Hadi Hosainy, Ph.D.
hadi.hosainy@tcu.edu817-257-4943Reed Hall 203 (map link)
Program Affiliations
Ph.D., Early Modern History of Gender and Islamic Law, The University of Texas at
Austin (2016)
MA, History, Sabanci University, Istanbul (2007)
MA, Conflict Analysis and Resolution, Sabanci University, Istanbul (2005)
BS, International Relations, Middle East Technical University, Ankara, Turkey (2003)
Classes Taught
HIST 10803 Intro to Islamic Civilization
HIST 30743 Muslim Gunpowder Empires
HIST 10843 Pirates of the Mediterranean
HIST 10833 History of Islamic Slavery
HIST 10103 World History to 1500
HIST 10113 World History Since 1500
Areas of Focus
Early Modern Middle East; the Ottoman Empire; Gender; Women; Slavery;
Islamic Law; the Sharia Court; Pious Endowments; History of Family
“Adoption of Domestic Female Salves in 17th Century Istanbul,” Journal of Global Slavery. (Submitted) -
“Ottoman Legal Practice and Non-Judicial Actors in 17th Century Istanbul,” The Journal of the Ottoman and Turkish Studies Association, 2 (1), 2015, pp. 21-36.
- 2018 “Organized Crime against Bondage: Facilitating Slaves’ Flight in Seventeenth-Century Istanbul,” Paper presented at World Congress for Middle Eastern Studies (WOCMES), Seville, Spain
- 2017 “Slavery, Women, and the Sharia Court in 17th Century Istanbul,” Public Lecture at SUNY Cortland, Cortland NY.
- 2017 “Afghanistan, ISIS, and the Taliban,” at the Panel State Sponsored Terrorism? Fact or Fiction, SUNY Cortland, Cortland, NY
- 2016 “What happened to Waqf in the Long Nineteenth Century? Rethinking the Economic
History of the Middle East,” Panel Discussant at the Middle Eastern Studies
Association Conference, Boston - 2015 “Gendered Piety: Founding Endowments in Seventeenth-Century Istanbul,” Gender Symposium, University of Texas at Austin
- 2015 “When the Law was not Just: Women in the Istanbul Court,” Research Center for Anatolian Civilizations Fellow Symposium, Koç University, Istanbul
- 2015 “Ayşe’lerin Mahkeme Tecrübesi: 17. Yüzyıl İstanbul’unda Mahkeme ve Kadın,” (The experiences of Ayşe’s in the Court: Women and Court in Seventeenth-Century Istanbul), talk delivered at the History Foundation, Istanbul
- 2014 “Ottoman Law and Family,” The World Congress for Middle Eastern Studies (WOCMES), Ankara, Turkey, (Panel Organizer and Discussant)
- 2014 “Slavery and Adoption: Integration of Slaves into the Early-Modern Istanbul Households,” paper presented at World Congress for Middle Eastern Studies (WOCMES), Ankara, Turkey
- 2013 “‘Daughters’ of their Masters: Convert Female Slaves of Early-Modern Istanbul,” paper presented at The Lure of the Other: Religious Conversion and Reversion in Early Modern Mediterranean, St. Mary’s College University, London
- 2013 “When the Law Intersects Gender and Class: The Dual Impacts of Early Modern Legal
Transformation on the Women of Istanbul,” Paper Presented at the Middle East
Studies Association Conference, New Orleans, Louisiana - 2012 “Ottoman Legal Flexibility and Women’s Property Rights,” Paper Presented at the
Workshop Titled Justice in Ottoman Society: Institutions, Actors, and Practices
Organized by Institut Français d’études Anatoliennes – Istanbul
- 2014-2015 Research Fellowship at the Research Center for Anatolian Studies (RCAC), Koç University (Istanbul)
- 2013-2014 Research Fellowship of the Scientific and Technological Research Council in Turkey (TÜBİTAK) in Affiliation with Sabancı University (Istanbul)
- 2013 Research Fellowship, History Department, University of Texas at Austin
- 2013 Professional Development Award, History Department, University of Texas at Austin
- 2012 Turkish Cultural Foundation, Research Fellowship
- 2012 Open Society Global Supplementary Grant Program, Research Grant
- 2011 American Research Institute in Turkey, Research Fellowship
- 2011 OS Global Supplementary Grant Program, Research Grant
- American Historical Association
- Middle Eastern Studies Association
Last Updated: February 20, 2025