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Mona Narain

Mona Narain, Ph.D.


she/hers Reed Hall 320

  • Gender & Sexuality /
  • British Literature /
  • Race & Ethnic Studies /
  • Women's Literature


Ph.D., English Literature, State University of New York at Stony Brook, 1994
Graduate Certificate in Women’s Studies, State University of New York at Stony Brook
MA, English Literature, University of Bombay, 1987
BA, English Literature, Panjab University, 1985

Courses Taught

Multi-ethnic Literature of the World
Major British Writers
The Early English Novel
Modern Indian Literature and Culture
Junior Research Seminar in Global Literature

World Women Writers and Cosmopolitanisms
Before and After Orientalism: (Post) Colonial Encounters
Introduction to Modern Critical Theory
The Long Eighteenth-Century

Areas of Focus

18th century British Literature, 20th and 21st century British Literature, Global Literatures, (Post)Colonial Studies, Critical Theory, Race and Ethnic Studies, Women's Writing, Gender and Sexuality

  • Gender and Space in British Literature, 1660-1820. Editors, Mona Narain and Karen Gevirtz. Aldershot, U.K.: Ashgate Press, 2014.
  • “History and Myth: Rewinding the Past in Salman Rushdie’s “The Prophet’s Hair” and The Moor’s Last Sigh,” Critical Insights: Salman Rushdie. Ed. Bernard F. Rodgers. Ipswich, MA: Salem Press, 2013. 44-60.
  • “Eighteenth-Century Indians’ Travel Narratives and Cross-Cultural Encounters with the West,” Literature Compass 9:2 (2012): 151-165.
  • “Dean Mahomet’s Travels, Border Crossings and the Narrative of Alterity.” Studies in English Literature (SEL) 49:3 (2009): 693-716.
  • “Colonial Desires: The Fantasy of Empire and Elizabeth Hamilton’s Translations of the Letters of a Hindoo Rajah.” Studies in Romanticism (SIR) 45:4 (2006): 585-98.
  • “Postcolonial Revisions of the Early Modern,” Andrea, Bernadette and Mona Narain, eds.  Special Issue of the Journal for Early Modern Culture Studies 6:2 (2006): 1-102.
  • “Libertine Spaces and the Female Body in the poetry of Rochester and Edward Ward,” English Literary History (ELH) 72 (2005): 553-76.
  • “Body and Politics in Aphra Behn’s Love Letters between a Nobleman and his Sister.” Women Writing 1550-1750. Ed. Paul Salzman and Jo Wallwork. Special issue of Meridian 18:1, (2001):151-62.

NEH Summer Stipend Grant for Summer 2013

American Society for Eighteenth-Century Studies

 Reader, for Eighteenth-Century Studies, Eighteenth-Century Fiction, Eighteenth-Century Theory and Interpretation, Literature Compass, Ariel: A Review of International English Literature, Routledge Press, Ashgate Press, and Thomson and Wadsworth Press.

Last Updated: November 19, 2024

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