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Christopher R. Watts

Christopher R. Watts

Marilyn & Morgan Davies Dean; Professor of Communication Sciences & Disorders

817-257-6878 Annie Richardson Bass Building 2101

Chris Watts serves as the Marilyn and Morgan Davies Dean of the Harris College of Nursing & Health Sciences at TCU. He joined TCU in 2008 as Department Chair of Communication Sciences & Disorders and served concurrently as Assistant Dean from 2015 to 2018. After a national search, Dr. Watts was selected as Dean of Harris College in 2019. In addition to his dean role, Dr. Watts holds a tenured professor appointment in the Davies School of Communication Sciences & Disorders.

Prior to TCU, Dr. Watts held faculty positions at James Madison University, the University of South Alabama and the University of Central Florida. He has over 25 years’ experience in higher education and has served in leadership roles for the past 16 years.

Dr. Watts’ clinical, teaching and research interests center on laryngeal function in voice and swallowing with a specific focus on Parkinson’s disease. He has more than 80 peer-reviewed research publications in these areas and has presented his research to both national and international audiences. He also co-authored the textbook “Laryngeal Function and Voice Disorders: Basic Science to Clinical Practice” (2019), published by Thieme Medical Publishers.

Dr. Watts completed his bachelor’s degree in speech-language pathology in 1994 and his doctoral degree in 1998 at the University of South Alabama. He also completed a clinical fellowship in speech-language pathology with a focus on neurological and neurodegenerative impairments. Dr. Watts is a clinically certified speech-language pathologist and was elected as Fellow of the American Speech-Language-Hearing Association in 2014.


Ph.D., Communication Sciences & Disorders, University of South Alabama (1998)
BS, Speech & Hearing Science, University of South Alabama (1994)

Courses Taught

COSD 50383 Voice Disorders
COSD 20303 Speech & Hearing Science

Areas of Focus

Laryngeal function in voice and swallowing (voice, dysphagia, neurological disorders)

  • Barsties B, Watts CR (in press). A case of nervus laryngeus superior paresis treated with Novafon Local Vibration Voice Therapy. Journal of Voice.

  • Panzone L, Watts CR. (in press). Regulation of Transglottal Airflow in Speakers with Parkinson’s Disease. Journal of Voice.

  • Joshi A, Watts CR (in press). Phonation quotient using three aerodynamic instruments in the disordered voice. Journal of Voice.

  • Watts CR, Knickerbocker K. (2019). Characteristics of a Treatment-Seeking Population in a Private Practice Community Voice Clinic: An Epidemiological Study. Journal of Voice, 33(4): 429−434.

  • Burk B, Watts CR (2019). The effect of Parkinson’s disease tremor phenotype on cepstral peak prominence and transglottal airflow in vowels and speech. Journal of Voice, 33(4): 580.e11-580.e19.

  • Watts CR, Hamilton A, Toles L, Childs L, Mau T (2019). Intervention Outcomes of Two Treatments for Muscle Tension Dysphonia: A Randomized Controlled Trial. Journal of Speech, Language, and Hearing Research, 62(2): 272-282.

  • Joshi A, Watts CR (2018). A comparison of indirect and direct methods for estimating transglottal airflow rate. Journal of Voice. 32(6):655-659

  • Watts CR, Dumican MJ (2018). The effect of transcutaneous neuromuscular electrical stimulation on laryngeal vestibule closure timing in swallowing. BMC Ear, Nose, and Throat Disorders, 18(5): 1-7.

  • Watts CR, Awan SN, Maryn Y (2017). A Comparison of Cepstral Peak Prominence Measures from Two Acoustic Analysis Programs. Journal of Voice. 31(3): 387.e1-387

  • Gaskill C, Awan JA, Awan SN, Watts CR (2017). Acoustic and perceptual classification of within-sample normal, intermittently dysphonic, and consistently dysphonic voice types. Journal of Voice, 31(2): 218-228.

  • Watts CR, Vanryckeghem M. (2017). Communication-Related Affective, Behavioral, and Cognitive Reactions in Speakers with Spasmodic Dysphonia. Laryngoscope Investigative Otolaryngology, 2(6): 466-470.

