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Jill Havens, Ph.D.
Senior Instructor, Director of Undergraduate Studies ,and Director of British and
Postcolonial Studies
j.havens@tcu.eduReed Hall 317A
Program Affiliations
Ph.D., University of Oxford, England, 1996
University of St. Andrews, Scotland
BA, Mount Holyoke College, 1989
Courses Taught
Major British Writers
Intro to Medieval Literature
Fable and Fantasy
Studies in Medieval Literature
Medieval Lit. in Translation
Medieval Women Writers
King Arthur in Lit. and Legend
History of English Language
Areas of Focus
Middle English literature; Lollard heresy; late medieval manuscripts; medieval religious and devotional literature, beliefs, and practice.
“A Gift, a Mirror, a Memorial: The Psalter-Hours of Mary de Bohun.” The Objects of Medieval Women: Essays in Honor of Carolyn P. Collette. Jenny Adams and Nancy Mason Bradbury, eds. (Ann Arbor: U of Michigan Press, 2016). -
“Shading the Grey Area: Determining Heresy in Middle English Texts,” Text and Controversy from Wyclif to Bale. eds. Helen Barr and Anne Hutchison. Medieval Church Studies 4 (Leiden: Brepols, 2005). -
“A Narrative of Faith: Middle English Devotional Anthologies and Religious Practice,” Journal of the Early Book Society 7 (Summer 2004): 67-84. -
“As Englishe is comoun langage to oure puple: The Lollards and Their Imagined English Community,” Imagining a Medieval English Community. ed. Kathy Lavezzo (Minneapolis: U of Minnesota Press, 2003). -
“A Curious Erasure in Walsingham’s Short Chronicle and the Politics of Heresy,” Fourteenth Century England II. ed. C. Given-Wilson (Woodbridge: Boydell and Brewer, 2002).
Security Pacific Fellowship, June 2015, The Huntington Library, San Marino, CA.
Last Updated: November 19, 2024