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Steve Przymus

Steve Przymus, Ph.D.

Associate Professor


Steve Daniel Przymus, Ph.D. is an Associate Professor of Bilingual/Multicultural Education at Texas Christian University. Steve’s experiences as a U.S. Peace Corps Volunteer (Dominican Republic, 2003-2005), Fulbright Distinguished Awards in Teaching Grantee (Mexico, 2010), and 17 years as a U.S. public school teacher have driven his passion for developing and promoting multimodal/multilingual pedagogies that recognize individuals’ full semiotic repertoires and educational life histories. His research focuses on translanguaging in pedagogy and assessment, advancing bilingual special education, the sociolinguistics of bilingualism, metonymy in linguistic landscapes, and the language development, identity, and education of transnational youth.


Ph.D. Second Language Acquisition & Teaching
University of Arizona

M.A. TESOL & Applied Linguistics
University of Northern Iowa

B.S.Ed. Spanish Education
University of South Dakota

Academic Areas

  • Bilingual Education
  • Translanguaging Studies
  • Assessing & Teaching Culturally & Linguistically Diverse Exceptional Students
  • Intersectionality in Bilingual Special Education

Research Areas

  • Translanguaging in dual language immersion
  • Interest-based peer language socialization
  • Metonymy & Metaphor
  • Bilingual decision making
  • Computer assisted language learning/Gaming
  • Bilingual transnational telecollaboration
  • Appropriate assessment & instruction of emergent bilinguals with disabilities
  • Linguistic landscapes/schoolscapes
  • Sociolinguistics
  • Social semiotics for education

Professional Achievements

  • Richard Ruiz Scholar in Residence, Guanajuato, México (2022)
  • TCU College of Education Piper Professor Nominee (2022)
  • Donovan/Patton National Impact Scholar (2017-2019)
  • Fulbright Distinguished Awards in Teaching Grantee (2010)
  • Fulbright Alumni Grant Recipient (2015, 2011, 2010)

Przymus, S. D., Solmaz, O., Cal y Mayor Turbull, A., Rodriguez Rosales, M. E., & Dominguez, A. M. (Forthcoming, 2025). Leveraging glocal linguistic landscapes to raise preservice teacher candidates’ critical language awareness: Pitfalls and potential from three international telecollaboration projects. Journal of Multilingual Theories and Practices.

Ekpe, L., Weinberg, N., Garrison, D., Przymus, S. D., Huddleston, G., Kyzar, K., Hernandez, F. (Forthcoming, 2025). Navigating the Educational Landscape: Successes, Barriers, and Interactions of Hispanic Male Teachers in Texas Public Schools. Journal of Education 

Przymus, S. D. (2024). American Education Mythologies: A Remythification of the Public Language of U.S. Schools, Cambridge Scholars Publishing,

Przymus, S. D., & Mendoza, M. (2024). We barely wrote this paper: Sociolinguistic relativity in Southwestern U.S. schools and its impact on English language teaching. Focus on ELT Journal, 6(3), 124–147.

Przymus, S. D. & Mendoza, M. E. (2024). Easy de traducir: Geomapping Spanish Billboards across Fort Worth, Texas. Bilingual Review/Revista Bilingue

Przymus, S. D. (2024). Semiotically deconstructing parental and adolescent failed communication: It’s not what they’re saying, it’s their words. American Journal of Social Sciences and Humanities

Przymus, S. D. & Mendoza, M. E. (2024). “I saw the sign”: Increasing inclusivity with multimodal, community-based literacy practices. Literacy Today.

Przymus, S. D. (2023). Code-switching is metaphor, translanguaging is metonymy: A transdisciplinary view of bilingualism and its role in education. International Journal of Bilingual Education and Bilingualism.
Przymus, S. D. & Faggella-Luby, M. (2023). The Magic of Insider Autores y Escritores: Youth Story Tellers as Authors in a Rural Mexican Community-Based Summer Program. Journal of Literacy Innovation, 8(2), 5-31.
Przymus, S. D. (2022). English-only as a Magic Pill? Dispelling the Myths About Disability and Dual Language Bilingual Education. In L. Dorner, D. Palmer, C. G. Cervantes-Soon, D. Heiman, & E. R. Crawford (Eds.), Critical Consciousness in Dual Language Bilingual Education: Case Studies on Policy and Practice, (pp. 196-204). Routledge.

Przymus, S. D., Heiman, D., & Hibbs, B. (2022). LANGUAGE IS IDENTITY: Telling and Reading the Right Kinds of Stories. The Reading Teacher.

