Michael Kruger
michael.kruger@tcu.edu817-257-7727TUC 102 (map link)
Program Affiliations
Ph.D. (Physics), University of California at Berkeley, 1992
M.A. (Physics), University of California at Berkeley, 1987
B.S. (Physics), State University of New York at Stony Brook, Magna Cum Laude, Departmental Honors,
Leadership Development
Harvard Institute for Management and Leadership in Education (MLE), 2019
Western Academic Leadership Academy (WICHE), 2018
CCAS Workshop for Associate and Assistant Deans, 2015
American Council on Education (ACE) - Chairing the Academic Department, 2010
Univ. of Missouri Leadership Development Training Program (LDP), 2006 - 2007
Project Kaleidoscope (PKAL) Leadership Institute, 2001
Professor, Department of Physics & Astronomy, Texas Christian University, 2021-Present
Lohre Distinguished Professor, Department of Physics, University of South Dakota (USD),
Curators’ Professor, Department of Physics and Astronomy, University of Missouri-Kansas
City (UMKC), 2010-2017
Visiting Professor, Australian National University, Canberra, Australia, 2003-2004
Professor, Department of Physics and Astronomy, UMKC, 2002-2010
Associate Professor, Department of Physics, UMKC, 1998-2002
Assistant Professor, Department of Physics, UMKC, 1993-1998
Postdoctoral Research Associate, Department of Geology and Geophysics, University
of California, Berkeley, 1992-1993
Dean of the College of Science & Engineering, TCU, 2021-Present
Dean of the College of Arts and Sciences, USD, 2017-2021
Associate Dean, College of Arts and Sciences, UMKC, 2013-2017
Interim Chair, Department of Geosciences, UMKC, 2014-2016
Chair, Department of Physics and Astronomy, UMKC, 2004-2013
Shanghai Second Polytechnic Institute Outstanding Overseas Teacher, May 2017
President’s University Citizenship Award for Leadership, University of Missouri System,
College of Arts and Sciences Alumni Good Teaching Award, UMKC, 2009 - 2010
Outstanding Society of Physics Students Advisor of the Year Finalist, National SPS,
2010, 2012, 2014
National Science Foundation CAREER Award Recipient, 1998
Mineral Physics Award, 1992 (American Geophysical Union)
Phi Beta Kappa
Council of Colleges of Arts & Sciences
Phi Kappa Phi
American Physical Society
American Association of Physics Teachers
Sigma Pi Sigma
Project Kaleidoscope
Sigma Xi (Kansas City Chapter President 1996-1998)
Rotary Club
Friends of USD Opera
First Nighters (Supporter of USD Theater)
UMKC Mixed Martial Arts Club Faculty Advisor & Instructor
Greater Kansas City Science & Engineering Fair Judge
CCAS Seminar for Department Chairs
M. B. Kruger and J. M. Wrobel, Physics in Sports, (JASK Press, 2016)
- Li, O. R. Musaev, J. M. Wrobel and M. B. Kruger, “Crystallization by laser annealing of amorphous SnO2 films on the Si (100) surface” Applied Physics A 124:499 (2018).
- Sapkota, Y. Li, O. R. Musaev, J. M. Wrobel, and M B. Kruger “Effect of electric fields on tin nanoparticles prepared by laser ablation in water” Journal of Laser Applications 29, 012002 (2017).
- O.R. Musaev, E.A. Sutter, J.M. Wrobel, and M.B. Kruger, “The effect of magnetic fields on the products of laser ablation” Applied Physics A (2016).
- Li, O. R. Musaev, J. M. Wrobel and M. B. Kruger, "Laser ablation in liquids of germanium in externally applied electric fields" Journal of Laser Applications, 28 022004 (2016).
- R. Musaev, J. Yan, V. Dusevich, J. M. Wrobel and M. B. Kruger, “Nano-Second Laser Ablation in Liquids -A Method for Compound Nanoparticle Fabrication” Laser Ablation: Fundamentals, Methods and Applications 131-150 in (2015) (Chapter in an edited book).
