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David Cross

David Cross, Ph.D.

Professor Emeritus -- Director of Rees-Jones and the Karyn Purvis Institute of Child Development



Ph.D., Education and Psychology, University of Michigan, 1985
MA, Psychology, University of Michigan, 1984
MA, Statistics, University of Michigan, 1984
BA, Psychology, California State University, Fresno, 1977

Areas of Focus

  • Attachment and Human Development
  • Complex Developmental Trauma
  • Trauma-Informed Interventions
  • Systems Thinking

Purvis, K.B., Razuri, E. B., Howard, A. R., Call, C., DeLuna, J., Hall, J. S., & Cross, D. R. (in press, 2015). Decrease in behavioral problems and trauma symptoms among at-risk adopted children following trauma-informed parent training intervention. Journal of Child & Adolescent Trauma.

Hiles Howard, A. R., Parris, S. R., Nielsen, L.E., Lusk, R., Bush, K., Purvis, K. B., & Cross, D. R. (in press, 2015). Trust-Based Relational Intervention (TBRI) for adopted children receiving therapy in an outpatient setting. Child Welfare.

Purvis, K.B., Milton, H.S., Harlow, J.G., Parris, S.R., & Cross, D.R. (2015). The importance of addressing complex trauma in schools: Implementing Trust-Based Relational Intervention in an elementary school. ENGAGE: International Journal of Research and Practice on School Engagement, 1(2), 42–51.

Razuri, E. B., Howard, A.R., Parris, S., Call, C., DeLuna, J., Hall, J.S., Purvis, K.B., & Cross, D. R. (2015). Decrease in behavioral problems and trauma symptoms among at-risk adopted children following trauma-informed web-based parent training. Journal of Evidence-Informed Social Work (Published online: 14 June 2015).

McKenzie, L. B., Purvis, K. B. & Cross, David R. (2014). A trust-based home intervention for special-needs adopted children: A case study. Journal of Aggression, Maltreatment & Trauma, 23(6), 633–651.

Purvis, K. B., McKenzie, L. B., Razuri, E. B., Cross, D. R., & Buckwalter, K. (2014). A trust-based intervention for complex developmental trauma: A case study from a residential treatment center. Child & Adolescent Social Work Journal, 31(4), 355–368.

Parris, S. R., Dozier, M., Purvis, K. B., Whitney, C., & Grisham, A., Cross, D. R. (2014). Implementing Trust-Based Relational Intervention at a charter school in a residential facility for at-risk youth. Contemporary School Psychology, 19(3), 1–8.

Howard, A. R., Call, C. D., McKenzie, L. B., Hurst, J. R., Cross, D. R., & Purvis, K. B. (2013). An examination of attachment representations among child welfare professionals. Children and Youth Services Review, 35(9), 1587–91.

Purvis, K. B., McKenzie, L. B., Cross, D. R. & Razuri, E. (2013). A spontaneous emergence of attachment behavior in at-risk children and a correlation with sensory deficits. Journal of Child & Adolescent Psychiatric Nursing, 26(3), 165–72.

Purvis, K. P., McKenzie, L. B., Kellermann, G., & Cross, D. R. (2010). An attachment based approach to child custody evaluation: A case study. Journal of Child Custody, 7(1), 45–60.

Purvis, K.B., Cross, D. R., Dansereau, D. F., & Parris, S. R. (2013). Trust-Based Relational Intervention (TBRI): A systemic approach to complex developmental trauma. Child & Youth Services, 34(4), 360–386.

Purvis, K., Cross, D., Jones, D. & Buff, G. (Summer 2012). Transforming cultures of care: A case study in organizational change. Reclaiming Children & Youth, Special Edition on Practice-Based Evidence, Vol. 21(2), 12–20.

Cross, D. R., Kellermann, G., McKenzie, L. B., Purvis, K. B., Hill, G. J., & Huisman, H. (2010). A randomized targeted amino acid therapy with behaviorally at-risk adopted children. Child: Care, Health and Development, 37(5), 671–678.

