Board Of Trustees
Established in 1874, the board of trustees helps TCU carry out its mission by setting policy and developing a long-term institutional strategy. The board meets twice per year and consists of up to 50 members, and its bylaws also provide for emeritus and honorary members. The primary functions of the board are to:
- Establish and promote the overall strategic direction for the university
- Hire and evaluate on a regular basis the chancellor vis-a-vis his goal
- Undertake other duties based on current needs or issues under the leadership of an annually elected chair
Officers of the Board of Trustees
Kit Tennison Moncrief, Chair
Edward A. Clark, Vice Chair
Jean M. Pickett, Secretary
William J. Nunez, Treasurer
University Officers
Victor J. Boschini, Jr., Chancellor
Daniel W. Pullin, President
Floyd L. Wormley, Jr., Provost and Vice Chancellor for Academic Affairs
Kathryn Cavins-Tull, Vice Chancellor for Student Affairs
Yohna Chambers, Vice Chancellor and Chief Human Resources Officer
William J. Nunez, Vice Chancellor for Finance and Administration
Merianne Roth, Vice Chancellor for Marketing and Communication
Donald J. Whelan, Jr., Vice Chancellor for University Advancement
- Leanne S. Acuff
Colorado Springs, CO - V. Neils Agather, Jr.
Fort Worth - Darla "DD" Alexander
Castle Rock, CO - Allie Beth Allman
Dallas - Greg A. Arnold
Dallas - Amy R. Bailey
Fort Worth - Sasha C. Bass
Fort Worth - Michael K. Berry
Fort Worth - Katie Boehly
Miami, FL - Joe D. Briggs
Washington, DC - Edward A. Clark
Fort Worth - Brenda A. Cline
Fort Worth - Anita L. Cox
Midland - Bradford L. Cunningham
Hudson Oaks - Marilyn E. Davies
Katy - Barry E. Davis
Dallas - G. Hunter Enis
Fort Worth - Kathryn Thompson Farmer
Fort Worth - Charlotte S. French
Fort Worth - Alan D. Friedman
Dallas - Rafael G. Garza
Fort Worth - Charlie L. Geren
Fort Worth - Nick A. Giachino
Wilmington, NC - Joe M. Gutierrez, Jr.
Houston - Elliott J. Hill
Portland, OR - Macy L. Hill
Fort Worth - Mark L. Johnson
Fort Worth - Dee J. Kelly Jr.
Fort Worth - J. Bryan King
Fort Worth - Mary Ralph Lowe
Fort Worth - Steven J. Mafrige
Tilden - Ross B. Matthews
Dayton, WY - Thomas F. Meagher, Jr.
Chicago, IL - Kit Tennison Moncrief
Fort Worth - F.H. “Trey” Moore
Fort Worth - John H. Pinkerton
Fort Worth - David P. Purcell
Park City, UT - James R. “Rusty” Reid
Fort Worth - Michael “Stewart” Richards
Dallas - Adelaide M. Royer
Fort Worth - Jan Tucker Scully
Fort Worth - Richard L. “Ricky” Stuart II
Weatherford - Kenneth D. “Kenny” Thompson, Jr.
Washington, DC - LaDainian T. Tomlinson
Westlake - Duer Wagner III
Dallas - F. Howard Walsh III
Houston - Roger Williams
Fort Worth - Rick L Wittenbraker
Fort Worth - Michael G. Wright
- Jonathan P. Amerson
Alumni Association Representative
Rancho Palos Verdes, CA - Joseph W. Brown
President, TCU National Alumni Board
Fort Worth - Scott Moore
Alumni Association Representative
Hinsdale, IL
- R. Denny Alexander
Fort Worth - Eugene W. Brice
Fort Worth - James I. Cash, Jr.
Sarasota, FL - J. Kelly Cox
Midland - Lou Hill Davidson
Washington, DC - John F. Davis III
Dallas - A. R. “Buddy” Dike
Fort Worth - Kay Fortson
Fort Worth - Marcia Fuller French
Fort Worth - Kenneth J. Huffman
Westworth Village - Bruce W. Hunt
Dallas - J. Luther King, Jr.
Dallas - J. Roger King
Westworth Village - R. Bruce LaBoon
Fredericksburg - Kade L. Matthews
Clarendon - Roger A. Ramsey
Houston - Trevor D. Rees-Jones
Dallas - Nancy Tartaglino Richards
Dallas - Joan G. Rogers
Fort Worth - Deedie Potter Rose
Dallas - Matthew K. Rose
Westlake - William E. “Billy” Rosenthal
Fort Worth - Clarence Scharbauer III
Midland - Patricia Penrose Schieffer
Washington, DC - Roy C. Snodgrass III
Austin - Vernell Sturns
Fort Worth - Lissa N. Wagner
Midland - Kimbell Fortson Wynne
Fort Worth
- Bob L. Schieffer
Washington, DC