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Jeannine A. Gailey, Ph.D.
Professor 817-257-5942Scharbauer Hall
Program Affiliations
Ph.D., University of Akron (2005)
MA, University of Akron (2002)
BA, Mount Union College (2000)
Areas of Focus
Sociology of the Body, Fat Studies, Gender and Sexuality
Prohaska, Ariane, and Gailey, Jeannine A., editors. 2021. “Fat Oppression around the World: Intersectional, Interdisciplinary, and Methodological Innovations.” Routledge. -
Gailey, Jeannine A. 2021. “The Violence of Fat Hatred in the ‘Obesity Epidemic’”. Humanity and Society. -
Gailey, Jeannine A. and Hannele Harjunen. 2019. “A Cross-Cultural Examination of Fat Women’s Bodies: Stigma and Gender in North American and Finnish Culture.” Feminism & Psychology, 29(3), 374–390. -
Taylor, Hannah and Jeannine A. Gailey. 2019. “Fiction Meets Reality: A Comparison of Dietland and the Experiences of North American Fat Women”, Fat Studies: An Interdisciplinary Journal of Weight and Body Size, DOI: 10.1080/21604851.2019.1644984 -
Gailey, Jeannine A. The Hyper(in)visible Fat Woman: Weight and Gender Discourse in Contemporary Society. 2014. Palgrave Macmillan.
Last Updated: November 19, 2024