Ryan Porter
r.porter@tcu.edu 817-257-6868Rickel 172E
Program Affiliations
Ph.D in Exercise Science, University of South Carolina
M.S. in Health, and Human Movement, Utah State University
B.S. in Exercise Science, Brigham Young University – Idaho
Courses Taught
Physiology of Muscular Activity
Clinical Exercise Physiology
Areas of Focus
Effects of exercise on lipoprotein profiles
Improving chronic disease risk through community-based behavior change programs
Durstine, J.L., Anderson, E., Porter, R.R., Wang, X. Physical Activity, Exercise, and Lipids and Lipoproteins. Cardiorespiratory Fitness in Cardiometabolic Diseases – Prevention and Management in Clinical Practice. Springer, 2019.
Ross, L.M., Porter, R.R., and Durstine, J.L. (2016). High-Intensity Interval Training (HIIT) for Patients with Chronic Diseases. Journal of Sport and Health Science, 5(2), 139-144.
Wang, X., Greer, J., Porter, R.R., Kaur, K., & Youngstedt, S.D. (2016). Short-term moderate sleep restriction decreases insulin sensitivity in young healthy adults. Sleep Health, 2, 63-68.
Hardee, J.P., Porter, R.R., Sui, X., Archer, E., Lee, I.M., Lavie, C.J., & Blair, S.N. (2014). The effect of resistance exercise on all-cause mortality in cancer survivors. Mayo Clinic Proceedings, 89 (8), 1108-1115.
Porter, R., Blackwell, S., Smith, G., Wagner, D.R., Gordin, R.D., & Dolny, D.G. (2014). Metabolic cost comparison of running on an aquatic treadmill with water jets and land treadmill with incline. International Journal of Aquatic Research & Education, 8(1).
- Porter, R.R., Kopera, K.W., & Trilk, J.L. Feasibility and Effectiveness of Community-Based Virtual Reality Group Exercise Training in Persons with Spinal Cord Injury. Thematic poster presentation – American College of Sports Medicine Annual Meeting, 2019, Orlando, FL
- Porter, R.R., Ewing, A., & Trilk, J.L. The effect of Exercise is Medicine Greenville (EIMG) on body weight and blood pressure. Poster presentation – Discover USC, 2019, Columbia, SC
- Trilk, J.L., Porter, R.R., Denham, N., & Gluck, W.L. Cardiorespiratory health, muscular strength/endurance and fat free mass are improved after 12 weeks of exercise therapy in cancer survivors. Poster presentation – GHS Proceedings, 2018, Greenville, SC
- Porter, R.R., Durstine, J.L., Breneman, C.B., & Wang, X. Moderate intensity exercise on lipoprotein particle size and concentration in older women. Poster/Oral presentation – the Inauguration BRICS Council of Exercise and Sports Science Conference, 2017, Santos, Brazil
- Porter, R.R. Exercise intensity and health related outcomes. Video presentation – Global Forum for Physical Education Pedagogy, 2016, Ankara, Turkey
- American College of Sports Medicine
- American Heart Association
Last Updated: November 19, 2024