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Grace Vargas, Ph.D.
Assistant Professor
Program Affiliations
Ph.D., Southern Methodist University
M.Div., Princeton Theological Seminary
B.A., Rutgers, The State University of New Jersey
Courses Taught
Latinx Religious Identities
Religion and Revolution in Latin America
Areas of Focus
Church History
World Christianity
Christianity in Latin America
Latino/a/x Studies
Religion & Empire
Religious and Cross-cultural Identity
Race & Gender
“Baptists in the Caribbean,” The Oxford Handbook of Baptist Studies, edited by Paul Fiddes, Betsy Flowers, Steve Harmon, and David Bebbington. (Oxford, UK: Oxford University Press), forthcoming. -
“Foreign Standards for a ‘Home’ Mission: American Baptist Home Mission Society’s Ministerial Education Program in Early Twentieth-Century Cuba,” in Perspectives in Religious Studies, vol. 50, num 1, Spring 2023. -
“Christianity in Cuba,” in The Oxford Dictionary of the Christian Church, 4th edition, edited by Andrew Louth. (Oxford, UK: Oxford University Press), 2022. -
“Venezuela: Historical and Contemporary Perspectives,” in Encyclopedia of Christianity in the Global South, edited by Mark A. Lamport and George Thomas Kurian. (Lanham, MD: Rowman & Littlefield), 2018.
- August 7-10, 2022, Scholar, Baptist Scholars International Roundtable, “Foreign Standards for a Home Mission: American Baptist Home Mission Society’s Ministerial Education Program in Early Twentieth-Century Cuba, Christ Church, Oxford, England. [ In absentia ]
- March 5, 2022, Co-organizer & Panelist: AAR: Latinx Religions and the Profession (Joint Session) Unit – Theme: “Mentoring and the Professionalization of Scholars of Religion: Latina/o/x Perspectives.” Southwest Commission on Religious Studies, Irving, TX.
- October 28, 2019, Guest Lecturer: “Cuban Protestants and identity making at the end of the 19th century,” Doctoral Seminar Course, Baylor University, Department of Religion
- November 17, 2018, “A Labor of Love? Cuban Views on Early 20th Century U.S. Protestant Missions to the Island,” paper presented for Latina/o Religion, Culture, and Society Unit - Theme: Latinx Religion and Institutional Violence, AAR/SBL, Denver, CO
- November 17, 2018, Panelist: Feminist Theory and Religious Reflection Unit - Theme: Re-Thinking the Teaching of Theories and Methods: A Discussion of Cultural Approaches to the Study of Religion (Bloomsbury, 2018) and The Bloomsbury Reader for Cultural Approaches to the Study of Religion (2018), AAR/SBL, Denver, CO
- January 18-20, 2018 , “Uncovering a hidden mission: Cuban thought on Protestantism in the early twentieth century,” “Currents, Perspectives, and Methodologies in World Christianity,” International and Interdisciplinary Conference – Princeton Theological Seminary, Princeton, NJ
- March 11, 2017, “Faith and Revolution: Different Perspectives from Protestants on the Island of Cuba” Paper presented for Panel – “Christianities Engaged: Vignettes of Socio-Cultural Transitions in the Americas,” Southwest Commission on Religious Studies – Southwest Regional AAR, Irving, TX
- American Academy of Religion
- Latin American Studies Association
- American Society of Church History
- Asociación para la Educación Teológica Hispana (AETH)
- La Comunidad, the Association of U.S. Latino/a Scholars of Religion and Theology in the American Academy of Religion & Society of Biblical Literature
- Steering committee member, American Academy of Religion - Latino Religion Culture, and Society Unit
- Steering committee member, American Academy of Religion - World Christianity Unit
- Book Reviews & Technical Services Editor - Perspectivas, the online, peer-reviewed, and bilingual journal of the Hispanic Theological Initiative,
- Summer 2022, Baptist Scholars International Roundtable, Oxford, UK.
- 2019, Dissertation Fellowship, Louisville Institute
- 2018, Graduate International Research Travel Grant, The Center for the Study of Latino/a Christianity and Religions, SMU / Luce Foundation
- 2018, Dissertation Fellowship (Honorary), Forum for Theological Exploration
- 2018, Dissertation Fellowship, Hispanic Theological Initiative
- 2017, Research Cluster Grant: On Decolonial Options and the Writing of Latin American History, Dedman College Interdisciplinary Institute
- 2016, Wabash Center Teaching Seminar for Graduate Students
- 2016, Doctoral Fellowship - Louisville Institute
- 2015, University Fellowship – Southern Methodist University
- 2015, Dedman College Dean’s Fellowship – Southern Methodist University
Last Updated: November 19, 2024