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MAJ Nena Cauda

MAJ Nena Cauda

Assistant Professor of Military Science

(817) 257-6455 Rickel Academic Wing 044 (map link)

Major Nena Cauda was born and raised in Ohio. She attended the University of the Cumberlands in Kentucky from 2006-2010. There, she graduated with a Bachelor of Business Administration and was a two-year captain of the national champion women’s wrestling team.  MAJ Cauda earned her MBA from Lindenwood University in 2012, where she was also the graduate assistant coach of the varsity women’s wrestling team. She is married to Christopher Cauda.

MAJ Cauda joined the Army in 2013 and attended Initial Entry Training, including Basic Combat Training in Fort Jackson, SC, Officer Candidate School in Fort Benning, GA. She commissioned as an Ordnance Officer,  graduating from the Ordnance Basic Officer Leader’s Course at Fort Lee, VA. MAJ Cauda then attended the Naval School Explosive Ordnance Disposal in Eglin AFB, FL.

MAJ Cauda’s first assignment was as a Platoon Leader for the 704th Ordnance Company (EOD) on Fort Hood, TX. In 2017, the unit deployed to Afghanistan in support of Operation Freedom’s Sentinel. Upon redeployment, MAJ Cauda took over as 704th’s Operations Officer. She then returned to Fort Lee for the EOD-Logistics Combined Captains Career Course.

In 2018, MAJ Cauda took command of the 55th Ordnance Company (EOD) at Fort Belvoir, VA, a unit dedicated to providing EOD support to the National Capital Region, POTUS, VPOTUS, their Families, Foreign Heads of State, and other dignitaries.

MAJ Cauda returned to Fort Hood in 2020 and served as the III Armored Corps EOD Officer before becoming the Speechwriter for the Office of the Commanding General. She joined the TCU Army ROTC team in June 2022 as an Assistant Professor of Military Science and is the principle advisor to MSIII Cadets.

Last Updated: November 19, 2024

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