  • Joshi A, Watts CR (2017). Phonation Quotient in Females: A Measure of Vocal Efficiency Using Three Aerodynamic Instruments. Journal of Voice, 31(2): 161-167

  • Joshi A, Watts CR (2016). Measurement reliability of phonation quotient derived from three aerodynamic instruments. Journal of Voice, 30(6): 773.e13-773.e19

  • Watts CR (2016). Treatment modality and timing influence voice outcomes for vocal fold paralysis after thyroidectomy: A recommendation for guarded generalizations from a meta-analysis. Evidence-Based Communication Assessment and Intervention, 10(1), 20-24.

  • Hughes T, Watts CR (2016). The Effects of Two Resistive Exercises on Electrophysiological Measures of Submandibular Muscle Activity. Archives of Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation, 97(9): 1552-1557.

  • Watts CR, King A, Porter R, et al. (2023, March). The Effects of High-Intensity Exercise on Aerodynamic Measures of Laryngeal Function in Parkinson’s Disease. 15th Conference on Advances in Quantitative Laryngology, Pheonix, AZ.
  • Watts CR, Zhang Y, Thijs Z. (2022, October). A Sociodemographic Profile of Leaders in COSD Programs. Association of Schools Advancing Allied Health Annual Conference. Long Beach, CA.
  • Chen, K., C. Thijs, Z. Porter, R., Watts, CR., Carr, J., King, A. (2022, September) Reliability and validity of balance and mobility outcomes in Parkinson’s Disease: Using multiple baseline testing approach, International Society of Posture and Gait Research Conference, Montreal, Canada.
  • Thijs Z, Van Lierde K, Vanryckeghem M, Zheng Y, Watts CR (2022, June). Degree of Change in Self-Perceived and Acoustic Voice Quality Following Voice Therapy in Patient Populations Seen in a Private Practice. 51st Annual Symposium: Care of the Professional Voice. Philadelphia, PA.
  • Voskuil CC, Thijs Z, King AC, Porter RR, Watts, CR, Carr, JC. (2022, June). Hand strength and force steadiness asymmetries in patients with Parkinson disease. Poster Presentation at the International Society of Electrophysiology and Kinesiology 2022 Congress, Quebec City, Canada.
  • Watts CR, Zhang & (2022, March). Progression of Self-Perceived Speech and Swallowing Impairment in Non-Advanced Stages of Parkinson’s Disease. International Conference on Alzheimer’s and Parkinson’s Disease, Barcelona, Spain.
  • Watts CR, Zhang Y (2021, November). Progression of Self-Perceived Speech and Swallowing Impairment in Newly Diagnosed People with Parkinson’s Disease. ASHA Convention, Washington D.C.
  • Thijs Z, Van Lierde K, Vanryckeghem M, Zheng Y, Watts CR (2021, November). Self-perceived Affective, Behavioral, and Cognitive Reactions Associated with Hypophonia in People with Parkinson's Disease. ASHA Convention, Washington D.C.
  • Thijs Z, Van Lierde K, Vanryckeghem M, Zheng Y, Watts CR (2021, October).  Partner Perception of Affective, Behavioral, and Cognitive Reactions to Voice in People with Parkinson’s Disease. Fall Voice Conference, Miami, FL.
  • Watts CR, Thijs Z, Dumican M. (2021, June). The Effect of Vocal Intensity Mode on Voice Production in People With Parkinson's Disease. 50th Annual Symposium: Care of the Professional Voice. Virtual Conference.
  • Thijs Z, Watts CR (2020, June). The Effect of Speaking a Second Language on Vocal Function and Vocal Quality of Life. 49th Annual Symposium: Care of the Professional Voice. Virtual conference. Philadelphia, PA.
  • Watts CR, Awan SN (2019, November). Low-Tech Options for Aerodynamic Assessment of Voice Disorders: Review & Demonstration for Clinical Practice. ASHA Convention, Orlando, FL.
  • Watts CR, Awan SN (2019, November). Low-Tech Options for Aerodynamic Assessment of Voice Disorders: Review & Demonstration for Clinical Practice. ASHA Convention, Orlando, FL.
  • Brenk J, Flahive L, Rivera Campos, A, Watts CR (2019, November). Electropalatography Treatment for School-Aged Children With Residual /r/ Errors. ASHA Convention, Orlando, FL.
  • This Z, Knickerbocker K, Watts CR (2019, October). Treatment Outcomes in a Private Practice Community Voice Clinic. Fall Voice Conference, Dallas, TX.
