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Tatiana Arguello, Ph.D.
Associate Professor (On Leave Spring 2025) 817-257-5405Scharbauer Hall 3118
Program Affiliations
2015: Ph.D. and M.A., University of Pittsburgh, Latin American Literatures.
2010: M.A. and M.A., with honors, Ohio University, Latin American Studies and Spanish Literature.
2002: B.A, Summa Cum Laude, Universidad Americana-Nicaragua, International Relations and Diplomacy.
Courses Taught
- Struggle, Resistance and Politics in Latin America
- Artistic Productions of the Central American Diaspora
- Outlaws in Latin America
- Cinema of Latin America
- Culture of Latin America
- Panorama of Latin American Literature
- Introduction to Literature
- Mexico and Central America through Films and Literature
- Music and Literature in Latin America
- Business Environments in Latin America
- The Liberal Arts in Action (Team-teaching course)
- Latin American Futures
- Writing in Spanish
- Advanced Grammar
- Oral Communication
- Advanced Spanish: From Global to Local
Areas of Focus
- Contemporary Latin American Literature & Cinema
- Central American Literature and its Diaspora
- Modernist and Avant-Garde Poetry
- Cultural Studies
- Cultural Production concerning War and Violence
- Ecological Philosophy and Writings
- Articles & Essays
“Ecology, Blackness and Poetry: National Epics of the Nicaraguan Revolution.” Co-written with Andrew Ryder. National Epics. Edited by David Wallace. Oxford University Press. (Forthcoming).
"Epistemes del cauce: para pensar y sentir con los ríos, sumersión en la poesía fluvial de dos mujeres indígenas latinoamericanas.” Co-written with María Ximena Postigo. Brill-Foro Hispánico. Special Issue: Ecopoesía, ecopoéticas y nuevas políticas ecológicas en el poema. Edited by Azucena Castro, Santiago Acosta and Nuno Marques. (Forthcoming 2025). -
“Bullets and Tattoos: War Artifacts and Prosthetics in the US Central American Literature of Salomón de la Selva and Héctor Tobar.” Co-written with Andrew Ryder. Latinx Literature in Transition. Edited by Marissa López and John Alba Cutler. Cambridge University Press (Forthcoming 2025) -
“Creole Poetics of the Ocean: Carlos Rigby, Ecological Thought and Caribbean Diasporic Consciousness.” Central American Literature as World Literature. Literature as World Literature Series. Edited by Sophie Esch. Bloomsbury (2023). -
“Javier Zamora’s Unaccompanied: Materiality, Citizenship and Salvadorian Identity.” Co-written with Andrew Ryder. Label Me Latina/o: Journal of Twentieth and Twenty- First Century Latino Literary Production. Special Issue Volume 12: Cultural Representations of Central American Migration to the US. (2022) -
“War, Human Experience, and Nature in Teaching Central American Literature.” Teaching Central American Literature in a Global Context. Edited by Gloria E. Chacón and Mónica Albizúrez. Modern Language Association of America (MLA), Options for Teaching Series (2022). -
“Franz Galich: pandillas, militarismo y nomadismo en Managua, Salsa City ¡Devórame otra vez!” TRANSMODERNITY: Journal of Peripheral Cultural Production of the Luso-Hispanic World. Vol 9. Issue 7 (2021): Fall 2021. -
“Las cosas del mundo están en rebelión: materialidad y guerra en la poesía vanguardista de Joaquín Pasos.” A Contracorriente: Revista de Historia Social y Literatura en América Latina. Vol 19. No1 (2021): Fall 2021. -
“El Robocop de Castellanos Moya: las armas como prótesis de la posguerra.” Tiranas ficciones: poética y política de la escritura en la obra de Horacio Castellanos Moya. Edited by Magdalena Perkowska and Oswaldo Zavala. Special Issue of Revista Iberoamericana. Serie Nuestra América, 2018. -
“War and Its Implications for Central American-American Literature.” The Oxford Encyclopedia of Latina/o Literature. Oxford Research Encyclopedia of Literature. Oxford University Press, 2018. -
“Mario Payeras: la guerra y el pensamiento vegetal en Poemas de la Zona Reina.” Istmo. Revista virtual de estudios literarios y culturales centroamericanos 34, 2017. -
“La construction du corps féminin: transgression et résistance dans Sa destinée rue monte au ciel.” Métissages et Marronnages dans l'oeuvre de Suzanne Dracius, edited by Yolande Helm. Paris: L’Harmattan, 2009: 44-59.
