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Loren Spice

Loren Spice, Ph.D.


817-257-6340 Tucker Technology Center 315

  • Harmonic Analysis of Reductive P-adic Groups


A.A. Harford Community College, 1996
B.S. Towson University, 1998
M.S. University of Chicago, 2000
Ph.D. University of Chicago, 2004

Areas of Focus

My interests lie in representation theory, which is a non-commutative generalisation of Fourier analysis to study functions on highly symmetric spaces. The representations that I consider are complex representations of groups over the p-adic numbers, a different kind of number system created to allow one to apply analytic techniques to number-theoretic questions. An improv comedy group once made the mistake of asking me what my job was, and then struggled heroically to build a skit around the idea of harmonic analysis. My mother just memorised the word supercuspidal.

I am also interested in outreach, especially related to math education, and have studied the formation of vertical collaborations between pre- and in-service teachers in joint work with Dr. Sarah Quebec Fuentes in the College of Education.

Selected Publications

R. Cluckers, C. Cunningham, J. Gordon, and L. Spice, On the computability of some positive-depth supercuspidal characters near the identity, Representation Theory, 2011
S. DeBacker and L. Spice, Stability of character sums for positive-depth, supercuspidal representations, Journal für die Reine und Angewandte Mathematik, 2018
L. Spice, Explicit asymptotic expansions for tame supercuspidal characters, Compositio Mathematica, 2018

Curriculum Vitae

Personal Website

Last Updated: November 19, 2024

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