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Marie Schein

Marie Schein, Ph.D.

Senior Instructor of French; Director, Center for Languages and Cultures

817-257-6366 Scharbauer Hall 3209

  • French


Ph.D. English, University of North Texas. American Literature. Dissertation: The Evolution of Survival as Theme in Contemporary Native American Literature: From Alienation to Laughter (1994)
MA French, University of Colorado at Boulder. Major: Language and Literature
Master's Thesis: La Pensée Politique dans Le Chemin de Longue Étude de Christine de Pisan. (1985)
MA English, (EFL) Université Paul Valéry-Montpellier, France. Master's Thesis: Early American Movies as Means of Propaganda for US Participation in World War I. (1982)
B.A English and Modern Languages, Italian, German, and Spanish. Université Paul

Courses Taught

French 10153 First Semester
French 10163 Second Semester
French 20053 Third Semester
French 20063 Fourth Semester
French 30063 Reading and Writing in Selected French Genres (TCU Core Curriculum, Literary Traditions)
French 30153 French Civilization and Culture I
French 30163 French Civilization and Culture II
French 30253 Contemporary France Through the Media
French 40143 Classics of Quebec and Louisiana
French 40183 Advanced Writing and Culture
French 30163 Culture and Civilization Special Session: From La Belle Époque to the Roaring Twenties.

Directed Studies, and Junior and Senior Honors Projects
French 30043 Advanced Conversation

Development of New Courses:
French 40143 Non-European French Poetry and Prose: Classics of Quebec and Louisiana,
French 30253 Contemporary France Through the Media
French 30173 Multicultural France: Citizenship, Identity, and Nationalism (Service-Learning and Study Abroad Program)
French 30163 French Culture and Civilization From the Belle Époque to the Roaring Twenties

Courses Taught Abroad/ Study Abroad:
French 30173 Multicultural France (Study Abroad Program- TCU Core Curriculum, Writing Emphasis, Cultural Awareness) with Dr. David Sandell, Anthropology 30973. A Service-Learning Based program in Montpellier, France where students explored questions of immigration, integration, and national identity through academic work and service at key associations serving immigrant and migrant children and their families. (May 9-June 11, 2015)

Areas of Focus

Her research interests in French Studies focus on French and Francophone cultures and literatures, the question of immigration in France, social justice in children literature by First Nation, Cajun,

  • “Le droit à l’éducation: comment l’école de la République l’offre à ses élèves issus de l’immigration” In  Heurs et malheurs du système éducatif en France. Edited by Marie-Christine Weidmann Koop. The French Review Book Series, A publication of the American Association of Teachers of French, 2018.
  • “Reaching Out To A Refugee Community Through Service-Learning in Third-Year Composition and Introduction to Reading.” in Étudiants Sans Frontières: Concepts and Models for Service-Learning in French. Jacqueline Thomas. A publication of the American Association of Teachers of French. 2012.
  • “Opening Doors with French in Elementary School Programs for Special Needs Children and Bilingual Education” in Étudiants Sans Frontières: Concepts and Models for Service-Learning in French. Jacqueline Thomas. A Publication of the American Association of Teachers of French. 2012.
  • Using New Media and Web 2.0 Tools To Elicit Creativity and Writing Proficiency, and showcase Our Students’ Work. American Association of Teachers of French National Bulletin, (Fall 2012).
  • Refugee Children in Fort Worth.  Profiles of Service : Community Involvement & Service-
    Learning.  Issue # 4. (7). Fall 2011-Spring 2012.
  • <<L’élève autochtone et le système éducatif au Québec : vers une meilleure entente ?>> (First Nation Pupils and the Educational System of Quebec : Toward a better understanding?) in Quebec at the Dawn of the New Millennium: Between Tradition and Modernity Le Québec à l’aube du nouveau millénaire: Entre tradition et modernité, Presses de l’Université du Québec, 2008.
  • “Femmes Immigrées et leurs enfants face aux défies.” Presentation in the official AATF session on Cultural competence. AATF Annual Convention, New Orleans, LA. (July 21, 2014)
  • “Explorons la France contemporaine et le monde francophone.” Presentation in the AATF general session of the Commission on Cultural Competence. AATF Annual Convention in New Orleans, LA. (July 21, 2014)
  • “La representation de l’immigration dans les textes en français première langue pour jeunes lecteurs.” Presentation in the AATF special session of the Commission on Cultural Competence.  AATF Annual Convention in New Orleans, LA. (July 22, 2014)
  • “Immigrant Women in France: Facing Challenges in a Multicultural Society.” American Council on the Teaching of Foreign Languages (ACTFL) Annual Convention. San Antonio, TX. (November 23, 2014)
  • Légendes, romans,  et BD: Les écrivains autochtones à la conquête des jeunes lecteurs. American Association of Teachers of French Annual Convention, Saguenay, Quebec-July 2015
  • Taking Stock of Six Years of Service-Learning in French in Elementary School: From A One-Day Program to A Summer Camp- American Association of Teachers of French Annual Convention, Saguenay, Québec-July 2015
  • Exil, identité, et retour dans la chanson française des artistes immigrés des années 70 à aujourd’hui- American Association of Teachers of French Annual Convention, Saguenay, Quebec-July 2015
  • Network, Resources, Advocacy, Technology For French Teachers. The Louisiana Foreign Language Teachers’ Association Conference. January 15-16, 2016 Baton Rouge, LA.
  • “Exploring Today’s France and the French Speaking World: Identity, Place, Literature, and Popular Culture.” Official session of the AATF Commission on Cultural Competence.  July 4-6, 2016. American Association of Teachers of French Annual convention. Austin, TX.
  • “A French Enclave in the Panhandle of Texas : The Nineteenth Century French Immigrants Communities.”
    July 4-6, 2016. American Association of Teachers of French Annual convention. Austin, TX.
  • Knight in the Order of the French Academic Palms
  • The Helen Lorenz Excellence in Teaching
  • Texas Foreign Language Association (TFLA)
  • International Association for teaching Learning Technology (IALLT)
  • American Council on the Teaching of Foreign Languages (ACTFL)
  • American Association of Teachers of French (AATF)
  • North Texas Chapter of the American Association of Teachers of French (NTAATF)
  • South Central Association For Language Learning Technology (SOCALLT)
  • French-American Chamber of Commerce of Dallas (FACCD)
  • Alliance française of Dallas
  • Director of the Center for Languages and Cultures (2017 to present)
  • The TCU French Language House- Founder and Faculty Advisor (2013 to present)
  • Peer Tutoring in Modern Languages-Program founder and director (2006 to present)
  • TCU Faculty Senate- Past Chair (2013-2014)

Last Updated: November 19, 2024

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