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Ralph Carter

Ralph Carter, Ph.D.

Piper Professor

817-257-6398 Scharbauer Hall 2007D

  • Russian Politics /
  • Middle Eastern Studies /
  • Foreign Policy /
  • International Relations


Ph.D., Political Science, The Ohio State University (1980)
MA, Political Science, The Ohio State University (1977)
BA, Political Science, Midwestern State University (1974)

Courses Taught

POSC 10093 Introduction to Political Science
POSC 20303 International Politics
POSC 33503 Contemporary U.S. Foreign Policy
POSC 33513 U.S. Foreign Policy Making
POSC 33523 U.S. Foreign Policy in Film
POSC 33633 Russian Foreign Policy
POSC 33703 Mideast Conflicts
POSC 35003 Comparative Politics - Politics of Israel and Palestine
Russian Foreign Policy
Foreign Policy Analysis
American and Texas Government
Congress and the Presidency
Texas Politics

Areas of Focus

International relations; U.S. foreign policy; Congress and foreign policy; U.S. democracy promotion; Russian and Mideast foreign policy.

Ralph G. Carter, Professor, teaches introductory courses in political science and international politics as well as advanced courses in U.S. foreign policy, Russian foreign policy, and Mideast conflicts. He is the author, co-author, editor, or co-editor of IR: Seeking Security, Prosperity, and Quality of Life in a Changing World, 4th ed. (2022) with James M. Scott and A. Cooper Drury; Teaching International Relations (2021) with James M. Scott, Brandy Jolliff Scott, and Jeffrey S. Lantis; Congress and U.S. Foreign Policy: Activism, Assertiveness and Acquiescence in a Polarized Era (2021) with James M. Scott; Contemporary Cases in U.S. Foreign Policy: From National Security to Human Security, 6th ed. (2021); Making U.S. Foreign Policy: The Essentials, 2nd ed. (2019); the 44 essay Foreign Policy Analysis component of the International Studies Encyclopedia (2010) with Steven B. Redd, Valerie M. Hudson, Patrick James, and Jeffrey Pickering; Choosing to Lead: Understanding Congressional Foreign Policy Entrepreneurs (2009) with James M. Scott; Making American Foreign Policy (2nd ed. 1996), with John T. Rourke and Mark A. Boyer, and author or co-author of 50 journal articles, book chapters, and other professional publications. He was one of the inaugural editors of the journal Foreign Policy Analysis and served on the editorial boards of both Foreign Policy Analysis and International Studies Perspectives. His research agenda focuses on the making of U.S. foreign, trade, and defense policy, with a particular emphasis on the roles played by members of Congress.

In 2014, Professor Carter was named one of 10 Piper Professors of Texas and also received TCU’s highest faculty award – the Chancellor’s Award for Distinguished Achievement as a Creative Teacher and Scholar. In 2012, Princeton Review named Professor Carter one of The Best 300 Professors in the United States. In 2006, he became the first person from a non-doctoral program to receive the International Studies Association’s Quincy Wright Distinguished Scholar Award. He received TCU’s Deans’ Teaching Award in 2007 and was also named one of five ‘Best Professors’ at TCU by the Texas Monthly 2004 Guide to Texas Colleges and Universities. His TCU service includes participation in its strategic planning processes, two-plus terms as department chair, and stints as director of TCU’s Washington Internship Program, Pre-Law Advisor, and Truman Scholarship Faculty Representative. His professional service includes membership on the program committee of the American Political Science Association and a variety of roles within the International Studies Association, including service as president of ISA’s Midwest Region, president of ISA’s Foreign Policy Analysis Section, member of ISA’s Executive Committee and Governing Council (twice), and associate section editor for the ISA Compendium Project.

A native of Wichita Falls, Texas, his BA is from Midwestern State University and his M.A. and Ph.D. are from The Ohio State University.

  • Scott, James, Ralph Carter, and Cooper Drury (forthcoming). IR (3rd ed.). Washington, DC: CQ Press/Sage; (2nd ed., 2016). New York: Cengage Learning. (1st ed., 2014).
  • Carter, Ralph G. (2015). Essentials of U.S. Foreign Policy Making. New York: Pearson Education.
  • Carter, Ralph G. (Ed.) (2014). Contemporary Cases in U.S. Foreign Policy: From Terrorism to Trade (5thed.). Washington, DC: CQ Press. (4th ed., 2011; 3rd ed., 2008; 2nd ed., 2005; 1st ed., 2002).
  • Redd, Steven B., Ralph G. Carter, Valerie M. Hudson, Patrick James, and Jeffrey Pickering (Eds.)(2010). Foreign Policy Analysis. Forty-four essay component of the International Studies Association’s International Studies Compendium Project the print version of which is Robert A. Denemark (ed.), The International Studies Encyclopedia. Malden, MA: Blackwell.
  • Carter, Ralph G. and James M. Scott. (2009). Choosing to Lead: Understanding Congressional Foreign Policy Entrepreneurs. Durham, NC: Duke University Press.
  • Dundee University, Scotland
  • Charles University, Budapest
  • Goethe University, Frankfurt
  • University of Quebec at Montreal
  • Bush School, Texas A&M University
  • Denison University
  • Northern Illinois University
  • College of Wooster
  • Piper Professor
  • 300 Best Professors
  • Quincy Wright Award
  • TCU Chancellor’s Award
  • TCU Deans’ Award
  •  International Studies Association
  • American Political Science Association
  •  President ISA Foreign Policy Analysis Section
  • President ISA Midwest Region
  • ISA Executive Committee
  • ISA Governing Council
  • Journal Editor, Foreign Policy Analysis
  • Chair, ISA Best Book of Year Committee
  • TCU Department Chair
  • TCU Academic Profile Committee
  • TCU Pre-Law Advisor
  • Workshop leader, Renaissance Weekend

Last Updated: November 19, 2024

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