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Michael Sawey

Michael Sawey, MS

Senior Instructor

817-257-6175 Winton Scott (WIN) 412


MS Environmental Science, Texas Christian University, 2008
BS Biology, Texas Wesleyan University, 1994

Areas of Focus

  • Science education & pedagogy
  • Improving scientific literacy in the general public
  • Water quantity & quality issues


  • Contemporary Issues in Biology (BIOL 10003)
  • Natural History (BIOL 30613)
  • Teaching Intro Level Biology (BIOL 40320)
  • Graduate Teaching in Biology (BIOL 60111)
  • Advanced Teaching in Biology (BIOL 60703)
  • Teaching Practicum in Biology (BIOL 80703)

Textbook Publication: Issues in Biology, 3rd ed. Michael & April Sawey, Kendall Hunt, 2019-2024.

  • "A solid understanding of basic scientific principles is necessary for everyone—regardless of job position or perceived ability to “do science.” Many students will find themselves in a place where they will need to understand some aspect of science. Most will be parents or voters—and presumably all will be consumers. For these reasons alone, all individuals must have some fundamental scientific skills in order to critically analyze situations, scenarios, or products in an objective, balanced way, or else risk damage to one’s self, loved ones, or the environment. Additionally, many will need to advocate for their health or the health of a loved one.  Issues in Biology focuses on increasing a student's scientific literacy and Biology knowledge by using relevant issues that affect virtually all people. More than just a “hook” to interest students, Issues in Biology places the issue first, in the form of a current article or video, followed by the Biological content necessary to fully understand the significance of the article or video. Specifically written to appeal to the general public, this text makes it clear that all included scientific concepts are deliberately chosen, relevant, and useful to all college students, regardless of their major." (Excerpt from publisher's website)

Contributing author for species description in the digital app, Flora of Texas: Fort Worth Prairie Region. Published by the Botanical Research Institute of Texas and High Country Apps, LLC. 2015.

  • Sawey, M., Sawey, A., Issues in Biology, Kendall-Hunt2019.
  • Sawey, M., Got a Big Class? i>Clickers Can Bring it Down to Size, Insights into Teaching and Learning, Spring 2013, Koehler Center for Teaching Excellence, Texas Christian University.
  • Sawey, M. 2024. Using Contemporary Issues to teach Biology content to non-major University students. National Science Teacher’s Association (NSTA) Annual Conference. Denver, Colorado.
  • Sawey, M. 2014. University Student Responses to the Inclusion of Environmental Curricula. North American Association of Environmental Educators (NAAEE), Ottawa, Canada.
  • Sawey, A., Sawey, M., Place-based environmental education: Creating a professional learning community. 2013 Ecological Society of America, Life Discovery Conference. St. Paul, MN.
  • Sawey, M., Sawey, A., Using Wikispaces for collaborative content creation in a non-major’s biology lab. 2013 Ecological Society of America, Life Discovery Conference. St. Paul, MN.
  • Park, A. J., M. Sawey, M.M. Chumchal, R.W. Drenner, Y. Deng, and W.H. Nowlin. Biomagnification of mercury within the macroinvertebrate community of Caddo Lake. 2011 South Central Regional Chapter of the Society of Environmental Toxicology and Chemistry Annual Meeting, Denton, Texas.
  • Sawey, M.*, M.M. Chumchal, R.W. Drenner, and J.E. Pinder III. 2008. Habitat-specific differences in mercury concentrations of Mississippi grass shrimp from Caddo Lake, Texas. South Central Regional Chapter of the Society of Environmental Toxicology and Chemistry Annual Meeting, Houston, Texas.
  • Outstanding Use of Classroom Technology, Non-Majors Biology Leadership Conference, San Francisco, CA (2012)
  • Outstanding Course Design, Non-Majors Biology Leadership Conference, Atlanta, GA (2011)
  • Outstanding Graduate Student of the Year, Texas Christian University, 2008
  • Graduate TA of the Year, Texas Christian University, Biology Department, 2008
  • 1st place poster (Biology), Student Research Symposium, TCU (2008)
  • Society for College Science Teaching
  • National Science Teachers Association
  • Textbook and Academic Authors
  • North American Association for Environmental Education
  • Association of Science Teacher Educators
  • Texas Association of Biology Teachers

Last Updated: November 19, 2024

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