Suzy Lockwood
s.lockwood@tcu.edu817-257-6758Annie Richardson Bass Building 3131
Program Affiliations
PhD, Doctor of Philosophy, University of Texas at Arlington, College of Urban Policy
and Public Administration and College of Nursing, 2001
M.S.N., University of Texas at Arlington, Nursing Administration, 1994
B.S.N., Texas Christian University, 1983
Courses Taught
Leadership in Nursing Practice
Decision Science & Informatics
Complexity and Innovation in Healthcare
Financial Concepts in Health Care
DNP Projects
Aspects in Oncology
Ambulatory Oncology Externship
Areas of Focus
Cancer Survivorship & Caregiver impact, Gynecologic Cancer (ovarian & cervical cancer),Lower limb lymphedema, Economic aspects of healthcare
Kelly, P., Baker, K., Hodges, K., Lee, J., Vuong, E. & Lockwood, S.L. (2021). Nurses’ Perspectives on Caring for Patients with Do Not Resuscitate Orders. AJN: American Journal of Nursing, 121(1), 26-36. doi: 10.1097/01.NAJ.0000731652.86224.11 .
Armer, J.A., Ostby, P., Ginex, P., Beck, M., Deng, J., Fu, M.R., Lasinski,, B.B., Lockwood, S., Poage, E., White, J., Maloney, C., Moriarty, K.A., Vrabel, M., Morgan, R.L. (2020). ONS Guidelines for Cancer treatment-related lymphedema. Oncology Nursing Forum, 47(5), 518-538. DOI 10.1188/20.ONF.518-538.
Carlson, J. W., Kauderer, J., Hutson, A., Carter, J., Armer, J., Lockwood, S., … Barakat, R. R. R. (2019). GOG 244-The lymphedema and gynecologic cancer (LEG) study: Incidence and risk factors in newly diagnosed patients. Gynecologic Oncology.
Carter, J., Huang, H. Q., Armer, J., Carlson, J. W., Lockwood, S., Nolte, S., … Wenzel, L. (2019). GOG 244 – The LymphEdema and Gynecologic cancer (LEG) study: The association between the gynecologic cancer lymphedema questionnaire (GCLQ) and lymphedema of the lower extremity (LLE). Gynecologic Oncology, 155(3), 452–460.
Newcomb, P. Behan, D., Sleutel, M., Walsh, J. Baldwin, K. & Lockwood, S. (2019). Are genetics/genomics competencies essential for all clinical nurses? (CE activity) Nursing 2019, 49(7), 54-60.
Lockwood, S. (Ed.). (2019). Introduction, Seminars in Oncology, 35(2), 145-146.
Stewart, C., Ralyea, C. & Lockwood, S. (2019). Ovarian Cancer: An Integrated Review. Seminars in Oncology, 35(2), 151-156.
Ledford, L. R. C. & Lockwood, S. (2019). Scope and Epidemiology of Gynecologic Cancers, Seminars in Oncology, 35(2), 147-150.
Newcomb, P. Behan, D., Sleutel, M., Walsh, J. Baldwin, K. & Lockwood, S. (2019). Are genetics/genomics competencies essential for all clinical nurses? Nursing Management, 50(1), 18-26.
Fu, M.R., Deng, J., Armer, J.M., Lockwood, S., Beck, M., Ostby, P., Burns, B., Poage, E. (2016). Precision health and precision phenotype assessment of breast cancer-related lymphedema. ADVANCE for Nurses, 2(9): 14-16. [This article has been selected as the Continuing Education offering for this issue.]
Deng, J., Fu, M.R., Beck, M., Poage, E., Burns, B., Lockwood, S., Ostby, P., Armer, J.M. (July 2016, in-press). Cancer-related lymphedema: an overview of current evidence-based treatment. ADVANCE for Nurses. [selected as the Continuing Education offering for this issue.]
Goldstein, C.L., Susman, E. P., Lockwood, S., Medlin, E.E., Behbakht, K.(2015) Awareness of symptoms and risk factors of ovarian cancer in a population of women and health care providers. Clinical Journal of Oncology Nursing, 19(2), 206-212.
Alexander, G.K. & Lockwood, S. (2014). Effect of Yoga on Sleep Quality among Adult Cancer Patients: A systematic review. The JBI Library of Systematic Reviews, 12(6); 382-419.
- Lee J, Baker K, Hodges K, Kelly P, Lockwood S & Vuong E (2022) Oncology Nurses’ Interpretations & Misconceptions of “Do Not Resuscitate”: A Qualitative Study. Oncology Nursing Society Congress. Washington, DC. (presentor Joyce Lee)
- Lockwood, S. (April 21, 2021) Optimizing the Relationship between Hospitals & Academic Nursing, The Healthcare Roundtable for Patient Care Services Executives (webinar).
- Lockwood, S. W., Spitzer, D., & DeMeyer, E. (2018, May). Giving your Presentation CPR: Development of an Oncology Nurse Speaker Mentorship Program. Oncology Nursing Society Congress. Washington, DC.
