Monica Jenschke
m.jenschke@tcu.edu817-257-6755Annie Richardson Bass Building 3111
Program Affiliations
PhD, Biomedical Sciences, Department of Pharmacology and Neuroscience, University
of North Texas Health Science Center at Fort Worth
MHS, Nurse Anesthesia, Texas Wesleyan University
BSN, Nursing, University of Texas Health Science Center at San Antonio
Courses Taught
Translational Research
Advanced Pathophysiology and Clinical Management
Clinical Practicum
Advanced Project
Areas of Focus
The effect of aging on postoperative pain, use of multimodal analgesia/anesthesia
techniques, NMDA antagonists in reducing opioid tolerance and opioid-induced hyperalgesia,
perioperative fluid management, pharmacology, interprofessional education, and fostering
health and wellness in nurse anesthesia.
PhD dissertation: Aging confers an increase in sensitivity and sensitization to pain
and results in shifts of spinal NR1 receptor expression.
Last Updated: November 19, 2024