Guest Co-Editor, Special Issue for a Scholarly Journal
- "Introducción: Derivas multi/humanas en la cultura y literatura centroamericanas" (co-editor with Juan Duchesne-Winter). Istmo. Revista virtual de estudios literarios y culturales centroamericanos. Special Issue on Posthumanism and the Non-human in Central American Literature and Culture. Volume 34 , 2017.
- 2024: “Bullets, Guns, and Tattoos: Debility in the US Central American Literature of Salomón de la Selva and Héctor Tobar.” The Society for the Study of the Multi-Ethnic Literature of the United States (MELUS 2024). Southern Methodist University, Dallas, April 11-14, 2024.
- 2023: “Acuerpando con el río Gualcarque: Berta Cáceres, pensamiento y denuncias líquidas.” Third Coast Central America Collaborative Inaugural Meeting, Rice University, October 20-21, 2023.
- 2023: “Acuerpando con los ríos: pensamiento, existencias y denuncias líquidas en Mesoamérica.” XLIV Congreso del Instituto Internacional de Literatura Iberoamericana (IILI), Athens, Greece, July 5-8, 2023.
- 2023: " Creole Poetics of the Ocean: Carlos Rigby, Ecological Thought and Caribbean Diasporic Consciousness." Latin American Concentration: Black History Month talk. University of Dallas (Irving). February 6, 2023.
- 2022: “Bullets, Guns and Tattoos: War Artifacts and Prosthetics in US Central American Literature.” Panel: Violence in Global Central American Literature. International Congress of the Latin American Studies Association (LASA 2022). Polarización socioambiental y rivalidad entre grandes potencias. May 5-8, 2022. Virtual.
- 2022:“Poéticas creole del océano: Carlos Rigby, pensamiento ecológico y la consciencia diaspórica caribeña.” Hermosos invisibles que nos protegen: New Directions in Latin American Studies. Conference in Honor of the Retirement of Professor Juan Duchesne-Winter. April 22, 2022. Hybrid.
- 2022: "Care Labor and the Communal Desire to Reproduce Life: The Instructive Example of Mayan Indigenous Women.” 2021-2022 Claudia V. Camp Lecture. Organized by Women and Gender Studies, TCU. March 28, 2021. Virtual.
- 2021: "Creole Poetics of the Ocean: Carlos Rigby, Ecological Thought and Caribbean Diasporic Consciousness." Virtual Conference: Central American Literature as World Literature. Rice University, November 11-13, 2021.
- 2021: "Artefactos y prótesis de guerra: el caso del Robocop de Horacio Castellanos Moya." Panel sobre estudios de literatura y tecnología. Maestría de Literatura de la Javeriana. 24 April, 2021. Virtual.
- 2021: "Feminist Philosophy in Central America: The Examples of Belli, Menchú, and Cáceres." The 55th annual Southwest Council of Latin American Studies (SCOLAS). 8-11 April, 2021. Virtual.
- 2020: "The Things of the World are in Rebellion: Materiality and War in the Avant-Garde Poetry of Joaquin Pasos." Modern Language Annual Convention (MLA 2020). Seattle, 9-12 January, 2020.
- 2019: "Cuando la sangre del cuerpo ausente echa raíces en la memoria colectiva: poéticas de la remembranza y documentación del 19 de abril en Nicaragua." Central American Section. XXXVII International Congress of the Latin American Studies Association (LASA 2019) Nuestra América: Justice and Inclusion. Boston, May 24 – 27, 2019.
- 2018: "Consciousness beyond the Human: Mesoamerican Dialogues in Race, Gender, and Politics." Research "Spotlight" lunch. Texas Christian University, February 14, 2018.
- 2016: "Mario Payeras: la guerra y el pensamiento vegetal en Poemas de la Zona Reina." XXXIV International Congress of the Latin American Studies Association (LASA 2016), New York, May 27-30,2016.
- Latin American Studies Association (LASA)
- Modern Language Association(MLA)
- The Southwest Council of Latin American Studies (SCOLAS)
- The American Council on the Teaching of Foreign Languages (ACTFL)
- 2022 Maryrose Short Teaching Excellence Award.
- 2021-2022 Claudia V. Camp Faculty Research Award.
Last Updated: November 19, 2024