  • Thijs Z, Watts CR (2019, May). Perceptual Assessment of Speech Production in Speakers with Parkinson’s Disease. 48th Annual Symposium: Care of the Professional Voice. Philadelphia, PA.
  • Watts CR, Koehnke J. (2019, April). Problem Solving and Information Sharing for Department Chairs. Council of Academic Programs in COSD Annual Conference, San Diego, CA.
  • Dumican M, Watts CR (2019, February). Hyolaryngeal Musculature Activation in Response to a Respiratory Resistance Device. Dysphagia Research Society, San Diego, CA.
  • Panzone L., Watts CR (2018, November). Transglottal Airflow in Parkinson’s Disease. ASHA Convention, Boston, MA.
  • Watts CR. (2018, October). Two Treatments for Muscle Tension Dysphonia: A Randomized Controlled Trial. Fall Voice Conference, Seattle, WA.
  • Watts CR. (2018, June). Acoustic Characterization of Speech Intonation in Parkinson’s Disease. 29th Congress of Union of The European Phoniatricians, Helsinki, Finland.
  • Watts CR. (2018, April). Information and Problem Solving for Department Chairs. Invited presentation. Council of Academic Programs in Communication Sciences & Disorders Annual Conference, Austin, TX.
  • Watts CR. (March, 2018). Instrumental Assessment of Voice and Swallowing. Invited presentation to speech-therapists at Sidra Hospital and Hamad Hospital in Doha, Qatar.
  • Knickerbocker K, Watts CR. (2017, November). Characteristics of a Treatment-Seeking Population In A Private Practice Community Voice Clinic: An Epidemiological Study. ASHA Convention, Los Angeles, CA.
  • Watts CR, Weeks SM (2017, September). Factors Influencing the Sustainability of an Interprofessional Education Program. European Interprofessional Education & Practice Conference, Lausanne, Switzerland.
  • Watts CR (2017, August). Acoustic & Aerodynamic Profiles of Parkinson’s Disease: The Influence of Patient-Specific Factors. Pan-European Voice Conference, Ghent, Belgium.
  • Watts CR (2017, August). Stretch-and-Flow Voice Therapy for Muscle Tension Dysphonia: Treatment Outcomes From Two Clinical Trials. Pan-European Voice Conference, Ghent, Belgium.
  • Watts CR, Vanryckeghem MV (2017, August). The Effect of Work Status on Affective, Behavioral, and Cognitive Reactions in Speakers with Spasmodic Dysphonia. PanEuropean Voice Conference, Ghent, Belgium.
  • Watts CR, Awan SN, Maryn Y (2016, November). Measuring Cepstral Peak Prominence Using PRAAT & ADSV: Research Evidence & a Demonstration. ASHA Convention, Philadelphia, PA.
  • McMullan P, Watts CR (2016, November). A Comparison of Acoustic & Aerodynamic Measurements of Laryngeal Function Using Low-Cost & High-Cost Systems. ASHA Convention, Philadelphia, PA.
  • Joshi A, Watts CR (2016, November). Measurement Reliability for Phonation Quotient Across Three Aerodynamic Instruments. ASHA Convention, Philadelphia, PA.
  • Matthews M, Vanryckeghem M, Watts CR (2016, November). Behavior Assessment Battery-Voice-Revised: Comparative Investigation of Adults With & Without Spasmodic Dysphonia. ASHA Convention, Philadelphia, PA.
  • Watts CR, Awan SN, Maryn Y (2016, October). Cepstral Peak Prominence of Dysphonic Voices Measured from ADSV and Praat: A Instrumental Comparison. Fall Voice Conference, Scottsdale, AZ.
  • Gaskill C, Awan SN, Awan J, Watts CR (2016, October). Acoustic and Perceptual Classification of Within-Sample Normal, Intermittently Dysphonic, and Continuously Dysphonic Voice Types. Fall Voice Conference, Scottsdale, AZ.
  • Watts CR, Corbin-Lewis K. (2016, April). Problem Solving for Department Chairs. Council of Graduate Programs in Communication Sciences & Disorders Annual Conference, San Antonio, TX.
  • Watts, CR. (2015, November). Acquisition of aerodynamic measurements using the Phonatory Aerodynamic System (Pentax Medical invited lecture). ASHA Convention, Denver, CO.
  • 2015 and 2017 Chancellor’s Award for Distinguished Achievement as a Creative Teacher and Scholar Nominee
  • 2014 Deans’ Research & Creativity Award 
  • 2012 Wassenich Award for Mentoring 
  • Licensed SLP – State of Texas
  • ASHA
  • Voice Foundation
  • International Association of Logopedics & Phoniatrics

Last Updated: November 19, 2024

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