Danielle Walker
d.k.walker@tcu.edu817-257-7424Annie Richardson Bass Building 3225
Program Affiliations
Ph.D in Nursing at University of Texas Medical Branch, 2015
Masters of Science in Nursing at Texas Woman's University, 2009
Bachelors of Science in Nursing at Texas Christian University, 2003
Courses Taught
NURS 30243 Member of the Healthcare Team
NURS 40882 Public Health Nursing Practicum
NUED 60733 Evaluation in Nursing Education
HCHS 80100 Measurement in Health Research
HCHS 90990 Dissertation
Areas of Focus
My research endeavors are focused on enhancing the quality of teaching and evaluation within nursing education by developing evidence-based practices. Specifically, my research centers on elevating the standards of quality and safety education for nurses.
Walker, D., Hromadik, L., Baker, M., & McQuiston, L. (2024). Just culture: Nursing student transition to practice- a longitudinal study. Nurse Educator. 49(1). 1-7. https://doi.org/10.1097/NNE.0000000000001486
Vottero, B., Altmiller, G., Deal, B., Nurse-Clark, N., Rosales, M. & Walker, D. (2024). A multi-site study of a quality improvement teaching strategy to build competency. Journal of Nursing Education. 63(1). http://doi.org/10.3928/01484834-20231112-07
Walker, D., Barkell, N., & Dodd, C. (2023). Error and near miss reporting in nursing education: The journey of two programs. Teaching and Learning in Nursing, 18(1), 197-203 https://doi.org/10.1016/j.teln.2022.10.001
Walker, D. & Dodd, C. (2022). Systems Thinking. In P.K. Vana, B.A. Vottero, & G. Altmiller (Eds.) Introduction to quality and safety education for nurses: Core competencies for nursing leadership and management. Springer. https://doi.org/10.1891/9780826161451.0003
Schuler, M., Letourneau, R., Altmiller, G., Deal, B., Vottero, B., Boyd, T., Ebersole, N., Flexner, R., Jordon, J., Jowell, V., McQuiston, L., Norris, T., Risetter, M., Szymanski, K., & Walker, D. (2021). Leadership, teamwork, and collaboration: The lived experience of conducting multi-site research focused on quality and safety education for nurses (QSEN) Competencies in Academia. Nursing Education Perspectives, 42(2), 74-80. https://doi.org/10.1097/01.NEP.0000000000000725 -
Walker, D., Altmiller, G., Barkell, N., Hromadik, L., Toothaker, R. (2021). Exploratory factor analysis of the just culture assessment tool for nursing education. Journal of Research in Nursing, 26(1-2), 49-59. https://doi.org/10.1177/1744987120951589
Walker, D., Altmiller, G., Hromadik, l., Barkell, N., Barker, N., Boyd, T… Wallace, S. (2019). Nursing students’ perception of just culture within nursing programs: A multisite study. Nurse Educator, 45(3), 133-138. https://doi.org/10.1097/NNE.0000000000000739
- Brooks, R., Walker, D., Chorney, S., Johnson, R., Yann-Fuu, K., Bailey, C., Whitney, C., Acton, A., Sewell, A., & Smith, C. (2023, Oct.) Keeping the trach safe: Development and validation of a risk assessment scale. Poster Presentation at the Children’s Evidence-Based Practice and Research Council’s Third Annual Multidisciplinary Poster Fair, Dallas TX.
- Walker, D., Vottero, B., Shuler, M., & Letourneau, R. (2023, March). Development and testing of the teaching strategy assessment tool for competency-based education (TSAT-CBE). Podium Presentation at the NLN Nursing Education Research Conference, Washington D.C.
- Walker, D., Letourneau, R., Shuler, M., Vottero, B. (2022, June). A competency- based evaluation framework to assess QSEN teaching strategies. Poster Presentation at QSEN International Forum, Denver CO.
- Walker, D., Frable. P, Canclini, S (2022, June). Cultivating a culture of health to promote quality care: A wellness center for nursing students. Poster Presentation at QSEN International Forum, Denver CO.
- Walker, D. K. (2021, January). An interprofessional common reading: Teaching teamwork and collaboration through shared experience. Podium presentation at QSEN International Forum. Online.
- Schuler, M. Letourneau, R., Altmiller, G., Deal, B., Vottero, B., Boyd, T., Ebersole, N., Flexner, R., Jowell, V., McQuiston, L.., Risetter, M., Szymanski, K., Walker, D., Jordan, J., Norris, T. (2020, March 26 Cancelled due to COVID19). Developing new knowledge through leadership, teamwork, and collaboration: A QSEN academic task force success. Podium presentation at Nursing Education Research Conference, Washington D.C.
Certified Nurse Educator
- AACN LEADS, Elevating Leaders in Academic Nursing Graduate 2023
- Quality and Safety Education for Nurses (QSEN) Research Award 2020
- 2020 Generating Evidence for Nursing Education Practice Award presented the Nursing Education Research Conference 2020
Last Updated: November 19, 2024