Mary McKinney, Ph.D.
m.mckinney@tcu.eduScharbauer Hall 3111
Program Affiliations
BA, Texas Christian University
major: Spanish, minor: biology
MA, Stephen F. Austin University
major: Spanish, minor: biology
Ph.D., University of Texas at Arlington
Spanish and Humanities
Courses Taught
Span 10033 Basic Conversational Spanish.
Span 10053 Spanish for Reading Knowledge.
Span 10153 First Semester College Spanish.
Span 10103 Spanish for Beginners. (Currently Span 10103)
Span 10163 Second Semester College Spanish. (Currently Span 10203)
Span 10203 Spanish for Beginners 2.
Span 10113 Intensive Spanish for Beginners I.
Span 10213 Intensive Spanish for Beginners 2.
Span 20103 Intermediate Spanish I.
Span 20053 Third Semester College Spanish. (Currently Span 20103)
Span 20063 Fourth Semester College Spanish. (Currently Span 20203)
Span 20113 Intensive Intermediate Spanish 1
Span 20213 Intensive Intermediate Spanish 2
Span 30053 Advanced Grammar and Introduction to Spanish Literature.
Span 30063 Second Semester Advanced Grammar and Introduction to Spanish Literature.
Span 30433 Advanced Grammar. (Currently Span 31403)
Span 30553 Culture and Civilization of Spain. (Currently Span 30483)
Span 30603 Spanish for the Workplace: Spanish for Healthcare.
Span 30603 Spanish for the Workplace: Spanish for Business.
Span 30023 Summer Study Abroad-Culture-TCU in Madrid, Spain.
Span 30023 Summer Study Abroad-Culture-TCU in Salamanca, Spain.
Span 31203 Writing in Spanish
Span 31803 Service-Learning in the Latino Community.
Span 19000 Topics in Hispanic Language & Cultures-Flamenco A to Z
Areas of Focus
Second language acquisition
Service-Learning in the Latino Community
Culture and History of Spain
“Ratas, ratones, rateros.” Chasqui Vol. XXX (November 2001) 191-193.
reminiscencia.” Boletín de la Academia Puertorriqueña de la Historia. Vols. XXII-XXIII-Enero 2002- Julio 2003 – N. 63-64-65-66. Vol.1 Homenaje a Manuel Ballesteros, pp. 41-50. (Printed September 2007.)
“Spanish for Healthcare.” Profiles of Service. Fall 2008. 7.
“Spanish Students Help Hispanic Neighbors with Healthcare Issues.” Guide to “Service-Learning Colleges and Universities.” 2009:110.
“Implementing Service-Learning in a Special Topics Language Course: One Person’s Journey.” Compact Impact. 2009. 48-51.
“The Evolution of Service-Learning. ” Profiles of Service.2009. 11.
“Service in the Latino Community.” Profiles of Service. 2010. 10.
“Spanish and Serving the Community.” Profiles of Service. 2011-2012. 6.
“Serving Fort Worth Beyond 76129.” Profiles of Engagement. 2013. 7.
“Community as a Writing Prompt.” Conference of Oklahoma Foreign Language Teachers Association. Oklahoma City, OK. April 9, 2016.
“Engaging Students Abroad: The Inquiry-Based City Un-Tour.” Southwest Conference of Language Teachers (SCOLT). Atlanta, GA. March 7, 2015.
“Utilizing Public Transportation and Markets to Better Understand Clients in a Service-Learning Course. American Association of Teachers of Spanish and Portuguese (AATSP). San Juan, Puerto Rico. July 10, 2012.
“Searching for Columbus.” The Woman’s Club of Fort Worth. October 20, 2010. “Las ventajas de estudiar en Salamanca.” Travel and Education. Salamanca, Spain. June 25 and July 2, 2014.
“Getting Started with Service-Learning.” Conference of American Association of Teachers of Spanish and Portuguese (AATSP). San José, Costa Rica. July 9, 2008.
“Is Service-Learning for Us? Implementing Service-Learning in the Foreign Language Classroom.” West Texas Association of University Language Supervisors. Abilene, TX. January 26, 2008.
“Foreign Language in the Workplace: Business/Healthcare.” American Council of Teachers of Foreign Languages (ACTFL). San Antonio, TX. November 18, 2007.
Most Outstanding Professor 2001
Order of Omega Outstanding Professor 2006-2007
The Fulbright Alumni Association
Texas Foreign Language Association
Oklahoma Foreign Language Teachers Association
American Association of Teachers of Spanish and Portuguese
Southwest Conference of Language Teachers
Sigma Delta Pi
Phi Beta Delta
Phi Sigma Iota
Executive Board of Fort Worth Youth Orchestra
Editorial Board of Compact Impact: The Journal of the Texas Compact
Work with the Fort Worth ISD and other community sponsors to coordinate service opportunities for TCU students
Last Updated: November 19, 2024