Mauricio R. Papini, Ph.D.
m.papini@tcu.edu817-257-6084SWR 336
Program Affiliations
Ph.D., University of San Luis, Argentina, 1985
Areas of Focus
Comparative neuroscience of emotion and learning
Papini, M. R. (2021). Comparative psychology. Evolution and development of brain and behavior. Third Edition. Taylor & Francis.
Conrad, S. E., Guarino, S., & Papini, M. R. (2020). Surprising nonreward and response effort: Extinction after progressive-ratio training in rats and pigeons. Learning & Motivation, 72, 101676.
Thompson, J. B., Daniel, A. M., Rushing, B. G., & Papini, M. R. (2021). Recovery profiles from reward downshift are correlated with operant licking maintained by alcohol, but not with genetic variation in the mu opioid receptor. Physiology & Behavior, 228, 113192.
Guarino, S., Conrad, S. E., & Papini, M. R. (2020). Frustrative nonreward: Chemogenetic inactivation of the central amygdala abolishes the effect of reward downshift without affecting alcohol intake. Neurobiology of Learning & Memory, 169, 107173.
Thompson, J. B., Conrad, S. E., Torres, C., & Papini, M. R. (2020). Inescapable exposure to the Barnes maze increases preference for alcohol over water in rats: Implications for depression and anxiety. Learning & Motivation, 69, 101602.
Donaire, R., Morón, I., Blanco, S., Villatoro, A., Gámiz, F., Papini, M. R., & Torres, C. (2019). Lateral habenula lesions disrupt appetitive extinction, but do not affect voluntary alcohol consumption. Neuroscience Letters, 703, 184-190.
Papini, M. R., Penagos-Corzo, J. C., & Pérez-Acosta, A. M. (2019). Avian emotions: Comparative perspectives on fear and frustration. Frontiers in Psychology, 9, 2707.
Ortega, L. A., Solano, J. L., Torres, C., & Papini, M. R. (2017). Reward loss and addiction: Opportunities for cross-pollination. Pharmacology, Biochemistry, & Behavior, 154, 39-52.
Papini, M. R., Guarino, S., Hagen, C., & Nguyen, Q. Chemogenetic inhibition and excitation of globus pallidus neurons in reward downshift and open field tasks: Motor or emotional effects? Society for Neuroscience Global Connectome, Online Conference, January, 2021.
Papini, M. R., Conrad, S. E., Guarino, S., Donaire, R., & Torres, C. Lateral habenula lesions impair absolute, but not relative reward comparisons. Society for Neuroscience, Chicago, IL, October, 2019.
Guarino, S., Conrad, S. E., & Papini, M. R. Relative and absolute reward value in free-choice consummatory behavior. 31st International Congress, Spanish Society for Comparative Psychology, Malaga, Spain, September, 2019.
Papini, M. R., Conrad, S. E., Guarino, S., Donaire, R., Villatoro, A., Gámiz, F., Morón, I., Torres, C. Lateral habenula lesions impair appetitive extinction, but spare consummatory successive negative contrast. 3rd International Congress of Psychobiology, Granada, Spain, May, 2019.
Papini, M. R., Puddington, M., Thompson, J., & Torres, C. Norepinephrine and frustration: Methylphenidate and propranolol affect reward devaluation and ethanol self-administration. Society for Neuroscience, San Diego, CA, November, 2018.
Thompson, J. B., Conrad, S. E., Torres, C., & Papini, M. R. Does exposure to the Barnes maze induce alcohol consumption in rats? 30th International Congress, Spanish Society for Comparative Psychology, Avila, Spain, September, 2018.
Papini, M.R., & Torres, C. Role of the amygdala in reward loss. Southwestern Comparative and Behavioral Neuroscience Association, Houston, TX, April 2018.
Conrad, S., Davis, D., Papini, M.R., Papini, S., & Thompson, J. Effects of chronic CB1 agonist administration on coping with multiple reward devaluations. Society for Neuroscience, Washington DC, November 2017.
Last Updated: November 19, 2024