- R. Musaev, J. Yan, V. Dusevich, J. M. Wrobel and M. B. Kruger, “Ni nanoparticles fabricated by laser ablation in water” Applied Physics A, 116, 735 (2014).
- Xia, N. Li, Y. Zhang, M. B. Kruger, J. Murowchick, A. Selloni, and X. Chen “Directional Heat Dissipation Across the Interface in Anatase-Rutile Nanocomposites” Applied Materials & Interfaces 5 9883-9890 (2013).
- O.R. Musaev, M.S. Driver, E.A. Sutter, A.N. Caruso, J.M. Wrobel and M.B. Kruger, “Influence of the liquid environment on the products formed from the laser ablation of tin” Applied Physics A 113 355 (2013).
- A. Guirgis, J. J. Klaassen, B. H. Pate, N. A. Seifert, I. D. Darkhalil, B. S. Deodhar, J. K. Wyatt, H. W. Dukes, M. Kruger, J. R. Durig, “Microwave, infrared, and Raman spectra, structural parameters, vibrational assignments and theoretical calculations of 1,3-disilacyclpentane, Journal of Molecular Structure 1049 400-408 (2013).
- O.R. Musaev, E. Sutter, J.M. Wrobel and M.B. Kruger, “Structures of BiInSn Nanoparticles Formed through Laser Ablation” Applied Physics A 10 329-333 (2012).
- D V S Muthu, A E Midgley, P R Scott, M B Kruger, J R Sahu, A K Sood and C N R Rao “High - pressure synchrotron x-ray diffraction study of RMnO3 (R = Eu, Gd, Tb and Dy) up to 50 GPa” Journal of Physics Conference Series 377 012025 (2012).
- Paul R. Scott, J. A. Crow, M. M ̧aczka and M. B. Kruger, “An X-ray Diffraction Study of Pressure-induced Phase Transitions in Bi2MoO6” Journal of Solid State Chemistry 194 15-18 (2012).
- O.R. Musaev, E. Sutter, J. M. Wrobel and M.B. Kruger, “Au, Ge and AuGe Nanoparticles Fabricated by Laser Ablation” 14 654-659 Nano Letters (2012).
- O.R. Musaev, P. Scott, J.M. Wrobel, J. A. Wolf and M.B. Kruger, “UV laser ablation of parylene films from gold substrates” 46, pp 183-187 J. Material Science (2011).
- R. Scott, A. Midgley, O. Musaev, D.V.S. Muthu, S. Singh, R. Suryanarayanan, A. Revcolevschi, A.K. Sood, and M. B. Kruger, “High-Pressure Synchrotron X-ray Diffraction Study of the Pyrochlores: Ho2Ti2O7, Y2Ti2O7 and Tb2Ti2O7” 31 219-227 High Pressure Research (2011).
- R. Musaev, V. Dusevich, J. M. Wrobel and M. B. Kruger, “Synthesis of In nanoparticles on InP wafers by laser-assisted etching” J. Mater. Sci. 46 3157-3161 (2011).
- O.R. Musaev, A.E. Midgley, J.M. Wrobel and M.B. Kruger, “Laser Ablation of Alumina in Water” Chemical Physics Letters 487, pp 81-93 (2010).
- E.A. Petruska, D.V.S. Muthu, S. Carlson, A.M. Krogh Andersen, L. Ouyang, and M.B. Kruger, “High-pressure Raman and infrared spectroscopic studies of ZrP2O7” 150, 235-239 (2010) Solid State Communications.
- B.K. Godwal, E. A. Petruska, S. Speziale, J. Yan, S. M. Clark, M.B. Kruger and R. Jeanloz, “High Pressure Raman and X-ray Diffraction Studies on LaB6” Physical Review B 80, 172104 (2009).
- Scott, D. Wieliczka, and M. Kruger, “Depth Profiled XPS Analysis of a Polymerized Silicon-Carbon Thin Film” Plasma Chemistry and Plasma Processing 29 559-566 (2009)
- Omar Musaev, Alexander Midgley, Jerzy Wrobel, Jinyuan Yan, and Michael B. Kruger, “Fractal character of titania nanoparticles formed by laser ablation” Journal of Applied Physics 106 054306 (3 pp) (2009).
