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Keith Gaddie, Ph.D.
Hoffman Chair of the American Ideal and Professor
keith.gaddie@tcu.edu817-257-6404Scharbauer Hall 2012H
Program Affiliations
Ph.D., Political Science, University of Georgia
MA, Political Science, University of Georgia
BS, Political Science, The Florida State University
Courses Taught
Architecture of Democracy
Making Modern America
The American Ideal
Qualitative and Field Research Methods
Areas of Focus
Democracy, Politics and Architecture, Southern Politics, Voting Rights
The Philadelphia House: Organic Architecture and Placemaking in Chestnut Hill. Lanham, Md. & Boulder, Colo.: Rowman and Littlefield Press (2023) — with Khosrow Bozorgi. -
Democracy’s Meanings: How the Public Understands Democracy and Why It Matters. Ann Arbor, MI: University of Michigan Press (2022) — with Nicholas T. Davis, Keith Gåddie, & Kirby Goidel. -
The U.S. Supreme Court’s Democratic Spaces. Norman, OK: The University of Oklahoma Press (2021) — with Jocelyn J. Evans. -
The Rise and Fall of the Voting Rights Act. Norman, OK: The University of Oklahoma Press (2016) — with Charles S. Bullock III and Justin J. Wert. -
Slingshot: The Defeat Of Eric Cantor. Washington, DC: Congressional Quarterly Press (2015) — with Lauren Cohen Bell and David E. Meyer. -
The Three Governors Controversy: Skullduggery, Machinations, and the Decline of Georgia's Progressive Politics. Athens, GA: The University of Georgia Press (2015)— with Charles S. Bullock III and Scott E. Buchanan. -
Politics in America. New York: Pearson (2014, 2016, 2018, 2020) — with Thomas R. Dye. -
Georgia Politics in a State of Change. New York: Pearson/Longman (2010, 2013, 2020) — with Charles S. Bullock III.
- ‘What Is the Political South?’ Annual meeting of the British Association for American Studies, Keele University, United Kingdom, Apr. 2023.
- The Hand of the Past and Place-Making in the American South: Georgia Courthouse Squares and Georgia Courthouse Towns. Annual meeting of the Southern Political Science Association, Saint Petersburg, Fl., Jan. 2023.
- ‘Conference Within a Conference: What Is the Political South?’ Annual meeting of the Southern Political Science Association, Saint Petersburg, Fl., Jan. 2023.
- Toward a Grounded Theory Approach to Civic Spaces of the American South: The Georgia Courthouse Project. Annual meeting of the Georgia Political Science Association, Savannah, Nov. 2022.
- Architecture & Political Development: The Georgia Courthouse Project. The 23rd Citadel Symposium on Southern Politics, Charleston, SC, Mar. 2022.
- Democratic Conflict in Securing the Public Space: Context and Consequences of the Jan. 6 Insurrection. Annual meeting of the Southern Political Science Association, San Antonio, Jan. 2022.
- A Systems and Political Development Theory of the County Courthouse as Type. Annual meeting of the Georgia Political Science Association, Savannah, Nov. 2021.
- Democratic Conflict in Securing the Public Space. AIA Oklahoma Conference on Architecture, Sept. 30, Edmond, Okla. (AIA CES. Credit for HSW)
- The Right to be Heard: Fighting for Democratic Space in Contemporary Congressional Politics. Annual meeting of the Southern Political Science Association, New Orleans, Jan. 2021.
- The Systemic Affect of Culture, Power, and Terror in the Southern Public Space. Annual meeting of the Southern Political Science Association, San Juan, Jan. 2020.
- Bruce Goff Chair of Creative Architecture (visiting lecturer), The University of Oklahoma (Sept. 2023–December 2023)
- President’s Award for Outstanding Campus Activities, The University of Oklahoma, 2017–2018
- Impact Award for Large Scale Development, The Urban Land Institute, 2017
- The Georgia Historical Records Advisory Council Award for “Research Using the Holdings of an Archives” for The Three Governors Controversy (2015).
- Julian J. Rothbaum Award for the outstanding book published by the University of Oklahoma Press, for The Triumph of Voting Rights in the South (2009)
- Society for Professional Journalists (Oklahoma PRO Chapter) award for “Best Radio Talk Program,” 2008, 2009, 2010, 2012; award for “Best Special Program,” 2012; award for “Election Reporting, 2012” 2013; award for radio documentary “Primary Preview, 2014: Four Races to Watch Tuesday,” 2015.
- Jewell Prestage Award, for the Best Paper on Gender, Race, Ethnicity, and Political Behavior, Southwestern Political Science Association, 2003
- Jewell Prestage Award, for the Best Paper on Gender, Race, Ethnicity, and Political Behavior, Southwestern Political Science Association, 2021
- V. O. Key Jr. Award for the outstanding book on Southern Politics for The Rise and Fall of the Voting Rights Act, from the Southern Political Science Association (2018)
- V. O. Key Jr. Award for the outstanding book on Southern Politics for The Triumph of Voting Rights in the South, from the Southern Political Science Association (2011)
- The University of Oklahoma Libraries ‘Library Partner Award’ for outstanding support and encouragement for the University Libraries mission and strategic initiatives (2017).
- Southern Political Science Association
- Southwestern Social Science Association
- American Institute of Architects
- American Bar Association
- Editor, Social Science Quarterly (2010-present)
- Co–Principal Investigator, U.S. Department of Defense, Defense Intelligence Agency, Grant # HHM402–14–1–0007, 2014–2019 (PI: J. L. Regens; $1,808,903)
Last Updated: November 19, 2024