Jeff Cargile
jeff.cargile@tcu.edu(817) 257-4688Human Resources (map link)
Program Affiliations
How I Can Help:
- As the Director of HR for the Burnett School of Medicine, I am here to help with the full spectrum of HR needs, including:
- Recruitment and Selection
- Professional Development and Training
- Organizational Analysis and Development
- Performance Excellence
- Dispute Resolution
- Workplace Accommodations
About Me:
I joined TCU Human Resources in 2022 as the Director of Human Resources for the Burnett
School of Medicine.
Prior to TCU, I was the Jury Administrator at the United States District Court for
the District of South Carolina and the Director of Human Resource Services at the
University of South Carolina (USC). During my tenure at the USC, I ensured that the
departments were high-performing and characterized by an environment of performance
excellence, accountability, compliance, and service delivery. I am a graduate of USC,
where I majored in psychology.
I currently live in Dallas with my partner Dr. Debbie Beck. When I’m not keeping busy with the School of Medicine, you can find me at the airport flying a light aircraft or on a lake somewhere in a boat.
Last Updated: November 19, 2024