Purvis, K.P., McKenzie, L. B., Kellermann, G., Cross, D. R. (Winter 2010). An attachment based approach to child custody evaluation: A case study. Journal of Child Custody. 7(1), 45–60.

Purvis, K.B., Cross, D.R., & Pennings, J. S. (2009). Trust-Based Relational Intervention: Interactive principles for adopted children with special social-emotional needs. Journal of Humanistic Counseling, Education and Development, 48(1), 3–22.

Cross, D. R., & Purvis, K. B. (2008). Is maternal deprivation the root of all evil? Special issue: Nurturing Human Nature, Advances in Latin American Psychology, 26(1), 66–81.

Purvis, K. B., Cross, D. R., Federici, R., Johnson, D., & McKenzie, L. B. (2007). The Hope Connection: A therapeutic summer camp for adopted and at-risk children with special socio-emotional needs. Adoption & Fostering, 31(4), 38–48.

Purvis, K. B., Cross, D. R., & Pennings, J. S. (2007). International adoption of post-institutionalized children: Implications for school counselors. Journal of School Counseling, 5(22). Retrieved from

Purvis, K. B., Cross, D. R., & Sunshine, W. L. (2007). The connected child: Bring hope and healing to your adoptive family. New York: McGraw-Hill.

Purvis, K., & Cross, D. (2006). Improvements in salivary cortisol, depression, and representations of family relationships in at-risk adopted children utilizing a short-term therapeutic intervention. Adoption Quarterly, 10(1), 25–43.

Stone, H., Cross, D., Purvis, K., & Young, M. (2004). A study of church members during times of crisis. Pastoral Psychology, 52, 405–421.

Asbury, E. T., Cross, D. R., & Waggenspack, B. (2003). Biological, adoptive and mixed families: Special needs and the impact of the international adoption. Adoption Quarterly, 7(1), 53–57.

Stone, H., Cross, D., Purvis, K., & Young, M. (2003). A study of the benefits of social and religious support on church members during times of crisis. Pastoral Psychology, 51, 327–340

Wellman, H.M., Cross, D., Watson, J. (2001). Meta-analysis of theory-of-mind development: The truth about false beliefs. Child Development, 72(3), 655–684.

Knight, D.K., Broome, K.M., Cross, D.R., & Simpson, D.D. (1998). Antisocial tendency among drug addicted adults: Potential long term effects of parental absence, support, and conflict during childhood. American Journal of Drug and Alcohol Abuse, 24(3), 361–375.

Broome, K. M., Knight, K., Joe, G. W., Simpson, D. D., & Cross, D. R. (1997). Structural models of antisocial behavior and during treatment performance for probationers in a substance abuse treatment program. Structural Equation Modeling: A Multidisciplinary Journal, 4(1), 37–51.

Conner, D.B., Knight, D.K., & Cross, D.R. (1997). Mothers' and fathers' scaffolding of their 2-year-olds during problem solving and literacy interactions. British Journal of Developmental Psychology, 15(3), 232–338.

Knight, D.K., Cross, D.R., Giles-Sims, J., & Simpson, D.D. (1995). Psychosocial functioning among adult drug users: The role of parental absence, support, and conflict during the formative years: International Journal of the Addictions, 30(6), 1271–1288.

Rusher, A. S., Cross, D. R., & Ware, A. M. (1995). Infant and toddler play: Assessment of exploratory style and developmental level. Early Childhood Research Quarterly, 10(3), 297–316.

Rusher, A., Ware, A., & Cross, D. R. (1994). Teacher ratings of toddler's emerging social competence. Early Childhood Development and Care, 97(1), 107–122.

Rottman, T. R., & Cross, D. R. (1990). Enhancing the reading and thinking skills of children with learning disabilities. Journal of Learning Disabilities, 23(5), 270–278.

Last Updated: November 19, 2024

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