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Kat Barger, Ph.D.
Associate Professor
k.barger@tcu.edu817-257-4617SWR 368
Program Affiliations
Ph.D. Astronomy University of Wisconsin-Madison, 2012
M.A. Physics University of Wisconsin-Madison, 2009
M.S. Astronomy University of Wisconsin-Madison, 2008
B.S. Physics Western Washington University, 2006
Areas of Focus
I study the gas flows associated with the Magellanic System and the Milky Way to examine these processes in detail. Through this work I decipher the properties, origins, and fates of the gas that surrounds galaxies.
- Barger, K. A.; Lehner, N.; Howk, J. C., 2016, “Down-the-barrel and Transverse Observations of the Large Magellanic Cloud: Evidence for a Symmetric Galactic Wind on the Near and Far Sides of the Galaxy”, ApJ, 817, 91
- Fox, Andrew J.; Lehner, Nicolas; Lockman, Felix J.; Wakker, Bart P.; Hill, Alex S.; Heitsch, Fabian; Stark, David V.; Barger, Kathleen A.; Sembach, Kenneth R.; Rahman, Mubdi, 2016, “On the Metallicity and Origin of the Smith High-velocity Cloud”, ApJ, 816, 11
- Fox, Wakker,Barger, `The COS/UVES Absorption Survey of the Magellanic Stream. III: Ionization, Total Mass, and Inflow Rate onto the Milky Way’, ApJ, 787, 2
- Barger, Hill, Gostish, Haffner, Benjamin,`and [SII] emission from the Scutum-Crux Arm’ ApJ, 787, 106
- Barger, Haffner, Bland-Hawthorn, `Warm, Ionized Gas Revealed in the Magellanic Bridge Tidal Remnant: Constraining the Baryon Content and the Escaping Ionizing Photons around Dwarf Galaxies,’ ApJ, 777, 123
Last Updated: November 19, 2024