Janie R. Robinson
janie.r.robinson@tcu.edu817-257-6391Annie Richardson Bass Building 3235
Program Affiliations
Ph.D, Nursing, Southern University and A & M College, Baton Rouge, LA (2009)
MS, Nursing, Southern University and A & M College, Baton Rouge, LA (2002)
BS, Nursing, Southern University and A & M College, Baton Rouge, LA (1996)
Courses Taught
NURS 30563 Care of Adults with Health Alterations I: Concepts
NURS 20363 Pathophysiology
NURS 20403 Health Disparities in African Americans
NURS 20271 Health Assessment
NURS 30582 Adults with Health Alterations I: Clinical
N30182 Foundations of Nursing Care: Clinical
N10303, Human Development
NDNP 82282 Advanced Practicum II Clinical
NDNP 88082 Advanced Project Clinical
Areas of Focus
Research Interest: Health disparities in African Americans, kidney disease and other chronic illnesses in African Americans
Professional Specialties: Medical-Surgical
Robinson, J. R. & Daniels, G. (January/February 2022) Kidney Disease Knowledge in African American Males. MEDSURG Nursing, 31(1), 49 – 54.
Jackson, H., Robinson, J., & Daniels, G. (2021, Spring). Perceived barriers to physical activity in African American women. JOCEPS,10 – 14.
Phillips, N., Park, I, Robinson, J.R., & Jones, H.P. (2020). The perfect storm: Covid-19 health disparities in US Blacks. Journal of Racial and Ethnic Health Disparities. https://doi.org/10.1007/s40615-020-00871-y
Robinson, J. R., Daniels, G, & Walker, C. (2019, Spring). Experiences of African American older adults living with end stage renal disease undergoing hemodialysis. JOCEPS, 60(1), 13 – 19.
Daniels, G, Robinson, J.R., & Walker, C. (2018, Nov – Dec). Adherence to treatment by African Americans undergoing hemodialysis. Nephrology Nursing Journal, 45(6), 561 – 568.
Robinson, J.R. & Daniels, G. (2017, Spring/Summer). A concept analysis: Adherence in end stage renal disease. Journal of Theory Construction & Testing, 21(1), 30 – 34.
Daniels, G., Robinson, J.R., Walker, C., Pennings, J., & Anderson, S. (2015) Gastrointestinal symptoms among African Americans undergoing hemodialysis. Nephrology Nursing Journal, 42(6), 539 – 548.
- Healthy Minds Lead to Healthy Bodies. Heart of the Kidneys, TCU Virtual Event
- Robinson, Janie, R. (2022, January 21) Harris College of Nursing & Health Sciences Faculty Research Symposium: Recruitment Strategies and Vulnerable/Difficult to Recruit Populations, Texas Christian University, Fort Worth, TX
- Robinson, J. R. (2021, March 25). TCU NAACP, M.A.P.S. & Harris College of Nursing Presents: Combating Racial Disparities in Health: Armoring Ourselves in Healthy Habits; Protecting Your Kidneys, Virtual Event
- Daniels, G., & Robinson, J. (2019, October 24 – 26). Kidney Disease Knowledge and Health Perceptions in African Americans Males: A Barbershop Study, 7th Annual Black Doctoral Network Conference; Fostering Change Through Scholarship, Newark, NJ
- Robinson, J.R., Daniels, G. (2019, January 25). Kidney Disease Knowledge and Health Perceptions in African Americans Males: A Barbershop Study, Harris College of Nursing and Health Sciences Faculty Research Symposium, Fort Worth, TX
- Robinson, J.R. (2018, April 28). Presentation: “Understanding End Stage Renal Disease”. Presented at the Chi Eta Phi Sorority Continuing Nursing Education Event, Texas Christian University, Fort Worth, TX
- Robinson, J.R. & Daniels, G. 2017, (October 26 – 28). Podium Presentation: “African American Older Adults with End Stage Renal Disease”. The 5th Annual Black Doctoral Network Conference, Atlanta, GA
- Nominated for Academy of Medical-Surgical Nurses (AMSN) Clinical Leadership Award, Spring 2022
- Nominated for the Clark Society Endowed Faculty Award, Spring 2022
- Harris College of Nursing and Health Sciences Nominee for the Chancellor’s Award for Distinguished Achievement as a Teacher-Scholar, Fall 2021
- Selected as a DFW Great 100 Nurse by The Dallas Fort Worth Great 100 Nurses Inc., 2020
- Nominated for the Dean’s Research and Creativity Award by the Harris College of Nursing, Fall 2018
- Nominated for the Chancellor’s Award for Distinguished Achievement as a Teacher-Scholar by the Harris College of Nursing, Spring 2018
- Certified Nurse Educator (CNE)
- American Heart Association Basic Life Support Instructor
- Academy of Medical-Surgical Nurses (AMSN)
- Black Doctoral Network (BDN)
- American Nurses Association (ANA)
- Texas Nurses Association (TNA)
- Adjunct Faculty, University of North Texas Health Science Center (UNTHSC) Center for Geriatric in the Institute for Healthy Aging
- Core Faculty, Comparative Race and Ethnic Studies (CRES) Department
- Academy of Medical-Surgical Nurses (AMSN) Education Committee
- Editorial Board, Journal of Cultural Diversity
- Reviewer, Qualitative Health Research
- Reviewer, Journal of Clinical Nursing
Last Updated: December 05, 2024