Heroic Insecurity in Junot Díaz’s Drown and This Is How You Lose Her.” Critical Insights: Contemporary Immigrant Short Fiction. Ed. Robert C. Evans. Salem Press. 134-147.
2014. “Avant-Latino poetry.” Jacket2 (June 26th). Web.
2013. Ed., Between Day and Night: New and Selected Poems 1946-2010. By Miguel González-Gerth. Foreword by Frederick Luis Aldama. TCU Press. xl + 248 pp. (“Outstanding title,” Association of American University Presses, 2014)
2012. The Lost Men, an allegory. Elsewhen Press. 192 pp. (Nominee, Arthur C. Clarke Award, 2013)
2012. “Nuyorican Poetry” and “Nuyorican Poets’ Café.” The Princeton Encyclopedia of Poetry and Poetics, 4th Edition. Eds. Roland Greene and Stephen Cushman. Princeton UP. 960-962.
- 2018. “Literature, Difference, and Validation,” invited lecture, McLean Middle School
and MacLean 6th Grade School Professional Learning Retreat, College of Education, TCU.
- 2017. “The Centuries-Long Hispanic Heritage of Being Colonized, Exploited, and Terrorized
for Anglo Profit,” keynote lecture, Inclusiveness and Intercultural Services’ Inclusiveness
Luncheon, TCU.
- 2017. “Some Things That Fiction Can Do (For Us),” invited lecture, Last Lecture Series,
- 2017. “A Gendered, Secular Legacy of the Guadalupan Event,” keynote lecture, Texas
College English Association (TCEA) meeting, Conference of College Teachers of English
(CCTE), Tarrant County College-Northeast.
- 2016. “Publishing Your Research,” invited panel, Mellon Mays Fellows Professional
Network Biennial Conference, University of Pennsylvania.
- 2011. “Ibero-American Innovations in Modern Poetry,” Woodrow Wilson National Fellowship Foundation’s Career Enhancement Fellowship for Junior Faculty Annual Retreat, Princeton.
- 2011-2012. Career Enhancement Fellowship for Junior Faculty, Woodrow Wilson National Fellowship
- 2005-2008. Chancellor’s Postdoctoral Fellow & Visiting Scholar, University of California, Berkeley.
Last Updated: November 19, 2024