Gunja Nandi
Program Affiliations
Gunja Nandi received her Bachelor's and Master's degrees in English literature from Presidency University, Kolkata, India, in 2019 and 2021 respectively. Having secured the highest scores in both programs, she has been awarded a Gold Medal. She joined the Department of English at Texas Christian University in fall 2022 as a doctoral student in English literature. Her doctoral research project intends to interrogate the concepts of the nation-state and nationalism vis-à-vis her exploration of various post-colonial marginalized experiences as delineated in nineteenth and twentieth century Gothic fiction from India and Ireland. Alongside the Gothic mode, she approaches an interrogation of the “post” in the postcolonial through several alternative avenues like Decadence and Diaspora. Besides her obvious interest in gender, queer, and postcolonial studies, her research interests also proliferate into fan studies and popular culture. She is an inveterate fangirl at heart, a cat lover, and has a hobby in Indian classical dance.
Last Updated: November 19, 2024