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Ryan Schmitz

Ryan Schmitz, Ph.D.

Associate Professor

817-257-7894 Scharbauer Hall 3106

  • Spanish Literature


Ph.D. in Hispanic Literature, University of Texas, Austin

Courses Taught

  • SPAN 30503 Advanced Spanish: Personal to Public
  • SPAN 43203 Senior Seminar: Voces marginalizadas en las Novelas ejemplares de Cervantes
  • SPAN 4900 Topics in Hispanic Literature and Culture: El viaje
  • SPAN 32003 Culture of Spain
  • SPAN 30803 Introduction to Literature
  • SPAN 30603 Advanced Spanish: Local to Global
  • SPAN 43203 Senior Seminar: Encountering Otherness in Early Modern Spain
  • SPAN 43203 Senior Seminar: Cervantes’ Novelas ejemplares
  • SPAN 43203 Senior Seminar: Independent Study
  • SPAN 41103 Spanish Golden Age Literature
  • SPAN 41203 Cervantes and the Renaissance (Don Quijote)
  • SPAN 32503 Panorama of Spanish Literature 1
  • SPAN 30023 Summer Study Abroad--Culture
  • SPAN 31403 Advanced Spanish Grammar
  • SPAN 31203 Writing in Spanish
  • SPAN 31103 Oral Communication in Spanish
  • SPAN 20203 Intermediate Spanish 2 Honors
  • SPAN 20203 Intermediate Spanish 2
  • SPAN 20103 Intermediate Spanish 1

Areas of Focus

Early Modern Spanish Literature, Cervantes, Spanish Golden Age Drama, Renaissance Studies, Cognitive Approaches to Literature, Colonial Latin America.

“Gauging Trustworthiness in the Intercalated Novels of the 1605 Quijote” (Forthcoming) Cervantes: Bulletin of the Cervantes Society of America

“Juan Lorenzo Palmireno and the Practical Application of Humanistic Study.” Bulletin of Hispanic Studies. 101.2 (2024): 105-116.

“Theory of Mind in Early Modern Spanish Manuals of Courtly Conduct.Cognitive Approaches to Early Modern Spanish Literature. Ed. Isabel Jaén and Julien Simon. Oxford University Press, 2016. 164-180. 

“The Hand as Metaphor in Cervantes’s Novelas ejemplares.” Bulletin of Hispanic Studies. 93.2 (2016): 99-112.

“Tracing Transoceanic Intertextualities in More’s Utopia (1516), González de Mendoza’s Historia de China ((1585), and Fernández de Lizardi’s El Periquillo Sarniento (1816).”  eHumanista 27 (2014): 300-314.

“Sancho’s Courtly Performance: Discreción and the Art of Conversation in the Ducal Palace Episodes of Don Quijote II” Modern Language Notes 128.2 (2013): 445-455.

“Cervantes’s Language of the Heart in the Novelas ejemplares and Don QuijoteCervantes: Bulletin of the Cervantes Society of America. 32.2 (2012): 173-197.

“The Great Chain of Being and Cervantes’s Novelas ejemplareseHumanista 20 (2012): 511-524.

“Prudence, Sincerity, and the Body’s Betrayal of the Dissimulated Self in Cervantes’s La señora Cornelia”.  Bulletin of Spanish Studies 88.3 (2011): 349-366.

  • “Crises of Masculinity in the 1605 Quijote and Today.” Cervantes Ahora/ Cervantes Now, conference of the Cervantes Society of America, 9/19-9/20/2024 at the University of New Mexico at Albuquerque.
  • "Don Quijote de la Mancha y su impacto cultural a través de los siglos."Sigma Delta Pi, Spanish Department, Texas Tech University. 2/9/2024
  • “The Trials of Cardenio: Betrayal, Trust, and Exemplary Literature.” Texas Cervantes Symposium, University of Texas, Austin, 11/3-11/5/2023.
  • “Tracking Trust in the Intercalated Novels of the 1605 Quijote” at “Cervantes Global/ Global Cervantes” a joint conference of the Cervantes Society of America and the Asociación de Cervantistas at Princeton University, Princeton, NJ, 6/7-6/9/23
  • “Preciosa’s Exemplary Discretion” North American Cervantes Society of America Conference, Univeristy of Calgary, Calgary, Alberta, Canada. September 27th – 29th, 2018.
  • “Gossip, Hypocrisy, and Reading Other Minds: A Cognitive Approach to El coloquio de los perros” Sixth Texas Cervantes Symposium at the University of Texas at Austin, Octoberer 21-22, 2016.
  • “Cleanliness and the Construction of Identity in Part II of Don Quijote” “Don Quijote and the Mediterranean World” at the University of Texas at Austin October 18th and 19th
  • "Poverty and Delinquency in Barataria: Contextualizing Sancho’s Humanist Social Reform." "Don Quijote in the American West: A Fourth-Centenary Celebration (1615-2015), University of Colorado, Denver and University of Wyoming, Laramie. April 23-26, 2015. 
  • “Elementos utópicos en la Historia de China de Juan González de Mendoza.” “VIII Congreso Internacional de la Asociación Asiática de Hispanistas” (8th International Congress of the Asian Association of Hispanists) in Shanghai, China, July 17th, 2013.
  • “Hands Discourse, and Economic Production in the Novelas ejemplares.” Modern Language Association, Boston, MA, January 5, 2013; Program arranged by Cervantes Society of America and the Division on Sixteenth- and Seventeenth-Century Poetry and Prose.
  • Panel discussion participant: “Quixotic Frontiers.” Central Texas Cervantes Symposium 2011, hosted by the Cervantes Society of America at the University of Texas, Austin on   October 21st, 2011.
  • Pechos sinceros: Heart and Chest Imagery in the Novelas ejemplares.” Central Texas Cervantes Symposium 2010, hosted by The Cervantes Society of America at the University of Texas, Austin, TX on November 19th, 2010.
  • “Reading the Signs of Identity in Cervantes Novelas ejemplares.” South Central Modern Languages Association Conference, Fort Worth, TX, October 28th, 2010.
  • Modern Language Association
  • Cervantes Society of America

Last Updated: November 19, 2024

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