Esayas Gebremichael, Ph.D.
e.gebremichael@tcu.edu817-257-4740SWR 205
Program Affiliations
Ph.D. Western Michigan University, 2018 Geosciences
Areas of Focus
I apply an integrated research approach that leverages multi-source datasets and various data analytics techniques (including satellite (optical and SAR) and aerial remote sensing (UAV and UAVSAR) datasets, campaign (RTK) and permanent GNSS station datasets, direct and indirect surface and subsurface datasets and methods (e.g., near-surface geophysics), and other relevant spatial datasets (e.g., socio-economic data)) for the following interrelated areas of research focus:
- Natural hazards/disasters – impact assessment, monitoring, and generation of products that could serve as input for mitigation/adaptation measures, as well as for the development of disater early-warning systems.
- Coastal processes and climate change – modeling short- and long-term impacts of coupled anthropogenic alterations of the environment and climate change on communities and resources, with emphasis on assessing the sustainable use of coastal aquifers.
- Hydrology/Hydrogeology – aquifer characterization, water quality assessments, and related studies.
- Solid Earth dynamics – quantifying surface deformation processes using geodetic methods, with a focus on natural processes (e.g., isostatic adjustment) and anthropogenic influences (e.g., groundwater extraction) that constrain the rate and intensity of these processes.
Courses Taught
- Environmental Remote Sensing
- Natural Hazards and Disasters
- Spatial Analysis
- Applied GIS
- Introduction to Geospatial Technology
- Data Analytics with Earth Engine
Darge, Y., Gebremichael, E., Holbrook, J., & Ahmed, M. (2024). Detecting active sinkholes through combination of morphometric-cluster assessment and deformation precursors. Science of The Total Environment, 955, 177061.
Beattie, A., Ahmed, M., Chu, T., Gebremichael, E., Elshalkany, M., & Abdelrehim, R. (2024). Temporal gravimetry, campaign and permanent GNSS, and interferometric radar techniques: A comparative approach to quantifying land deformation rates in coastal Texas. Science of The Total Environment, 956, 177280.
Gebremichael, E., Hernandez, R., Alsleben, H., Ahmed, M., Denne, R., & Harvey, O. (2024). Kinematics and Controlling Factors of Slow-Moving Landslides in Central Texas: A Multisource Data Fusion Approach. Geosciences, 14(5), 133.
Ghimire, B., Kharel, G., Gebremichael, E., & Cheng, L. (2023). Evaluating Non-Stationarity in Precipitation Intensity-Duration-Frequency Curves for the Dallas–Fort Worth Metroplex, Texas, USA. Hydrology, 10(12), 229.
Gebremichael, E., Seyoum, W. M., Ishimwe*, B., & Sataer, G. (2022). Lake surface area expansion: Insights into the role of volcano-tectonic processes, Lake Beseka, East Africa. Journal of Hydrology: Regional Studies, 41, 101093.
Haley, M., Ahmed, M., Gebremichael, E., Murgulet, D., & Starek, M. (2022). Land Subsidence in the Texas Coastal Bend: Locations, Rates, Triggers, and Consequences. Remote Sensing, 14(1), 192.
Sataer, G., Sultan, M., Emil, M. K., Yellich, J. A., Palaseanu-Lovejoy, M., Becker, R., Gebremichael, E., & Abdelmohsen, K. (2022). Remote Sensing Application for Landslide Detection, Monitoring along Eastern Lake Michigan (Miami Park, MI). Remote Sensing, 14(14), 3474.
Emil, M. K., Sultan, M., Alakhras, K., Sataer, G., Gozi, S., Al-Marri, M., & Gebremichael, E. (2021). Countrywide monitoring of ground deformation using InSAR time series: a case study from Qatar. Remote Sensing, 13(4), 702.
Pankratz, H., Sultan, M., Mohamed, Abdelmohsen, K., Sauck, W., Alsefry, S., Aharby, H., Emil, M., Gebremichael, E., Asaeidi, A., Alshehri, F., Hashim, H., Al-Shamarani, H., El Sahly, M. (2021). Use of geophysical and radar interferometric techniques to monitor land deformation associated with the Jazan Salt Diapir, Jazan city, Saudi Arabia. Surveys in Geophysics, 42(1), 177-200.
Gebremichael, E., Molthan, A. L., Bell, J. R., Schultz, L. A., & Hain, C. (2020). Flood Hazard and Risk Assessment of Extreme Weather Events Using Synthetic Aperture Radar and Auxiliary Data: A Case Study. Remote Sensing, 12(21), 3588.
Bell, J. R., Gebremichael, E., Molthan, A. L., Schultz, L. A., Meyer, F. J., Hain, C. R., ... & Payne, K. C. (2020). Complementing optical remote sensing with synthetic aperture radar observations of hail damage swaths to agricultural crops in the central United States. Journal of Applied Meteorology and Climatology, 59(4), 665-685.
El Bastawesy, M., Gebremichael, E., Sultan, M., Attwa, M., & Sahour, H. (2020). Tracing Holocene channels and landforms of the Nile Delta through integration of early elevation, geophysical, and sediment core data. The Holocene, 30(8), 1129-1141.
Sahour, H., Sultan, M., Vazifedan, M., Abdelmohsen, K., Karki, S., Yellich, J. A., Gebremichael, E., ... & Elbayoumi, T. M. (2020). Statistical applications to downscale GRACE-derived terrestrial water storage data and to fill temporal gaps. Remote Sensing, 12(3), 533.
Bell, J., Gebremichael, E., Molthan, A., Schultz, L., Meyer, F., & Shrestha, S. (2019, July). Synthetic Aperture Radar and Optical Remote Sensing of Crop Damage Attributed to Severe Weather in the Central United States. In IGARSS 2019-2019 IEEE International Geoscience and Remote Sensing Symposium (pp. 9938-9941). IEEE.
Gebremichael, E., Sultan, M., Becker, R.H., El Bastawesy, M., Cherif, O., Emil, M. (2018). Assessing Land Deformation and Sea Encroachment in Deltas: A Radar Interferometric and Inundation Modeling Approach. Journal of Geophysical Research: Solid Earth, 123(4), 3208-3224.
Othman, A., Sultan, M., Becker, R., Alsefry, S., Alharbi, T., Gebremichael, E., ... & Abdelmohsen, K. (2018). Use of geophysical and remote sensing data for assessment of aquifer depletion and related land deformation. Surveys in Geophysics, 39(3), 543-566.
Last Updated: February 27, 2025