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Daniel  Archer

Daniel Archer

Graduate Student


I am a Ph.D. candidate studying American Literature, specifically the intersections of Latinx writers and cultural memory--how and what they remember via their works and how these memories operate counter-culturally. I focus primarily on 20th century and contemporary Latinx literature with the hope of continuing to expand my research horizons to more world literature in the future. Having been born and raised in Argentina, the prospect of discussing how being part of multiple cultures can impact identity and memory is fascinating to me. My other guilty pleasure in terms of research lies in video game theory and application, particularly representation in games' characters and what players bring to games (ergodic vs. non-ergodic reading / noematic processes).

In my spare time, I participate in competitive Super Smash Bros. tournaments as an avid player of over 10 years. I also like to read when I can (British fantasy is my favorite recreational reading) and enjoy board games with my family when possible.

Last Updated: November 19, 2024

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