- Bin Chen, Hengzhong Zhang, K. A. Dunphy-Guzman, D. Spagnoli, M. B. Kruger, D.V. S. Muthu, M. Kunz, S. Fakra, J. Z. Hu, Q. Z. Guo, Jillian F. Banfield, “Size-dependent elasticity of nanocrystalline titania” Physical Review B 79 125406 (8 pp) (2009).
- R. Musaev, A. E. Midgley, D. V. S. Muthu, J. M. Wrobel and M. B. Kruger, “X-Ray Diffraction of Permalloy Nanoparticles Fabricated by Laser Ablation in Water” Materials Letters 63 893-895 (2009).
- D.V.S. Muthu, A.E. Midgley, E.A. Petruska, A.K. Sood, Y. Bando, D. Golberg, and M.B. Kruger, “High-pressure effects on boron nitride multi-walled nanotubes: An X-ray diffraction study” Chemical Physics Letters 466 205-208 (2008).
- E. Debs, N. P. Robins, A. Lance, M. B. Kruger, and J. D. Close, “Piezo-locking a diode laser with saturated absorption spectroscopy” Applied Optics 47 5163-5166 (2008).
- R. Musaev, V. Dusevich, D. M. Wieliczka, J. M. Wrobel and M.B. Kruger “Nanoparticle Fabrication of Hydroxyapatite by Laser Ablation in Water” Journal of Applied Physics, 104 084316 (5pp) (2008).
- R.C. Middleton, D.V.S. Muthu, M.B. Kruger, “High-pressure spectroscopic studies of europium gallium and gadolinium aluminum garnets” Solid State Communications, 148, 310-313 (2008).
- Musaev, J. M. Wrobel, D. Wieliczka, M. B. Kruger, and V. Dusevich “Formation of InP nanoparticles by laser ablation in aqueous environment” Physica E, 40, 3147-3150 (2008).
- R. Musaev, O. S. Kwon, J. M. Wrobel, D.-M. Zhu, and M. B. Kruger, “Evolution of InP Surfaces under Low Fluence Pulsed UV Irradiation” Applied Surface Science, 254, 5803-5806 (2008).
- D.V.S. Muthu, B. Chen, B.A. Cook, and M.B. Kruger, Effects of Sample Preparation on the Mechanical Properties of AlMgB14, High Pressure Research 28, 63-68 (2008).
- Kanishka Biswas, D. V. S. Muthu, A. K. Sood, M. B. Kruger, Bin Chen and C. N. R. Rao, “Pressure-induced phase transitions in nanocrystalline ReO3” Journal of Physics: Condensed Matter 19 436214 (11pp) (2007).
- L. C. Hemamala, F. El-Ghussein, D.V.S. Muthu, A.M. Krogh Andersen, S. Carlson, L. Ouyang and M.B. Kruger, “High Pressure Raman and Infrared Study of ZrV2O7 “Solid State Communications 141 680 (2007).
- El-Ghussein, J. M. Wrobel and M. B. Kruger, “Dispersion Measurements with Minimum and Maximum Deviated Beams” American Journal of Physics 74 888 (2006).
- Figl, L. Longchambon, M. Jeppesen, M. B. Kruger, H. A. Bachor, N. P. Robins and J. D. Close, “Demonstration and characterization of a detector for minimally destructive detection of Bose condensed atoms in real time.” Applied Optics 45 3415 (2006).
- L. C. Hemamala, F. El-Ghussein, A. M. Goedken, B. Chen, Ch. Leroux and M. B. Kruger, “High-Pressure X-ray Diffraction and Raman Spectroscopy of HfV2O7” Phys. Rev. B. 70 214114 (2004).
- Chen, D. Penwell, J.H. Nguyen and M. B. Kruger, “High Pressure X-ray Diffraction Study of Fe2B”, Solid State Communications 129 573–575 (2004).
- E. Lipinska-Kalita, M. B. Kruger, S. Carlson, and A. M. Krogh Andersen, High-Pressure Studies of Titanium Pyrophosphate by Raman Scattering and Infrared Spectroscopy” Physica B: Condensed Matter 337, 221 (2003).
