Deborah J. Rhea
d.rhea@tcu.edu817-257-5263RIC 172P
Program Affiliations
Ed.D in Physical Education (emphases Sport Psychology & Pedagogy), University of Houston
M.Ed. Physical Education (emphases Sport Psychology & Pedagogy), University of Houston
B.A. in Exercise & Sport Studies, University of Texas - Arlington
Courses Taught
Physical Education for Elementary School Children
Health & Stress Management
Webb, G.K.,* & Rhea, D.J.** (2023). Development of the Movement Pattern Observation Tool (MPOT): An observational tool to measure limb movements during elementary school recess. Int. J. Environ. Res. Public Health, 20, 5589. https://doi.org/10.3390/ijerph20085589 .
Campbell-Pierre, D.,* Rhea, D.J.,** (2023). The Feasibility of Using the Körperkoordinationstest fur Kinder (KTK) in a U.S. Elementary Physical Education Setting to Assess Gross Motor Skills Specific to Postural Balance. Front. Sports Act. Living, 8. https://doi.org/10.3389/fspor.2023.1133379.
Campbell-Pierre, D.,* Rhea, D.J.,** Baker, K. (2022). What is the relationship between outdoor play breaks and no play breaks on postural balance? A systematic review. Journal of Health and Physical Literacy, 1 (2), 122-134. https://johpl.org/index.php/johpl/issue/current.
Farbo, D.,*& Rhea, D.J.** (2022). The effects of a yearlong recess intervention on body fat shifts in elementary aged children. International Journal of Child Health & Nutrition, 11, 60-71. https://doi.org/10.6000/1929-4247.2022.11.02.1
Ramstetter C, Baines E, Brickman CW, Hyndman B, Jarrett O, London RA, Massey W, McNamara L, Murray R, & Rhea D. (Oct, 2022). Recess in the 21st century post-COVID world. Journal of School Health, 92, 941-944. https://doi.org/10.1111/josh.13235. [PMID: 35975616 PMCID: PMC9543454]
Rhea, D.J. (2022). Let the kids play: The impact of chaos on academic success. Journal of Kinesiology and Wellness, 10(1), 98–105.
Farbo, D.* & Rhea, D.J.** (2021). A pilot study examining body composition classification differences between body mass index and bioelectrical impedance analysis in children with high levels of physical activity. Frontiers in Education, 9. https://doi.org/10.3389/fped.2021.724053
Farbo, D.*; Maler, L.C.*; Rhea, D.J.** (2020). The Preliminary Effects of a Multi-Recess School Intervention: Using Accelerometers to Measure Physical Activity Patterns in Elementary Children. Int. J. Environ. Res. Public Health, 17(23), 8919. https://doi.org/10.3390/ijerph17238919
Bauml, M., Patton, M., & Rhea, D.J. (2020). A qualitative study of teachers’ perceptions of increased recess time on teaching, learning, and behavior; Journal of Research in Childhood Education. https://doi.org/10.1080/02568543.2020.1718808
Rhea, D.J., & Bauml, M. (2018). An Innovative Whole Child Approach to Learning: The LiiNK Project®. Childhood Education, 94:2, 56-63, DOI: 10.1080/00094056.2018.1451691
Rhea, D.J., & Rivchun, A.P.* (Feb, 2018). The LiiNK Project®: Effects of Multiple Recesses and Character Curriculum on Classroom Behaviors and Listening Skills in Grades K-2 Children. Frontiers in Education, 3:9. doi: 10.3389/feduc.2018.000
Lund, E., Brimo, D., Rhea, D., & Rivchun, A.* (2017). The effect of multiple recesses on listening effort: A preliminary study. Journal of Pediatric, Educational, & Rehabilitative Audiology, 23, 1-7.
- Rhea, D.J. (2019). Wrong Turns, Right Moves in Education. Archway Publishing.
- Rhea, D.J., Rivchun, A., & Clark, L. (October, 2018). LiiNK Project: Case Study. Chapter. Instructional Leadership in the Content Areas: Case Studies for Curriculum and Instruction. Routledge/University Council for Educational Administration.
- Rhea, D.J. (2018). High School Physical Education: Personal Foundations. TX: Finer Freelance Publishers. 3rd edition.
- Rhea, D.J. (2017). High School Physical Education: Outdoor Education. TX: Finer Freelance Publishers. 3rd edition.
- Rhea, D.J. (2017). High School Physical Education: Cardio. TX: Finer Freelance Publishers. 3rd edition.
- Rhea, D.J. (2017). High School Physical Education: Team Sports. TX: Finer Freelance Publishers. 3rd edition.
- Rhea, D.J. (2017). High School Physical Education: Individual/Dual Sports. TX: Finer Freelance Publishers. 3rd edition.
- Rhea, D.J. (2017). Middle School Physical Education: Curriculum Framework 8. TX: Finer Freelance Publishers. 3rd edition.
- Rhea, D.J. (2023). Successes, Challenges, and Policies of a Play Intervention in U.S. Schools. International Play Association (IPA) World Conference. Glasgow, Scotland. Rhea, D.J. (2023). The Secret Sauce of a Healthy Life. Keynote Address. National Academy of Health & Physical Literacy (NAHPL). Birmingham, AL.
- Rhea, D.J., Campbell-Pierre, D.M.,* & Webb, G.K.* (2023). Engaging Physical Educators in Assessing Fitness with Physical Literacy in Mind. National Academy of Health & Physical Literacy (NAHPL). Birmingham, AL.
- Rhea, D.J., Sutherland, C., Solmon, M., Manning, C., Ciotto, C., & Benham, E. (2023). PETE/HETE Recruitment in Higher Education: Strategies to Promote Programs and Recruit/Retain Students. National Academy of Health & Physical Literacy (NAHPL). Birmingham, AL.
