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John Harris, Ph.D.
Associate Professor and Department Chair
j.r.harris@tcu.edu817-257-6794Scharbauer 3015
Program Affiliations
Ph.D., Philosophy, University of Colorado, 2005
B.A., Philosophy & Government, New Mexico State University, 1997
Classes Taught
PHIL 10003 PHIL One: Meaning of Life
PHIL 20303 Moral Problems
PHIL 20313 Death
PHIL 30343 Sex, Society, and Ethics
PHIL 30353 Political Philosophy
PHIL 30413 Philosophy of Law
PHIL 40333 Philosophy of Law and Economics
PHIL 40343 Advanced Issues in Philosophy of Law
PHIL 40353 Seminar in Political Philosophy
Note: I teach other classes on an irregular basis.
Areas of Focus
Philosophy of Law, Political Philosophy, Applied Ethics
Normative Ethics, Bioethics, Environmental Ethics
Galvin, R and Harris. J. 2014. “Individual Moral Responsibility and the Problem of Climate Change.” Analyse & Kritik 36(2): 383-396. -
Harris, J. 2012. “Can Kant’s Three Formulations of the Categorical Imperative Be Unified?” Southwest Philosophy Review 28(2): 91-94. -
Harris, J. and Galvin, R. 2012. “Pass the Cocoamone, Please: Causal Impotence, Opportunistic Carnivorism, and Act- Utilitarianism.” Ethics, Policy, and Environment 15(3): 1-16. -
Harris, J. “Severing the Tie Between Political Authority and Political Obligation.” Southwest Philosophical Studies 33.
Last Updated: November 19, 2024