Esther Teixeira, Ph.D.
esther.teixeira@tcu.edu817-257-6357Scharbauer Hall 3117
Program Affiliations
Ph.D., Latin American Studies, Purdue University, West Lafayette, Indiana.
Graduate Certificate in Women’s, Gender, and Sexuality Studies, Purdue University.
M.A., Latin American Literature, Purdue University.
B.A., Brazilian Literature and Portuguese Linguistics, Federal University of Minas
Gerais, Brazil.
Courses Taught
Literature & Culture
- Marginalized Sexualities in Latin America
- Service Learning with the Latino Community
- Honors Thesis
- Culture of Brazil
- Culture of Latin America
- Latin America through Fables, Tales & Film
- Panorama of Latin American Literature (Post 1820)
- Popular Cultures of Spanish Speaking Countries
- Spanish and Portuguese for Beginners
- Intermediate Spanish and Portuguese
- Advanced Spanish and Portuguese
- Writing in Spanish
Research Areas
- Prostitution in Latin American Narratives & Film from late 19th to 21st century
- Cultural Studies
- Gender and Sexuality Studies
- Testimonial writing
- Book Chapters & Reviews
Teixeira, Esther."A narrativa de prostitutas por um viés literário: contraste entre as obras de Bruna Surfistinha e Gabriela Leite". In Climent-Espino, Rafael and Michel Mingote, Eds. Perspectivas críticas da literatura brasileira no século XXI: prosas e outras escrituras. São Paulo: EDUC [Pontifícia Universidade Católica de São Paulo], 2021. pp. 81-98.
---. Review of Del manuscrito al libro. Materialidad del texto y crítica genética en la novela iberoamericana: 1969-1992, by Rafael Climent-Espino, Brasil/Brazil: Revista de Literatura Brasileira/A Journal of Brazilian Literature, vol.30, no. 56, 2017.
- Articles & Essays
Laura Murray, Esther Teixeira, and Meg Weeks. Introduction. Daughter, Mother, Grandmother and Whore: The Story of a Woman Who Decided to be a Puta, translated by Meg Weeks, Duke University Press, Durham and London, in press, September 2024. -
Teixeira, Esther. “Prostitución, colonización crítica y revolución teórica: La reflexión de Gabriela Leite y demás trabajadoras sexuales organizadas y el canon.” A Contracorriente. (Forthcoming) -
Ciriza, María del Puy and Teixeira, Esther. “On Interdisciplinary Presentism in Hispanic Studies: Notes on Service Learning with the Latino Community” Hispania, 104.1 (2021): 27-30.
---. “La prostitución de la mujer blanca en el contexto peruano decimonónico: análisis de Blanca Sol de Mercedes Cabello” Bulletin of Hispanic Studies 97.10 (2020): 1075-1093. -
---. “Narrativa prostibularia y el imaginario de la blancura en el contexto brasileño finisecular: análisis de O Cortiço de Aluísio Azevedo.” Journal of the Midwest Modern Language Association 53.1 (2020): 55-80. -
---. “De la repetición naturalista en la literatura latinoamericana: narrativa prostibularia y condición periférica en La novia oscura de Laura Restrepo.” Revista de Estudios de Género y Sexualidades [Journal of Gender and Sexuality Studies], 45.2 (2019): 23-47. -
---. “A lei do jeitinho ou o sentimento íntimo da brasilidade: análise do conto “O Empréstimo” de Machado de Assis”. Espelho: Revista Machadiana 14/15 (2008-09): 81-96.
- “The Migrant Sex Worker and the Human Trafficking Narrative in the Spanish film 'Princesas' by Fernando Aranoa.” 2024 International Congress of the Latin American Studies Association, Bogotá, Colombia, June 12-15.
- “Sex Work and Liberation Theology in Dialogue in Brazil.” 2024 Women, Human Rights, and Religion Inaugural Conference, Forth Worth, TX, April 18-20.
- "Heteronationalism and prostitution: The Bad Ones by Camila Sosa Villada and What if I were a Whore by Amara Moira as Trans-gressive Narratives.” 2022 Midwest Modern Language Association, Minneapolis, MN, November 17-20.
- "Prostitution and the Imaginary of Whiteness in Late Nineteenth Century Brazil: Analysis of The Tenement (1890) by Aluísio Azevedo." 2021 Midwest Modern Language Association, Milwaukee, Wisconsin, November 4-7.
- “A narrativa de prostitutas por um viés literário: contraste entre as obras de Bruna Surfistinha e Gabriela Leite.” XXXIX International Congress of the Latin American Studies Association, Virtual Congress, May 26 – 29, 2021.
- “A Moderated Discussion on Sex Work and Implications for Solutions.” Cross-disciplinary Solutions to Human Trafficking Symposium – Texas Christian University, Fort Worth, TX, February 7, 2019.
- "El prostíbulo y el manicomio como espacios de resistencia en 'Nadie me verá llorar' de Cristina Rivera Garza." 2018 Midwest Modern Language Association, Kansas City, MO, November 15-18, 2018.
- “Del local al universal: narrativa prostibularia y ‘reforma moral’ en los testimonios de Bruna Surfistinha/Raquel Pacheco.” XXXVI International Congress of the Latin American Studies Association, Barcelona, Spain, May 23 – 26, 2018.
- “Discurso prostibulario y nación colombiana en La Novia Oscura (Colombia; 1999) de Laura Restrepo.” XXVII Annual Congress of the International Association of Female Hispanic Literature and Culture (AILCFH), Santo Domingo, Dominican Republic, November 9-11, 2017.
- “When the Prostitute Speaks: Analysis of Gabriela Leite's Daughter, Mother, Grandmother and Whore: the Story of a Woman Who Decided to be a Prostitute (Brazil; 2009).” XXXIV International Congress of the Latin American Studies Association, New York, NY, May 27-30, 2016.
Engage Faculty Award – Leadership & Student Involvement, Texas Christian University (2022)
Wassenich Award for Mentoring in the community, Texas Christian University (*Nominated 2020)
Excellence of Scholarship for Doctoral Dissertation – College of Liberal Arts, Purdue University (2017)
Teaching Academy Graduate Teaching Award, College of Liberal Arts, Purdue University (2017)
Berenice A. Carroll Feminism, Peace and Social Justice Award, Purdue University (2015)
Association of Gender and Sexuality Studies (AEGS)
Latin American Studies Association (LASA)
Midwest Modern Language Association (MMLA)
Last Updated: November 19, 2024