- Lockwood, S. W., Spitzer, D., & DeMeyer, E. (2018, May). A Pilot Study on the Impact of Nurse Mentorship on Oncology Nurse Speaker Anxiety. Oncology Nursing Congress. Washington, DC.
- Carlson J, Kauderer J, Carter J, Armer J, Lockwood S, Nolte S, Stewart B, Wenzel L, Walker J, Fleury A, Bonebrake A, Soper J, Mathews C, Zivanovic O, Richards WE, Alberts D, & Barakat R. (March 2018) GOG 244 – the lymphedema and gynecologic cancer (LEG) study: The association between the gynecologic cancer lymphedema questionnaire (GCLQ) and lower extremity lymphedema, SGO 49th Annual Meeting on Women’s Cancer® Scientific Plenary, New Orleans, LA
- Carlson J, Kauderer J, Carter J, Armer J, Lockwood S, Nolte S, Stewart B, Wenzel L, Walker J, Fleury A, Bonebrake A, Soper J, Mathews C, Zivanovic O, Richards WE, Alberts D, & Barakat R. (March 2018) GOG 244-the lymphedema and gynecologic cancer (LEG) study: Incidence and risk factors in NEWLY diagnosed patients, SGO 49th Annual Meeting on Women’s Cancer® Scientific Plenary, New Orleans, LA
- Newcomb, P, True, B. Walsh, J., Maynard, D., S. Lockwood, & Douglas, B. (2013). Maternal Attitudes and Knowledge about Use of Infant Bloodspots for Research in Texas. Accepted for poster presentation at 2013 Southern Nursing Research Symposium Poster presentation, Little Rock, AK, Feb 27- March 2, 2013. (Presenter: P. Newcomb)
- Lockwood, S. McIntire, J.J. & Sherrod, M.M. (2013). Back to the Future: Faculty & Student Experience of Course Co-Creation in Nursing. Poster Presentation, 42nd Sigma Theta Tau International Biennial Convention, Indianapolis, IN, November. (Presenter: McIntire, J.H.)
- Lockwood, S. (2013, February). Making Sense of Statistics, University Hospitals & Clinics, UTSW, Dallas, TX (1.0 contact awarded). +Newcomb, P, True, B., Walsh, J., Dyson, M., Lockwood, S. & Douglas, B. (2013). Maternal Attitudes and Knowledge about Use of Infant Bloodspots for Research in Texas. Poster Presentation, Southern Nursing Research Conference, Little Rock, AK, Feb-March 2013. (Presenter: Newcomb, P)
- *Lockwood, S. (2013, March). Overview of Gynecologic Cancers. Pre-Conference: The Intersection of Intimacy & Intervention: Sex after Gynecologic Cancer, Overland Park, KS.
- Lockwood, S. (2013, March). Lymphedema: Not just a side effect for the breast cancer population. Pre-Conference: The Intersection of Intimacy & Intervention: Sex after Gynecologic Cancer, Overland Park, KS.
- Lockwood, S. (2013, March). Impact of Surgery & Chemotherapy on Reproductive & Sexual Functioning. Pre-Conference: The Intersection of Intimacy & Intervention: Sex after Gynecologic Cancer, Overland Park, KS.
- 2015 TCU Center for Connection Culture Hero
- 2013, Inducted as a Fellow into the American Academy of Nurses
- 2011, Received AACN Innovations in Professional Nursing Education Award, Private School without an Academic Health Center Category for Baccalaureate Nursing Emphasis in Oncology Program,
- 2011, Selected, TCU Faculty Fellows in Entrepreneurship Program
- 2010, Deans Teaching Award, Harris College of Nursing & Health Sciences
- 2010, Fellow, Leadership for Academic Nursing Program, American Association of Colleges of Nursing
- 2010, Nurse of the Year, Texas Nurses Association, District Three
- 2010, HealthCare Hero, Fort Worth Business Press
- 2008, Recipient, Charlotte Davis Hoffman Roach Oncology Nurse of the Year
- 2008, Recipient, Ruth Eloise Sperry Teaching Excellence Award
- 2003, Great 100 Nurse Award, DFW Council of Nurse Executive Forum & TNA Districts 3 & 4
- Oncology Certified Nurse
- Texas Nurses Association
- American Nursing Association
- Beta Alpha Chapter, Sigma Theta Tau International Nursing Honor Society
- Oncology Nursing Society
- Texas Organization of Graduate Nursing Education (TOBGNE)
-Secretary - Baylor Scott & White All Saints Medical Center
-Member, Board of Trustees - American Cancer Society,
-Member, Area Regional Board - National Ovarian Cancer Coalition
-Member, Medical & Scientific Advisory Board - Fort Worth Adolescent Young Adult Cancer Coalition
– Treasurer, Board of Directors
Last Updated: November 19, 2024