- E. Lipinska-Kalita, B. Chen, M. B. Kruger, Y. Ohki, J. Murowchick, and E. P. Gogol, “High-pressure x-ray diffraction studies of the nanostructured transparent vitroceramic medium K2O-SiO2-Ga2O3” Phys. Rev. B 68, 035209 (2003).
- Chen, D. V. S, Muthu, Z. X. Liu, A. W. Sleight and M. B. Kruger, “High-pressure optical study of HfW2O8”, J. Physics, 14, 13911 (2002).
- Chen, D. Penwell, W. Caldwell, R. Jeanloz and M. B. Kruger, “Particle-size effect on the compressibility of nanocrystalline alumina”, Phys. Rev. B, 66 144101 (2002).
- V. S. Muthu, B. Chen, A. W. Sleight, J. M. Wrobel and M. B. Kruger, “ZrW2O8 and HfW2O8: Band Gap Shifts under Pressure”, Solid State Comm. 122, 25 (2002).
- V. S. Muthu, B. Chen, J. Wrobel, A. M. Krogh Andersen, S. Carlson and M. B. Kruger, “Pressure-induced phase transitions in α-ZrMo2O8” Phys. Rev. B 65, 064101 (2002).
- Chen, D. V. S. Muthu, Z. X. Liu, A. W. Sleight and M. B. Kruger, “High Pressure Infrared and Raman Study of HfW2O8”, Phys. Rev. B 64, 214111 (2001).
- Chen, D. Penwell, M. B. Kruger, A. F. Yue and B. Fultz, “Nanocrystalline iron at high pressure”, J. Appl. Phys., 89, 4794, (2001).
- E. Moffitt, B. Chen, D. M. Wieliczka and M. B. Kruger, “XPS comparison between nanocrystalline γ-alumina and a new high pressure polymorph”, Solid State Comm., 116, 631 (2000).
- Chen, D. Penwell and M. B. Kruger, “The Compressibility of Nanocrystalline Nickel”, Solid State Comm., 115, 191 (2000).
- M. Lemor, M. B. Kruger, D. M. Wieliczka, P. Spencer and, T. May, “Dentin Etch Chemistry Investigated by Raman and Infrared Spectroscopy”, J. Raman Spec. 31, 171-176 (2000).
- R. Benedetti, J. H. Nguyen, W. A. Caldwell, H. Liu, M. B. Kruger and R. Jeanloz, “Dissociation of CH4 at High Pressures and Temperatures: Diamond Formation in Giant Planet Interiors?”, Science 286, 100 (1999).
- W. Heckathorn, M. B. Kruger, D. Gerlich and R. Jeanloz, “High Pressure Behavior of the Alkali Cyanides, KCN and NaCN”, Phys. Rev. B.60, 979 (1999).
- M. Lemor, M. B. Kruger, D. M. Wieliczka, J. R. Swafford and P. Spencer, “Spectroscopic and Morphologic Characterization of the Dentin/Adhesive Interface”, J. Biomed. Optics 4, 22 (1999).
- H. Nguyen, W. A. Caldwell, L. R. Benedetti, M. B. Kruger and R. Jeanloz, “High Pressure-High Temperature Synthesis of Low-Compressibility Cubic C3N4”, High-Pressure Materials Research, edited by: R.M. Wentzcovitch, R.J. Hemley, W.J. Nellis, P.Y. Yu, 303 (1998).
- M. Wieliczka, M. B. Kruger and P. Spencer, “Raman Imaging of Dental Adhesive Diffusion”, Appl. Spect., 51, 1593 (1997).
- M. Li, M. B. Kruger, J. H. Nguyen, W. A. Caldwell, and R. Jeanloz, “High Pressure X-Ray Diffraction of β-Si3N4”, Solid State Comm., 103, 107 (1997).
- B. Kruger, J. H. Nguyen, W. Caldwell and R. Jeanloz, “Equation of State of MgAl2O4 Spinel to 65 GPa”, Phys. Rev. B, 56, 1 (1997).
