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Karla  O’Donald

Karla O’Donald, Ph.D.

Senior Instructor

817-257-6406 Scharbauer Hall 3120

Program Affiliations

Assistant Professor, Burnett School of Medicine at TCU AddRan College of Liberal ArtsSpanish & Hispanic Studies


Curriculum Studies, Texas Christian University

Areas of Focus

Languages for Specific Purposes

World Language Teacher Education

Chicana Femenist Epistemologies



Santamaria, K.D., Muñoz, M.L., Atkins, J.L., Hobbs, D.R., O'Donald, K. (2013).  A preliminary investigation into the application of processing instruction as therapy for aphasia in Spanish speakers.  Journal of Communication Disorders, 46(4), pp. 338-350.

O’Donald, K. (2013) Encuentro (Encounter).  Qualitative Inquiry, 19(2), pp. 129-130.

Calderon-Berumen, F., & O'Donald, K. (2017). A living curriculum of Orgullo. Journal of curriculum theorizing, 31(3).

Jupp, J. C., Berumen, F. C., & O’Donald, K. (2018). Advancing testimonio traditions in educational research: A synoptic rendering. Journal of Latinos and Education, 17(1), 18-37.

Calderon-Berumen, F., & O’Donald, K. (2018). Criando y Creando. Critical Intersections In Contemporary Curriculum & Pedagogy, 225.

Calderon-Berumen, F., Espinosa-Dulanto, M., & ODonald, K. (2020). Nepantla Connection:  Testimonio and Anzaldúa’s poetry work. In Teaching Gloria E. Anzaldúa: Pedagogy and Practice for Our Classrooms and Communities (p. 328). University of Arizona Press.

ODonald, K., Calderon, F., & Espinosa-Dulanto, M. (2021). Yo no me se vender, yo no me quiero vender: Latina women navigating personal and professional lives. In The Kaleidoscope of Lived Curricula: Learning Through a Confluence of Crises. (Vol. Annual Curriculum and Pedagogy Group 2021).

Calderon-Berumen, F., Espinosa-Dulanto, M., & O'Donald, K. (2022). Testimonio at work: the power of Malintzin researchers. International journal of research & method in education, 45(4), 370-380.

Fogelber, K., Cook, K.S., Calderon, F., O’Donald, K. (2024) Educational Principles and Practice in Veterinary Medicine. pp. 35-78.

O'Donald, K. (2024). Telarañas: Untangling My Pain. Río Bravo: A Journal of the Borderlands25, 68-73.

Calderon-Berumen, F., & O’Donald, K. (2024). Comadreando: Entangling the web of our lives.  In Aughterson, K., & Moriarty, J. Performing Maternities: Political, Social and Feminist Enquiry. pp.  161-174.

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Last Updated: November 19, 2024

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