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Brandon J. Manning, Ph.D.
Associate Professor
brandon.manning@tcu.edu817-257-4109Reed 317C
Program Affiliations
Ph.D., English, The Ohio State University, 2014
Master, English, The Ohio State University, 2010
B.A., English, Jackson State University, 2007
Courses Taught
African American Literature Survey
Major American Writers
Black Satire
Black Masculinities
Introduction to African American Studies
Black Pop-Culture
Areas of Focus
African American (Black) Literature and Culture
Gender and Sexuality Studies
Popular Culture Studies
Satire and Humor Studies
Gender and Sexuality Studies
Popular Culture Studies
Satire and Humor Studies
Played Out: The Race Man in 21st Century Satire, Rutgers University Press, 2022. -
“Black Millennial Satire” from “African American Satire in the Twenty-First Century” Post45 (Online Journal) 6/22/21 -
“Netflix's New Dave Chappelle Special '8:46' is No Laughing Matter.” Think: Opinion, Analysis, Essays. 15 June 2020. -
“Introduction: Black Masculinities and the Matter of Vulnerability” in Black Scholar 49.2, 2019. 1-10. Co-written with Darius Bost and La Marr Bruce. -
“Protest Pedagogy: The Politics of Centering an Unapologetic Blackness in the Neo-Liberal University” Journal of Prose Studies History, Theory, Criticism 9/9/19. -
Protest Pedagogy and Making Black Lives Matter in the Classroom. Prose Studies: History, Theory, Criticism. 2018 -
Black Masculinities and the Matter of Vulnerability. The Black Scholar. B. J. Manning, D. Bost, L.M. Bruce (Eds.). 2018. -
“Adam Mansbach’s Post-Racial Imaginary in Angry Black White Boy” in Neo-Passing: Performing Identity After Jim Crow eds. Mollie Godfrey and Vershawn Young. Urbana, IL: University of Illinois Press, 2018. 84-95. -
“And You Know This Man!”: Love, Humor, and Masculinity in Friday” Black Camera: An International Film Journal 8.2 (2017): 243-254. -
The Psychic Hold of Slavery: Legacies in American Expressive Culture eds. Soyica Colbert, Robert Patterson, and Aida Levy-Hussen. New Brunswick, NJ: Rutgers University Press, 2016. 150-167. -
“Laughing to Keep from Crying: Dave Chappelle’s Self-Exploration with ‘The N-- Pixie’” in The Psychic Hold of Slavery: Legacies in American Expressive Culture in Soyica Colbert, Robert Pattenson, and Aida Levy-Hussen (eds.), New Brunswick, NJ: Rutgers University Press, 2016. -
“‘I Felt Like I Was Part of the Troop:’ Satire, Feminist Narratology, and Community” in Post-Soul Satire: Black Identity after Civil Rights. eds. Derek Maus and Jim Donahue. Jackson, MS: UP of Mississippi, 2014. 125-136.
- "At World's End: Black Mascs in teh Age of Supernovas" Black Studies: Imagination Unbound, Georgetown University, Washington D.C. , September 2023
- "Reimagining the Race Man: Truth Telling, Black Masculinity, and the Stand-Up Stage" Duke University, Durham, NC, March 2023
- "#BlackLivesMatter, Black Men, and Vulnerability" Ringvorlesung Sose, Humboldt-Universitat Zu Berlin, Germany June 2022
- Address, En/Counter Narratives: A Critical Ethnic Studies Symposium, Indiana University, Bloomington, IN, March 2017.
- “It’s Got to Be Better In Phoenix”: New Frontiers for Black Women and Singleness in the U.S. West. Single Lives: 200 Years of Independent Women in Literature and Popular Culture. Dublin, Ireland. October 2017
- “Begging Me to Hit Him Harder”: Black Masculine Pain and Pleasure in Paul Beatty’s The
- Sellout.” NWSA: National Women’s Studies Association. Montreal, Quebec. November 2016.
- “‘Yeah, but You Raped Women’: Hannibal Buress’s Post-Civil Rights Comedic Critique
of Bill
Cosby.” MLA: Modern Language Association. Austin, Texas. January 2016. - “Trigger Warnings.” (Roundtable) MLA: Modern Language Association. Austin, Texas. January 2016.
- Departmental Teaching Award 2020
- Woodrow Wilson Foundation Career Enhancement Fellowship, 2017-2018 Mellon-Summer Institute on Tenure and Professional Advancement (SITPA) Fellowship, Duke University, 2015-2017
- Futures of American Studies Institute, Dartmouth, June 2013.
- NEH Summer Institute, Pennsylvania State University, June 2012.
- American Comparative Literature Association
- American Studies Association
- College Language Association
- Modern Language Association
- National Women’s Studies Association
- Society for the Study of the Multi-Ethnic Literature of the United States
Last Updated: November 19, 2024