Gabriel Huddleston, Ph.D.
Program Affiliations
Gabriel Huddleston, Ph.D. is an Associate Professor and Advisor of Curriculum Studies at Texas Christian University. He teaches classes in curriculum studies and qualitative inquiry. His work in curriculum studies utilizes a Cultural Studies theoretical framework within qualitative research to examine intersections between schools and society. His other research interests include popular culture, spatial theory, new materialism, and postcolonial studies. He taught high school theatre for five years in Indianapolis, IN. Gabriel currently serves as the Managing Editor of the Journal of Curriculum Theorizing and the Program Chair of the AERA SIG, Critical Issues in Curriculum and Cultural Studies.
Ph.D., Curriculum Studies
Indiana University
M.S., Secondary Education Curriculum
Indiana University—IUPUI
B.A., Theatre and Political Science
Denison University
Academic Areas
- Curriculum Studies
- Qualitative Inquiry
Research Areas
- Curriculum Theory
- Urban Education
- Curriculum Studies
- Cultural Studies
- Education Policy
- Qualitative Research
- Theatre as Research Method
- Multicultural Education
- Teacher Education
- Full Service Community Schools
- Student Activism
- Participatory Action Research
- Secondary Theatre and Speech
Selected Publications
Huddleston, G., & Rocha, S. D. (2020). Method as Method: A Play in Three Acts. The Qualitative Report, 25(5), 1323-1340. Retrieved from https://nsuworks.nova.edu/tqr/vol25/iss5/11.
Huddleston, G. & Helmsing, M. (2020) Pop culture 2.0: A political curriculum in the age of Trump. In P. Trifonas (Ed.), Handbook of Theory and Research in Cultural Studies and Education. Springer International.
Huddleston, G. & Rocha, S. (2018) Don Draper as teacher-as-artist: A diffractive Reading of Mad Men. Taboo: The Journal of Culture and Education, 17(3), 26-33.
Huddleston, G., & Helfenbein Jr., R. (2018). Waiting for Superman: A cultural studies analysis in the nightmare of the present. Pro-Posições, 29(1), 322-338.
Huddleston, G. (2018) Combining Curriculum Studies and Cultural Studies as a move towards the concrete in post-qualitative research. The Journal of Curriculum and Pedagogy.
Huddleston, G., Snaza, N., Sonu, D., Truman S.E. and Zaliwska Z. The Zombie in the Room: Using Popular Culture as an Apparatus. In Pedagogical Matters: New Materialisms and Curriculum Studies. https://www.peterlang.com/view/product/31613
Huddleston, G., Maudlin, J. & Sandlin, J. (2016) A new dimension of Disney magic: MyMagic+ and controlled leisure. In J. Sandlin and J. Garlen (Eds.), Disney, culture, and curriculum. Routledge. https://www.routledge.com/products/9781138957688
Huddleston, G. (2015) Researcher stance as awkward: Of Spivak and double binds. Critical Literacy: Theories and Practices, 9(1).
Huddleston, G., & Helmsing, M. (2015) An imperfect struggle with Gayatri Spivak. Critical Literacy: Theories and Practices 9(1).
Huddleston, G. (2013). Thinking spatially and moving towards the material: An Essay on Seeking Spatial Justice by Edward Soja. Taboo: The Journal of Culture and Education, 13(1), 112-117.
Helfenbein R., & Huddleston, G. (2013). Youth, space, cites: Towards the concrete. Taboo: The Journal of Culture and Education, 13(1), 5-10.
Last Updated: November 19, 2024