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Timothy Sandoval

Timothy Sandoval, Ph.D.

Professor of Religion

He/Him Theodore Prentis Beasley Hall 313 (map link)


PhD Hebrew Bible, Graduate Division of Religion, Emory University 2004

MDiv Theology, Princeton Theological Seminary, 1993

AB History and Religious Studies, University of California, Davis, 1990


Courses Taught:

RELI 10300 Understanding Religion: Texts and Ideas: Ancient Israelite Religion


Areas of Focus:

Ancient Israelite Religion

Hebrew Bible

Biblical Hermeneutics/Latinx Biblical Hermeneutics

Biblical Ethics

Biblical Wisdom Literature

Book of Proverbs

Book of Tobit


Selected Publications:



The Moral Vision of Proverbs: A Virtue-Oriented Approach to Wisdom (Grand Rapids: Baker Academic,



Money and the Way of Wisdom (Woodstock, VT: SkyLight Paths, 2008).


The Discourse of Wealth and Poverty in the Book of Proverbs (Biblical Interpretation Series 77;

                Leiden: E.J. Brill, 2006).


Edited Volumes:

Torah in Early Jewish Imaginations. Co-edited with Ariel Feldman, Forschungen zum alten Testament (Tübingen: Mohr Siebeck, 2023).


Fifty Years of Wisdom: Gerhard von Rad and the Study of the Wisdom Literature. Co-edited with Bernd U. Schipper (Atlanta: SBL Press, 2022).


Petitioners, Penitents, and Poets On Prayer and Praying in Second Temple Judaism. Co-edited with Ariel Feldman (Berlin: de Gruyter, 2020).


Articles and Essays:

“Texts and Intertexts: A Proposal for Understanding Proverbs 30:1b,”  Journal for the Study of the Old

Testament 45.2 (2020) 158-77.


“El Libro de Proverbios y la Teología de la Prosperidad,” Vida y Pensamiento 39. 2 (2019): 109-147.


“Latino/a/x Biblical Interpretation Related to the Hebrew Bible” Currents in Biblical Research 16.3 (2018):



“Comer, beber y disfrutar en Eclesiastés” Vida y Pensamiento 33, 1 (2013): 43-82.


“A Note on Qohelet 10,10b,” Zeitschrift für die alttestamentliche Wissenschaft, 122.1

(2010): 90-95. (with Dorothy BEA Akoto)


 “The Strength of Women and Truth: The Tale of the Three Bodyguards and Ezra’s Prayer

                in First Esdras,” Journal of Jewish Studies, 58.2 (2007): 211-27.


“Revisiting the Prologue of Proverbs,” Journal of Biblical Literature, 126.3 (2007): 455-73.


“Satirical Elements in Tobit? Tobit’s Torah Ethics in GI versus GII,” in Torah in Early Jewish and

Christian Imaginations. Ed. A. Feldman and T. Sandoval. Forschungen zum alten

Testament (Tübingen: Mohr Siebeck, 2023), 147-70. 


“The Morality of Non-Human Animals in Proverbs,” in Ask the Animals: Developing a Biblical

Animal Hermeneutic, ed. A. Walker-Jones and S. Millar (Semeia Studies; Atlanta: SBL Press),



“Reading 1 Kings 21 en Conjunto: The Subjectivity of lo Cotidiano,” in Reading Biblical Texts Together:

                Pursuing Minoritized Biblical Criticism.  Semeia Studies 98; ed. Tat siong Benny Liew and

Fernando F. Segovia (Atlanta: SBL Press, 2022), 169-97.


“How Did You Get to Be a Latino Bible Scholar? Scholarly Identity and Biblical Scholarship” in Latino/a

Biblical Hermeneutics: Problematic, Objectives, Strategies (ed. F. Lozada and F. Segovia; Semeia

Studies: SBL Publications, 2014): 263-298.


Selected Presentations:

“The Turn to Virtue Ethics in the Study of the Hebrew Bible and Enrique Dussel’s Philosophical Ethics of

Liberation: A Conversation,” Forthcoming (2024 SBL Annual Meeting, San Diego, CA), Nov. 23, 2024.


“Cognitive Theories of Ethnicity and Judean-Greek Identity in the book of Tobit,”  (2023 SBL Annual

Meeting, San Antonio, TX) Nov. 18 2023.


“Tobit’s Hymn and Cynic Cosmopolitanism? Exploring a Hypothesis”  (Society of Biblical Literature

Southwest Regional Meeting) March 4, 2023.


Honors and Awards:

Louisville Institute Sabbatical Grant for Researchers (Project: Tobit’s Dog and Qohelet’s

Dinner: Satire, Identity, and Justice in Hellenistic Epoch Jewish Texts), 2022.


Human Distinctiveness Summer Seminar: A Program to Engage Theologians with the Dynamism

of Anthropological and Evolutionary Approaches to the Human (University of Notre

Dame, May 27—June 16, 2015; June 2-5, 2016).


Louisville Institute Sabbatical Grant for Researchers (Project: “Latino/a Biblical Hermeneutic

Perspectives”), 2013-2014 (accepted for 2014-15).


Freie-Universität Berlin (Emory University Graduate School Exchange Fellowship), 1997-98.


Eberhard-Karls-Universität Tübingen (Princeton Theological Seminary Exchange

Fellowship), 1993-94.


Princeton Theological Seminary, American Bible Society Award for Excellence in Biblical

Studies, 1992.


University of California, Davis, Highest Honors and History Department Citation, 1990

                Phi Beta Kappa, 1990

                Phi Alpha Theta (History Honor Society), 1990

                Phi Kappa Phi Honor Society, 1990

                Golden Key Honor Society, 1990


Professional Affiliations:

Society of Biblical Literature

Catholic Biblical Association

Society of Christian Ethics




Last Updated: November 19, 2024

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