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Robert Matthew Calhoun, Ph.D.
Research Assistant to the Bradford Chair
r.m.calhoun@tcu.edu817-257-7441Beasley Hall 210D
Program Affiliations
Ph.D., University of Chicago
BA, Abilene Christian University
Recent Publications
- Edited with David P. Moessner and Tobias Nicklas, Modern and Ancient Literary Criticism of the Gospels: Continuing the Debate on Gospel Genre(s), WUNT 451 (Tübingen: Mohr Siebeck, 2020).
- Edited with Rainer Hirsch-Luipold, The Origins of New Testament Theology: A Dialogue with Hans Dieter Betz, WUNT 440 (Tübingen: Mohr Siebeck, 2020).
- "The Lord's Prayer in Christian Amulets," Early Christianity 11 (2020): 415–451.
- "Christological Punctuation: A Note on Phil 2:7," Novum Testamentum 61 (2019): 409–422.
- "The Gospel(-Amulet) as God's Power for Salvation," Early Christianity 10 (2019): 21–55.
Last Updated: November 19, 2024