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Karen Steele, Ph.D.
she, her, hersk.steele@tcu.eduReed Hall 317D (map link)
Program Affiliations
Ph.D., English, University of Texas-Austin
MA, English, University of Texas-Austin
BA, English, St. Olaf College
Areas of Focus
Modern British and Irish literature
Irish women’s cultural production and media history
19th-21st century British lit
Women's writing
Gender and sexuality studies
Ireland and the New Journalism, co-edited with Michael de Nie (Palgrave, 2014) -
Women, Press, and Politics during the Irish Revival (Syracuse, 2007) -
Maud Gonne’s Irish Nationalist Writings (Irish Academic Press, 2004)
- AddRan College of Liberal Arts Division of Humanities Award for Distinguished Achievement as a Creative Teacher and Scholar
- Wise Woman Award for Teaching and Mentoring (Department of Women and Gender Studies)
- Graduate Faculty Member of the Year, TCU Department of English
- Modern Language Association
- American Conference for Irish Studies
- Research Society for Victorian Periodicals
Last Updated: November 19, 2024