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Jeff Ferrell

Jeff Ferrell, Ph.D.

Professor Emeritus


  • Popular Culture /
  • Urban Studies /
  • Criminology /
  • Social Movements


Ph.D. (Sociology) University of Texas at Austin
MA (Sociology) University of Texas at Austin
BS (Sociology) Southern Methodist University

Courses Taught

Cultural Criminology
Topics in Applied Social Research: Ethnography
Social Movements and Protest
Popular Culture

Areas of Focus

Cultural Criminology, Criminological Theory, Qualitative Methods and Ethnographic Research, Sociology of Knowledge, Sociology of Everyday Life, Collective Behavior/Social Movements

Jeff Ferrell,

Drift: Illicit Mobility and Uncertain Knowledge

Berkeley, CA: University of California Press, 2018.


Alvaro Oxley Da Rocha, Jeff Ferrell, Keith Hayward, and Salah H. Khaled, Jr.,

Explorando Criminologia Cultural

Belo Horizonte: Editora Letramento, 2018 (Brazil).


Jeff Ferrell, Keith Hayward and Jock Young,

Cultural Criminology: An Invitation

London: SAGE, 2008.

Cultural Criminology: An Invitation, Revised/Expanded 2nd. Edition

London: SAGE, 2015.

Recipient of the 2009 Distinguished Book Award from the Division of International Criminology, American Society of Criminology.


Jeff Ferrell,

Empire of Scrounge

New York: New York University Press, 2006.

Seoul, South Korea: Window of Times Press (Korean edition), 2013.


Jeff Ferrell,

Tearing Down the Streets

New York and Houndmills, UK: St. Martin’s/Palgrave, 2001/2002.


Jeff Ferrell,

Crimes of Style: Urban Graffiti and the Politics of Criminality

New York and London: Garland, 1993.

Boston: Northeastern University Press, 1996.


Jeff Ferrell and Keith Hayward, editors,

Cultural Criminology: Theories of Crime

London: Ashgate, 2011.


Jeff Ferrell, Keith Hayward, Wayne Morrison, and Mike Presdee, editors,

Cultural Criminology Unleashed

London: Routledge/Cavendish/GlassHouse, 2004.


Jeff Ferrell and Neil Websdale, editors,

Making Trouble: Cultural Constructions of Crime, Deviance, and Control

Hawthorne, NY: Aldine de Gruyter, 1999.


Jeff Ferrell and Mark S. Hamm, editors,

Ethnography at the Edge: Crime, Deviance, and Field Research

Boston: Northeastern University Press, 1998.


Jeff Ferrell and Clinton R. Sanders, editors,

Cultural Criminology

Boston: Northeastern University Press, 1995.

“Looking for Unknown Others,” Keynote Address, The Other: International Cultural Criminology Conference, University of Amsterdam, Amsterdam, The Netherlands, June 2015.

“Ghost Ethnography: On Crimes Against Reality and Their Excavation,” Keynote Address, Common Studies Sessions, University of Hamburg, Hamburg, Germany, May 2015.

“Marking the Market: The Art of Illicit Visibility,” Keynote Lecture, The Graffiti Sessions: The Art and Justice of Sociable Cities, London, England, December 2014.

“Open City: Graffiti, Street Art, and the Politics of Illicit Visibility,” Invited Lecture, Onassis Cultural Centre, Athens, Greece, June 2014.

“Drifting With Ethnography,” Keynote Address, International Summer School in Urban Ethnography, University of Trento, Trento, Italy, September 2013.

“Burhan Dogancay: Fifty Years of Urban Walls,” Invited Lecture, Istanbul Museum of Modern Art, Istanbul, Turkey, September 2012.

“Cultural Criminology: Crime, Meaning, and Power,” Plenary Address, Seminario Internacional de Ciencias Criminais/IBCCRIM (18th International Seminar of Criminal Sciences/Brazilian Institute of Criminal Sciences), Sao Paulo, Brazil, August 2012.

“Drifting from Method,” Plenary Address, European Society for the Study of Symbolic Interaction, Erasmus University, Rotterdam, The Netherlands, July 2012.

 American Society of Criminology

Founding and Current Editor, Alternative Criminology Series, New York University Press, 2002 – present.

Founding Editor (with Yvonne Jewkes and Chris Greer), Crime, Media, Culture: An International Journal (London: Sage), 2005 – 2009.

Winner of the 2006 Association of Learned and Professional Society Publishers/ Charlesworth Award for Best New Journal.

Founding Member, Urban Environments Network (Australia), 2016

Founding Editorial Board, Palgrave Book Series on Crime, Media, and Culture, 2015.

Founding Editorial Board, Radical Criminology, 2012 – present.

Associate Editor, Crime, Media, Culture: An International Journal (London: Sage), 2010 -present.

Founding Editorial Board, Journal of Qualitative Criminal Justice and Criminology, 2011 – present.

Founding Editorial Board, Journal of Theoretical and Philosophical Criminology, 2008 – present.

Associate Editor, Justice Quarterly, 1996 – 1998.

Last Updated: November 19, 2024

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