Yvonne Chen, Ph.D.
yvonne.chen@tcu.eduScharbauer Hall 4007
Program Affiliations
Ph.D., Sociology, Vanderbilt University
M.A., Sociology, University of Houston
B.S., Psychology, University of Houston
Areas of Focus
Medical Sociology, Mental Health, Race/Ethnicity, Asian America/n, Social Networks, Social Stratification
Alinor, Malissa and Yvonne Chen. 2024. "Diverse Responses to Discrimination: An Exploration Into the Coping Strategies Black and Asian Americans Use in Response to Racial Discrimination." Pp.161-180 in Advances In Group Processes, edited by Shane R. Thye, Will Kalkhof, and Edward J. Lawler. Bingley, UK: Emerald Publishing Limited.
Hao, Feng, Lijun Song, and Yvonne Chen. 2022. "Environmental Concern in China: Mediating Effects of Generalized Trust and Social Integration.” Pp. 341-68 in Social Inequalities in China, edited by Yaoiun Li and Yanie Bian. World Scientific Publishing.
Song, Lijun, Philip J. Pettis. Yvonne Chen, and Marva V. Goodson-Miller. 2021. "Social Cost and Health: The Downside of Social Relationships and Social Networks." Journal of Health and Social Behavior 62(3): 371-87.
Song. Lijun and Yvonne Chen. 2021. “Social Capital and Health.” Pp. 192—214 in The Wiley Blackwell Companion to Medical Sociology, edited by William C. Cockerham. Oxford. UK: Wiley-Blackwell.
Erving, Christy L., Lacee A. Satcher. and Yvonne Chen. 2020. "Psychologically Resilient, but Physically Vulnerable? Exploring the Psychosocial Determinants of African American Women's Mental and Physical Health." Sociology of Race and Ethnicity 7(1): 116-33.
Last Updated: November 26, 2024