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Darren J. N. Middleton

Darren J. N. Middleton, Ph.D.

Emeritus John F. Weatherly Professor of Religion

Program Affiliations


Ph.D., The University of Glasgow. Literature and Theology (1996)
M.Phil., The University of Oxford. Modern Christian Doctrine (1991)
BA (Honours), The University of Manchester. Religious Studies (1989)

Courses Taught

RELI 10033: Religion and the Wisdom Books
RELI 10043: Memoir and Meaning

RELI 30823: Jesus in Fiction and Film

RELI 30833: Theology and Literature
RELI 30883: Rastafari and Reggae in Global Contexts
RELI 30993: Global Catholic Fiction

Areas of Focus

Literary Catholicism
Rastafari Studies
Religion and Culture (Film, Literature, Music, Visual Art)


Rastafari and the Arts: An Introduction (Routledge, 2015).

Theology after Reading: Christian Imagination and the Power of Fiction (Baylor University Press, 2008).

Broken Hallelujah: Nikos Kazantzakis and Christian Theology (Rowman & Littlefield, 2007).

Novel Theology: Nikos Kazantzakis’s Encounter with Whiteheadian Process Theism (Mercer University Press, 2000).

Edited Books:

Navigating Deep River: New Perspectives on Shusaku Endo’s Final Novel [with Mark W. Dennis] (State University of New York Press, 2020).

George Eliot, Illuminated by The Message: Literary Portals to Prayer (ACTA Publications, 2019).

Approaching  Silence: New Perspectives on Shusaku Endo’s Classic Novel [with Mark W. Dennis] (Bloomsbury, 2015).

Dangerous Edges of Graham Greene: Journeys with Saints and Sinners [with Dermot Gilvary] (Continuum, 2011).

Mother Tongue Theologies: Poets, Novelists, and Non-Western Christianity (Wipf and Stock, 2009).

Scandalizing Jesus?: Kazantzakis’s  The Last Temptation of Christ Fifty Years On (Continuum, 2005).

God, Literature and Process Thought (Ashgate, 2001; Routledge, 2018).

God’s Struggler: Religion in the Writings of Nikos Kazantzakis (Mercer University Press, 1996).

Journals (Guest-Editor):

Cormac McCarthy and Theology. Special Issue of Intégrité: A Faith and Learning Journal 20.2 (2021)

Country Music Jesus. Special Issue of Intégrité: A Faith and Learning Journal 18.2 (2019)

“Five Works of Art for Five Key Moments in Rastafari History” a paper presented at The Southwest Regional Meeting AAR/SBL/ASSR/ASOR, Irving, Texas, February 28-March 1, 2020.

  • Frank Forwood Award for Excellence in Presented Research, 2020
  • Deans’ Award for Research, 2015
  • Panhellenic Most Outstanding Professor Award, 2012 (’02)
  • AddRan College Distinguished Lecturer, 2011
  • Deans’ Award for Teaching, 2006
  • Mortar Board Preferred Professor, 2005 (’04, ’02, ’01)
  • Honors Program Faculty Recognition Award, 2001
  • American Academy of Religion
  • Conference on Christianity and Literature
  • International Society for Religion, Literature and Culture

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Last Updated: September 03, 2024

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