Eny Dorea
eny.dorea@tcu.edu817-257-1231Annie Richardson Bass Building 2234
Program Affiliations
PhD, University of São Paulo, Brazil, 2012
MSN, University of São Paulo, Brazil, 2007
Residency, National Institute of Health for Women, Children and Adolescents (IFF/FioCruz),
Brazil, 2004
BSN, University of Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, 2002
Areas of Focus
Neonatal and Pediatrics Nursing.
Design Thinking for Innovation in Healthcare
Dorea, E., Garcia, K., Moura, R., Santos, C., Rodrigues, E., Machado, M. E., Reis, A., & Rodrigues, L. (2024). Alternative Measurement for Inserting Peripherally Inserted Central Catheters in Neonates. Journal of the Association for Vascular Access, 29, 33–38. https://doi.org/10.2309/JAVA-D-24-00017
* Recognized for its contribution to nursing education and practice, this article was selected as the Continuing Education (CE) feature in this issue.
Oliveira, M. F., Silvino, Z. R., Souza, C. J., Dorea Paiva, E., Duarte, S. da C. M., Reis, A. T., Oliveira, A. S. da F. S. R. (2024) Development of Infographics for Training Nurses in Ultrasound-Assisted Epicutaneous Catheterization in Newborns. Arace Journal. 6 (4). https://doi.org/10.56238/arev6n4-011 -
Pacheco, R. N., Machado, M. E. D., Silva, L. R. da, Dórea Paiva, E., Silveira, A. L. D. da, & dos Santos, L. M. (2023). Noise levels in Neonatal Unit. Revista Enfermagem UERJ, 31(1), e71347. https://www.e-publicacoes.uerj.br/enfermagemuerj/article/view/71347/48383
Vettori, T. N. B., Dórea Paiva, E., Silva, R. de C., Rodrigues, E. da C., Silva, L. F., & Aguiar, R. C. B. (2023). Flip chart for nurses about the prevention of central venous catheter infections in children. Revista De Enfermagem Da UFSM, 13, e29. https://periodicos.ufsm.br/reufsm/article/view/74640/61648
Damasceno Silva, M., Dorneles da Silveira, A. L., Moreira Christoffel, M., Dórea Paiva, E., & Bandeira Nunes dos Santos, J. (2022). Pain relief measures in infants with family participation: an integrative review. Revista De Enfermagem Da UFSM, 12, e47. https://doi.org/10.5902/2179769269874
Acioly, P. G. M., Dórea Paiva, E., Reis, A. T., Gomes, T. de O., Silva, L. R. da., & Silva, L. F. da.. (2022). Development and validation of an instrument for nursing consultation with pediatric patients in the preoperative period. Revista Da Escola De Enfermagem Da USP, 56, e20210467. https://doi.org/10.1590/1980-220X-REEUSP-2021-0467
de Cássia Silva, R., & Dórea Paiva, E. (2022). Nursing care for prevention of skin injury in preterm newborns: Integrative review. Nursing (São Paulo), 25(292), 8688–8699. https://doi.org/10.36489/nursing.2022v25i292p8688-8699
Silva, R. de C., Dórea Paiva, E., & Vettori, T. N. B. (2022). Educational technologies and health education: management of central venous catheters by nurses. Research, Society and Development, 11(5), e2711527952. https://doi.org/10.33448/rsd-v11i5.27952
Dórea Paiva, E., Silva, L. R. da ., Machado, M. E. D., Aguiar, R. C. B. de ., Garcia, K. R. da S., & Acioly, P. G. M.. (2021). Child behavior during the social distancing in the COVID-19 pandemic. Revista Brasileira De Enfermagem, 74, e20200762. https://doi.org/10.1590/0034-7167-2020-0762
Dórea Paiva, Eny, Zanchetta, Margareth Santos, Londoño, Camila. Innovation in thinking and scientific action: the method of Design Thinking for nursing. Escola Anna Nery [online]. 2020, v. 24, n. 4, e20190304. Epub 06 Jul 2020. ISSN 2177-9465. https://doi.org/10.1590/2177-9465-EAN-2019-0304
Dórea Paiva, E., Silva, L. R. da, Garcia, K. R. da S., Reis, A. T., Rodrigues, E. da C. & Machado, M. E. D. (2020). Complications related to the positioning of the peripherally inserted central catheter tip in neonates. Saúde Coletiva (Barueri), 9(51), 1959–1965. https://doi.org/10.36489/saudecoletiva.2019v9i51p1959-1965
Dórea, Eny. Innovation and Challenges for Entrepreneurship in Nursing. Presenter, Nursing symposium. Antônio Pedro University Hospital, Federal Fluminense University, Niteroi, Brazil. (2022) – https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=BIMklwPayIo
Dórea, Eny. Nursing assistance for safe neonatal care – III Fórum de Atenção à Saúde da Mulher, Brazil. (2021) – https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Kmeq1Ti-uhQ
Dórea, Eny. Research experiences using Design Thinking (Table 2: Research experiences in the Development of Technical and Technological Products). Presenter, XI National Forum of Professional Masters and Doctorates in Nursing, Brazil. (2021) – https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vCb_2ct5A7M
Dórea, Eny. What Design Thinking can contribute to innovation, research, and nursing practice? Presenter, MPEA 15 years, Brazil. (2019)
Dórea, Eny. “Banhocídio”: myth or truth. Repercussions of bed bath on body hemodynamics in Adult, Neonatal and Pediatric ICU. Presenter, 1º Simpósio Multidisciplinar em Cardiointensivismo, Brazil. (2018)
Dórea, Eny. Nutritional Care in the Premature. Presenter, II Multiprofessional Symposium of Neonatology at Federal Fluminense University, Brazil. (2018)
Dórea, Eny. Centrality of Nursing in the Teaching Perspective. Presenter, XVII Nursing Week of the Institute of Childcare and Pediatrics Martagão Gesteira (Federal University of Rio de Janeiro), Brazil. (2018)
Dórea, Eny. Challenges of care practice for newborns at risk. Presenter, I Neonatal Nursing Meeting of the Antônio Pedro University Hospital, Niterói, Brazil. (2018)
Last Updated: February 27, 2025