- H. Nguyen, M. B. Kruger, R. Jeanloz, “Evidence for “partial” (sublattice) amorphization in Co(OH)2”, Phys. Rev. Lett., 78, 1936 (1997).
- B. Kruger, J. H. Nguyen, Y. Li, W. Caldwell, M. H. Manghnani and R. Jeanloz, “Equation of State of α-Si3N4”, Phys. Rev. B 55, 3456 (1997).
- B. Kruger and C. Meade, “High-pressure structural study of GeI4”, Phys. Rev. B, 55, 1 (1997).
- M. Wieliczka, P. Spencer and M. B. Kruger, “Raman Mapping of the Dentin/Adhesive Interface”, Appl. Spect. 50, 1500-1504 (1996).
- E. Lorenzana, M. Bennahmias, H. Radousky and M. B. Kruger, “Producing Diamond Anvil Cell Gaskets for Ultra-High Pressure Applications Using an Inexpensive Electric Discharge Machine”, Rev. Sci. Instrum.,65, 3540 (1994).
- P. Pasternak, R. D. Taylor, M. B. Kruger, R. Jeanloz, J. P. Itie and A. Polian, “Pressure Induced Amorphization of GeI4 Molecular Crystals”, Phys. Rev. Lett., 72, 2733 (1994).
- H. Nguyen, M. B. Kruger, and R. Jeanloz, “Compression and pressure-induced amorphization of Co(OH)2 characterized by infrared vibrational spectroscopy”, Phys. Rev. B., 49, 3734 (1994).
- Williams, R. J. Hemley, M. B. Kruger, and R. Jeanloz, “High Pressure Infrared Spectra of Alpha-Quartz, Coesite, Stishovite and Silica Glass”, J. Geophys. Res.-Sol. Earth, 98, 22157 (1993).
- H. Nguyen, M. B. Kruger, and R. Jeanloz, “Observation of a new polymorph of carbon synthesized from C60”, Sol. State Comm., 88, 719 (1993).
- H. Tolbert, A. P. Alivisatos, H. L. Lorenzana, M. B. Kruger, and R. Jeanloz, “Raman Studies on C60 at High Pressures and Low Temperatures”, Chem. Phys. Lett., 188, 163 (1992).
- B. Kruger, R. Jeanloz, M. P. Pasternak, R. D. Taylor, B. S. Snyder, A. M. Stacy, S. R. Bohlen, “Amorphous Antiferromagnetism in Fe2SiO4”, Science, 255, 703 (1992).
- A. Wolk, E. E. Haller, M. B. Kruger, R. Jeanloz, J. N. Heyman, and W. Walukiewicz,
- “Vibrational Mode Fourier Transform Spectroscopy with a Diamond Anvil Cell: Modes of the Si DX Center and S-related Complexes in GaAs”, Proc. 16th Intl. Conf. on Defects in Semiconductors, Bethlehem, PA, July 22-26, (1991).
- A. Wolk, M. B. Kruger, J. N. Heyman, W. Walukiewicz, R. Jeanloz, and E. E. Haller, “Observation of a Local Vibrational Mode of DX Centers in Si-Doped GaAs”, Semiconductor Science and Technology, 6, B78 (1991).
- A. Wolk, M. B. Kruger, J. N. Heyman, W. Walukiewicz, R. Jeanloz, and E. E. Haller, “Local Vibrational Mode Spectroscopy of DX Centers in Si-Doped GaAs Under Hydrostatic Pressure”, Phys. Rev. Lett., 66, 774 (1991).
- B. Kruger, and R. Jeanloz, “Memory Glass: An Amorphous Material Formed from AlPO4”, Science, 249, 647 (1990).
- B. Kruger, Q. Williams, and R. Jeanloz, “Vibrational spectra of Mg(OH)2 and Ca(OH)2 under pressure”, J. Chem. Phys., 91, 5910 (1989).
- Volmer, K. Selby, V. Kresin, J. Masui, M. B. Kruger, and W. D. Knight, “Beam depletion
method for measuring velocity distributions of cluster beams”, Rev. Sci. Instrum.,
59, 1965 (1988).
Last Updated: November 19, 2024