Przymus, S. D., Faggella-Luby, M., & Silva, C. (2022) It’s only a matter of meaning! From English Language Learners (ELLs) and Emergent Bilinguals (Ebs) to Active Bilingual Learners/Users of English (ABLE). Identity, Language, and Diversity (I-LanD) Journal, 30-50. DOI: 10.26379/IL2020002_003

Przymus, S. D. & Gutiérrez, J. O. S.  (2022). It’s all gone South! Applying Anzaldúan frameworks to metonymy, metaphor, and mythologies to understand the language of transnational youth. In S. Kasun & I. Mora-Pablo (Eds.), Youth Identities: Education, Language, and Culture Crossing Mexican-U.S. Borders

Broughton, A. J., Przymus, S. D., Ortiz, A. A., & Cruz, B. J. S. (2022). Critical Consciousness in Decision-Making: A Model for Educational Planning and Instruction With Bilingual/Multilingual Students with Disabilities. TEACHING Exceptional Children, 00400599221093655.

Przymus, S. D., & Brooks, Z. (2022). Decision Making in English as an Additional Language: Surprises and Advantages. English Language Teaching and Linguistics Studies, 3(4). DOI:

Przymus, S. D., Sparks, D., García, S., Silveus, A., & Cartmill, C. (2021). From imagined to in-practice and performed STEM identities: Measuring the impact of a Latina STEM Fellowship on the educational trajectories of Latina high school students. Association of Mexican American Educators Journal, 15(1), 113-139. DOI:

Przymus, S. D., & Malin, K. (2021). DACA Funds of Knowledge: Testimonios of Access to and Success in Higher Education. Journal of Hispanic Higher Education, 153819272110577. doi:10.1177/15381927211057769

Przymus, S. D.,Lindo, E. J. (2021). Dual-Language Books as a Red Herring: Exposing Language Use and IdeologiesThe Reading Teacher001– 11

Przymus, S. D., & Huddleston, G. (2021). The Hidden Curriculum of Monolingualism: Understanding Metonymy to Interrogate Problematic Representations of Raciolinguistic Identities in Schoolscapes. International Journal of Multicultural Education, 23(1), 67-86.

Sparks, D., Przymus, S. D., Silveus, A., & Cartmill, C. (2021). Navigating the Intersectionality of Race, Culture, and Gender Identity as an Aspiring Latina STEM Student. Journal of Latinos and Education.

Solmaz, O. & Przymus, S. D. (2021). [Book] Linguistic Landscapes in English Language Teaching: A Pedagogical Guidebook, TCU Digital Repository.

Przymus, S. D. & Smith, A. R. (2021). Gaming the system: Leveraging MMORPGs for leveling-up the playing field in schools for transnational students. In J. Perren, K. Kelch, J. Byun, S. Cervantes, & S. Safavi (Eds.), Applications of CALL Theory in ESL and EFL Environments 2nd Edition. Hershey, PA: IGI Global.

Przymus, S. D., Lengeling, M., Mora-Pablo, I., Serna-Gutiérrez, J. I. O. (2020). From DACA to Dark Souls: MMORPGs as sanctuary and sites of bilingual language/identity development for Los Otros Dreamers in Mexican schools. Journal of Language, Identity, and Education. DOI: 10.1080/15348458.2020.1791711

Przymus, S. D., Jiménez, F. R., & García, V. P. (2019). Mensajes de los abuelitos: Reclaiming Zapotec ways of knowing and community-based biliteracy practices in Oaxaca, México. Bilingual Review/Revista Bilingüe, 34(1), 57-76.

Przymus, S. D., & Alvarado, M. (2019). Advancing Bilingual Special Education: Translanguaging in Content-Based Story Retells for Distinguishing Language Difference from Disability. Multiple Voices for Ethnically Diverse Exceptional Learners, 19(1), 23-43.

Przymus, S. D., & Kohler, A. T. (2018). SIGNS: Uncovering the mechanisms by which messages in the linguistic landscape influence language/race ideologies and educational opportunities. Linguistics and Education, 44, 58-68.

Przymus, S. D. (2018). Appropriate assessment e instrucción de los emergent bilinguals con disabilities. In Jo Beth Jimerson & Sarah Quebec Fuentes (Eds.), Instructional Leadership in the Content Areas:  Case Studies for Curriculum and Instruction, pp. 321-333, Routledge.

Przymus, S. D. (2017). Bilingually traversing the US/Mexico" wall" via a classroom telecollaborative exchange: Translanguaging online with the Functional Approach to Code-switching Electronically (FACE). Issues and Trends in Educational Technology, 5(2).

Przymus, S. D. (2017). The Subliminal Influence of Street Signs in Schoolscapes: Elective vs. Circumstantial Reverse Indexicality in a Tale of Two Tucsons. Journal of Second Language Acquisition and Teaching, 24, 4-24.

Przymus, S. D. (2016). Challenging the monolingual paradigm in secondary dual-language instruction: Reducing language-as-problem with the 2-1-L2 model. Bilingual Research Journal, 39(3-4), 279-295.

Przymus, S. D. (2016). Imagining and moving beyond the ESL bubble: Facilitating communities of practice through the ELL Ambassadors Program.  The Journal of Language, Identity, and Education, 15(5), 265-279.

Przymus, S. D. (2014). Negotiating language use in CALL’s fourth phase: An introduction to a Functional Approach to Code-switching Electronically (FACE). Journal of Second Language Acquisition and Teaching, 21, 1-19.


Last Updated: December 12, 2024

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