Danielle Brimo
She & Herdanielle.brimo@tcu.edu817-257-6882Miller Speech & Hearing Clinic 126
Program Affiliations
Ph.D., Florida State University, Communication Science and Disorders (2011)
Courses Taught
COSD 30373 Language Disorders in Children: 4-credit, required course for 63 sophomore/junior undergraduate majors in Communication Sciences and Disorders. Focuses on providing students with theoretical overview of the nature and types of child language disorders
COSD 30334 Language Development in Children: 4-credit, required course for 65 sophomore/junior undergraduate majors in Communication Sciences and Disorders. Focuses on providing an overview of the fundamental bases of language development across infancy, toddler, preschool, and school-age children.
COSD 60343 Advanced Language Disorders in Children: 3-credit, required course for 15 first year graduate students receiving a Master’s degree in Communication Sciences and Disorders. This course focused on 1) describing the language strengths and weaknesses of individuals who are at various stages of language development and acquisition from a variety of backgrounds; 2) Interdisciplinary approaches and assessment techniques/tools useful for evaluating the language of children and adolescents; 3) Intervention (clinical methodology for documenting progress/change during treatment) and examination of specific treatment techniques.
Areas of Focus
The overarching goal of my research is to explore the language and literacy skills of school-age children with and without language and reading impairments. My early research experiences led to me to establish a primary line of research investigating how syntax contributes to school-age children’s spoken language, written language, and reading comprehension.
Brimo, D. & Hall-Mills, S. (in preparation). Evaluating the effects of genre and modality on adolescent students’ oral and written language.
Munoz, M.L. & Brimo, D. (in review). Evidence for the construct validity of two grammatical tasks to screen for language impairment in Spanish speaking children. Evidence-based Communication Assessment and Intervention.
Lund, E., Brimo, D., Rhea, D., & Rivchun, A. (in review). The effect of multiple recesses on listening effort: A preliminary study. Journal of Educational, Pediatric, & Rehabilitative Audiology.
Brimo, D., Apel, K., Petscher, Y., Munoz, M. (in review). The construction of two tasks to measure explicit syntax knowledge in older school-age children. Journal of Communication Disorders.
Brimo, D., Lund, E., & Sapp, A. (in review). Effects of type and construct when measuring children’s syntax: A meta-analysis. Linguistics and Education.
Brimo, D. & Melamed, T. (in review). Evaluating students’ explicit syntax knowledge. Child Language Teaching and Therapy.
Brimo, D., Apel, K., & Fountain, T. (2017). The effects of syntactic awareness and syntactic knowledge on reading comprehension among 9th and 10th grade students. Journal of Reading Research. 40(1), 57-74.
Brimo, D. (2016). Morphological Awareness Intervention: A pilot study. Journal of Communication Disorders, 38(1), 35-45.
Brimo, D. (2013). The how to guide to spelling assessment. Perspectives on Language Learning and Education, 20, 129-136.
Melamed, T., & Brimo, D. Evaluating students’ explicit syntax knowledge. Paper presented at the annual meeting of the American, Speech, Language, & Hearing Association, Philadelphia, PA.
Brimo, D. Implicit grammar intervention on school-age children’s explicit grammatical knowledge. Paper presented at the annual meeting of the American, Speech, Language, & Hearing Association, Philadelphia, PA.
Brimo, D. & Ash, J. (2016). Examiner and context effects on preschool children’s linguistic complexity. Paper presented at the annual meeting of the American, Speech, Language, & Hearing Association, Philadelphia, PA.
Brimo, D. (2015). Syntax Assessment: A meta-analysis. Paper presented at the annual meeting of the Society for the Scientific Studies of Reading, Hawaii, HI.
Hall-Mills, S., & Brimo, D. (2015). Complex syntax use in adolescent persuasive writing. Paper presented at the annual meeting of the Society for the Scientific Studies of Reading, Hawaii, HI.
Brimo, D. (2013, November). Targeted Spelling Intervention: Multilinguistic Approach. Paper presented at the annual meeting of the American Speech, Language & Hearing Association, Chicago, IL.
Hall-Mills, S., Brimo, D., Wilson-Fowler, E., Fountain, T., Ott, D., Tasker, A., & Loreti, B. (2013, November). Adolescent language production across modality and genre. Paper presented at the annual meeting of the American Speech, Language & Hearing Association, Chicago, IL.
Hessling, A., & Brimo, D. (2013, November). The relation between oral narrative production and literacy skills among children with Down syndrome. Paper presented at the annual meeting of the American Speech, Language & Hearing Association, Chicago, IL.
Advancing Academic Research Career Award from the American Speech and Hearing Association
Certificate of Clinical Competence in Speech Language Pathology
American Speech and Hearing Association
Grant Reviewer, American Speech Language Hearing Foundation, Student Research Grants (2016). Scientific Studies of Reading
Reviewer, Program Committee for Language and Learning in School-Age Children and Adolescents for the American Speech, Language & Hearing Association’s Annual Conference, 2016.
Reviewer, Program Committee for Language and Learning in School-Age Children and Adolescents for the American Speech, Language & Hearing Association’s Annual Conference, 2010-2012.
Peer Journal Reviewer, Language Speech and Hearing in Schools, Contemporary Issues in Communication Science and Disorders (2010-present).
Last Updated: November 19, 2024