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Mark Demarest
Instructor II
m.demarest@tcu.edu817-257-4245WIN 431
Program Affiliations
BS, Biological Sciences, California State University Sacramento, 1997
MS, Biological Sciences, California Polytechnic State University San Luis Obispo, 2000
PhD, Marine Science, University of California Santa Barbara, 2009
Areas of Focus
- General Biology
- Marine Science
- The Diversity of Life: Organisms to Ecosystems (BIOL 10513)
- Introduction to Biological Investigation (BIOL 10523)
- Introduction to Marine Science (BIOL/ENSC 30324)
- Teaching of Introductory-Level Biology (BIOL 40320)
- Graduate Teaching in Biology (BIOL 60111)
I strive in my teaching to help students become strong independent learners with the
ability to explore, evaluate, and think about the facts they learn. To this end I
favor a “flipped” classroom approach in which students are tasked with obtaining the
proscribed basic survey knowledge at their own pace outside of the classroom, with
face to face classroom time then being devoted to a mix of deeper discussion, group
work, question and answer sessions, and other interactive activities, with traditional
lecture mixed in as needed. With this approach I hope to encourage discovery, reward
curiosity, and ultimately foster self-confidence in the pursuit of personal growth.
TCU Instructional Development Grant (2017)
- Member, National Science Teachers Association
- Member, Association for the Sciences of Limnology and Oceanography
Last Updated: November 19, 2024