- Webb, G.K.,* & Rhea, D.J. (Dec, 2022). Determining Muscular Strength and Neuromuscular Control in Elementary Children Who Participate in Different Amounts of Recess. TAHPERD Conference. Corpus Christi, TX.
- Rhea, D.J. (Oct, 2022). Unstructured, Outdoor Play in Schools – Working Smarter Together. IPA-USA Conference. San Antonio, TX.
- Rhea, D.J., Webb, G.K., Campbell-Pierre, D.M., & Farbo, D. (Oct, 2022). The LiiNK Project: A School Recess Intervention Promoting Healthy, Whole Child Development. Association for Applied Sport Psychology (AASP) Conference. Fort Worth, TX.
- Rhea, D.J. (Apr, 2022). COVID Roadblocks Disrupting Play Opportunities: Fighting Back. U.S. Play Coalition Conference. Clemson, South Carolina.
- Farbo, D.,* & Rhea, D.J. (Apr, 2022). The power of outdoor, unstructured play on decreasing obesity rates and increasing physical activity in elementary aged children. U.S. Play Coalition Conference. Clemson, South Carolina.
- Campbell-Pierre, D.* & Rhea, D.J. (Apr, 2022). Körperkoordinationstest fur Kinder (KTK): Assessing motor coordination differences in children receiving varying minutes of recess daily. U.S. Play Coalition Conference. Clemson, South Carolina.
- Webb, G.K.,* & Rhea, D.J. (Apr, 2022). The impact of multiple recesses on limb-movement patterns to strengthen cognition.
- Bryan, C., & Rhea, D.J. (Apr, 2022). HETE/PETE Recruitment Ideas for University Programs. Alabama Health, Physical Education, Recreation, & Dance (AHPERD) Conference. Gulf Shores, Alabama.
- Kirby, K.,* & Rhea, D. (Feb, 2022). Comparisons of play, chronic stress, and body composition in elementary school children. Health & Physical Literacy Summit. Birmingham, AL. Abstract published.
- Farbo, D.,* & Rhea, D. (Feb., 2022). The effects of recess on physical activity patterns in elementary children. Health & Physical Literacy Summit. Birmingham, AL. Rhea, D., Farbo, D.*, & Campbell-Pierre, D.* (Feb, 2022). Outdoor playscapes make the difference for physical literacy. Health & Physical Literacy Summit. Birmingham, AL.
- Rhea, D.J., Clark, L., & Farbo, D. (April, 2019). The impact of play on overweight children in elementary schools. U.S. Play Coalition. Clemson, South Carolina.
- Rhea, D.J., Farbo, D. & Clark, L. (April, 2019). Children learning the value of play for life. U.S. Play Coalition. Clemson, South Carolina.
- Rivchun, A., Farbo, D., & Rhea, D.J. (April, 2019). The effects of unstructured play on listening efforts in elementary school children. U.S. Play Coalition. Clemson, South Carolina.
- Bauml, M., Patton, M., & Rhea, D.J. (April, 2019). The LiiNK Project: How U.S. Teachers are Making Time for More Recess in an Age of Assessment and Accountability. European Teacher Education Network Conference (ETEN). Barcelona, Spain.
- Rhea, D. J. (April, 2019). Being playful teachers – changing the mindset. European Teacher Education Network Conference (ETEN). Barcelona, Spain.
- Rhea, D.J., Bauml, M., Patton, M., & Tolbert, M. (June, 2018). What’s the big deal about Finland? How recess and character education are making a difference in the U.S. National Association for the Education of Young Children (NAEYC) Conference. Austin, TX.
- School district awards. LiiNK training & program research. 2019-2020. $234,550.00.
- Ella C. McFadden Service to Youth Award, Camp Fire First Texas, 2019.
- Sid Richardson Foundation. LiiNK Expansion Planning Grant. 2018-2019. $50,000.00.
- School district awards, LiiNK Training & Program Research. 2018-2019. $301,900.00.
- Distinguished Achievement as a Creative Teacher and Scholar, TCU Chancellor’s Award Recipient, 2018.
- Distinguished Achievement as a Creative Teacher and Scholar, HCNHS Chancellor’s Award Nominee, 2018.
- Paul E. Andrews Foundation. LiiNK Project®: Let’s inspire innovation ‘N Kids. 2018-2021. $210,000.00.
- U.S. Play Coalition International Play Association (IPA)
- National Academy of Health & Physical Literacy (NAHPL)
- Society of Health and Physical Education Conference (Shape America) used to be American Alliance for Health, Physical Education, Recreation and Dance 1980-present
- Texas Association for Health, Physical Education, Recreation, and Dance Conference (TAHPERD) 1980-present
- Texas Association of School Administrators (TASA) 2015-2018
- American School Health Association Conference (ASHA) 2016-present
- American Educational Research Association Conference (AERA) 2017-present
- U.S. Play Coalition Conference 2013-present
- International Play Association – IPA USA – Chair
- Recess Committee 2022-ongoing
- Shape America – Southern District Scholar Committee Chair 2015-2020; Committee member 2021-2024
- Global Recess Alliance – Founding Member and Task Force for Recess consultant 2020-present
- Fort Worth Botanical Gardens – Family Garden Planning Committee 2022-2025
- Journal for Health & Physical Literacy – Editorial Board 2021-present
- Journal for Health & Physical Literacy – PETE/HETE Recruitment Task Force Committee Chair 2021-2023
- Fort Worth Botanical Gardens (FWBG)/Botanical Research Institute of Texas (BRIT) Education Advisory Council 2019-present
Last Updated: November 19, 2024