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Hana Dobrovolny

Hana Dobrovolny, Ph.D.

Professor and Department Chair

817-257-6379 SWR 142


Ph.D (Physics) Duke University, 2008
M.A (Physics) Bryn Mawr College, 2000
B.Sc (Physics and Mathematics) University of Winnipeg, 1997

Areas of Focus

  • Computational Biophysics
  • Viral infections
  • Cancer

Rodriguez, T., G. Gonzalez-Parra, H.M. Dobrovolny, 2021, "Testing density-dependent infection rates for modeling of influenza'', 4th annual meeting of SIAM TX-LA, South Padre Island, TX, USA (invited)

Smith, M., H.M. Dobrovolny, 2021, "Mathematical modeling of infrared detection of respiratory viruses'', Joint Fall 2021 Meeting of the Texas Sections of APS, AAPT, and SPS

Fain, B., H.M. Dobrovolny, 2021, "A mean-field approximation of viral transmission'', Joint Fall 2021 Meeting of the Texas Sections of APS, AAPT, and SPS

Singaravelan, N., H.M. Dobrovolny, 2021, "Interferon interaction in viral coinfections'', 5th Workshop on Virus Dynamics

Doty, M., H.M. Dobrovolny, 2021, "Variation of Best Fit Distributions in Single Cell Virus Dynamics Models'', 5th Workshop on Virus Dynamics

Fain, B., H.M. Dobrovolny, 2021, "A mean-field approximation of viral transmission'', 5th Workshop on Virus Dynamics

Dobrovolny, H.M., L. Pinky, T. Rodriguez, B. Fain, 2021, "Maximizing insight into SARS-CoV-2 using within host mathematical models'', American Society for Virology 40th Annual Meeting

McCarthy, G., H.M. Dobrovolny}, 2021, "Quantifying the effectiveness of quarantine measures'', 2021 Society for Mathematical Biology meeting

Mohan, T., H.M. Dobrovolny, 2021, "Modeling the effect of multiple vaccines on the spread of SARS-CoV-2'', 2021 Society for Mathematical Biology meeting

Mhrous, E., H.M. Dobrovolny, 2021, "Incorporating Symptom Scores into Viral Kinetic Models'', 2021 Society for Mathematical Biology meeting

Singaravelan, N., H.M. Dobrovolny, 2021, "Viral coinfection interaction through interferon'', 2021 Society for Mathematical Biology meeting

Dobrovolny, H.M. and B. Jessie, 2021, "An ODE model of syncytia formation during viral infections'', 2021 Society for Mathematical Biology meeting

Fain, B., H.M. Dobrovolny, 2021, "Validation of a GPU-based ABM for rapid simulation of viral infections'', 2021 Society for Mathematical Biology meeting

Fain, B., H.M. Dobrovolny, 2021, "Validating an agent based and partial differential equation model of virus spreading in a mono layer of cells'', 2021 SIAM Conference on Computational Science and Engineering

Haun, A., B. Fain, H.M. Dobrovolny, 2021, "Cell Regeneration in An Agent-Based Model of Infectious Disease'', 2021 SIAM Conference on Computational Science and Engineering

Pinky, L., P. Alexander, H.M. Dobrovolny, 2021, "Simulation of Viral Coinfections'', 2021 SIAM Conference on Computational Science and Engineering

H.M. Dobrovolny, 2021, "Mathematical Modeling of Viral Coinfections'', Texas Physics Consortium Senior Research Seminar, virtual (invited)

  • Society for Mathematical Biology
  • American Physical Society
  • Canadian Association of Physicists
  • American Association of Physics Teachers
  • Society for Industrial and Applied Mathematics
  • Advanced Laboratory Physics Association
  • Sigma Xi

Last Updated: November 19, 2024

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