Carrie Liu Currier, Ph.D.
c.currier@tcu.edu817-257-6853Scharbauer Hall 2007F
Program Affiliations
Ph.D., Political Science, Comparative Politics and International Relations, University
of Arizona (2004)
MA, Political Science, Comparative Politics, University of Arizona (1998)
BA, Political Science / Linguistics, University of Michigan (1996)
Courses Taught
ASST 20003 Intro to Asian Studies
POSC 20303 International Politics
POSC 33103 Feminist International Relations Theory
POSC 33113 Globalization and Political Economy
POSC 33603 IR of East Asia
POSC 33623 Chinese Foreign Policy
POSC 35623 Politics of China
POSC 35633 Contemporary Issues in China - Study in Beijing & Shanghai
POSC 35643 Socialism with Chinese Characteristics
POSC 40003 Senior Honors in POSC
MALA 60970 Chinese Foreign Policy
Areas of Focus
Politics of China, International Relations of East Asia, Global Political Economy, Feminist Theory, International Relations, Asian Pacific Americans in Higher Education
Carrie Liu Currier teaches courses in Asian politics, comparative politics, feminist international relations theory, international relations, and global political economy. Her research has generally focused on: 1) economic reform in China, to understand how developing countries are adapting to the demands of globalization, 2) China’s Foreign Policy with the Middle East, examining both arms transfers and the pursuit of energy, 3) China’s energy policy and pursuit of resources, 4) China’s one child policy and its social implications, 5) the politics of entrepreneurship in Taiwan and China, and 6) Asian Pacific Americans in higher education. She has conducted survey research in both China and Taiwan, examining labor market reforms and its impact on women’s public and private sphere activities as well as analyzing the role the state has played in fostering entrepreneurship. Her publications include: a co-edited book (with Manochehr Dorraj) China’s Energy Relations with the Developing World, several book chapters, and articles in the following journals: American Journal of Chinese Studies, Asian Journal of Women’s Studies, China Public Affairs Quarterly, Journal of Chinese Political Science, Journal of Political Science Education, Journal of Women Politics and Policy, and Middle East Policy.
Before serving two terms as department chair (2018-2024), Carrie was the director of TCU’s Asian Studies program for eleven years. Currently she is the director of the National Consortium for Teaching about Asia (NCTA) in Texas, an initiative funded by the Freeman Foundation to facilitate teaching and learning about East Asia in elementary and secondary schools nationwide. For more information visit http://nctatx.tcu.edu . Within the profession she has served as the Secretary of the Western Political Science Association (WPSA) and is currently the Vice President Elect of WPSA, she was on the Status Committee for Asian Pacific Americans in the Profession for the American Political Science Association (APSA), she has served as President of the Southwest Conference on Asian Studies (SWCAS), she was a member of the ETS development committee for the Major Field Test in political science, and she has served in several capacities for ETS and the College Board with regard to the development and grading of the AP Comparative Government exam.
Currier, Carrie Liu. 2022 “Breaking the Bamboo Ceiling: challenges for APA women in and outside of the classroom,” Journal of Political Science Education 18(2): 203-19. -
Currier, Carrie Liu. 2016. “Entrepreneurship with Chinese Characteristics: China, Taiwan and the Tech Industry,” Wealth and Well-Being of Nations, pp. 63-81. -
Currier, Carrie Liu. 2012. “China and the Global Surge for Resources,” Chapter 13 in Emilian Kavalski’s The Ashgate Research Companion to Chinese Foreign Policy. Burlington, VT: Ashgate Publishing, pp. 163-175. -
Currier, Carrie Liu and Manochehr Dorraj, editors. 2011. China’s Energy Relations with the Developing World. NY: Continuum Books. -
Currier, Carrie Liu and Manochehr Dorraj. 2010. “In Arms We Trust: the Economic and Strategic Factors Motivating China-Iran Relations,” Journal of Chinese Political Science 15(1): 49-69. -
Currier, Carrie Liu. 2008. “Investing in the Future: The One Child Policy and Reform,” Journal of Women, Politics, and Policy 29(3): 365-393. -
Dorraj, Manochehr and Carrie Liu Currier. 2008. “Lubricated with Oil: Iran-China Relations in a Changing World” Middle East Policy 15(2): 66-80. -
Currier, Carrie Liu. 2007. “Redefining ‘Labor’ in Beijing: Women’s Attitudes on Work and Reform” Asian Journal of Women’s Studies 13(3): 71-108. -
Currier, Carrie Liu. 2007. “Bringing the Household Back In: The Restructuring of Women’s Labor Choices in Beijing,” American Journal of Chinese Studies 14(1): 61-81.
Invited presentation (in Chinese) on “Chinese language learning,” StarTalk Pathways to Success Program: Careers in the Chinese Speaking World, Zoom, 28 June, 2023.
- Invited presentation on “Taiwan as an Entrepreneurial Endeavor: getting creative with teaching and research,” Taiwan Studies Biennial Conference (virtual), May 7, 2022.
- Invited presentation for the Fort Worth Chamber of Commerce, “The Return of the Dragon: China’s Challenges and Opportunities post-COVID,” 8 December 2020.
Invited presentation on “Political Institutions” for AP Comparative Government, Webinar Lecture Series, 22 September 2020.
Invited presenter on "Civil Society with Chinese Characteristics" for a forum on Political Reform in China, Baker Institute at Rice University, Houston, TX, 4 November 2019.
- Chip Herr Memorial Distinguished Lecturer on "The Current Status of US-North Korea Relations," Fort Worth Country Day, 17 September 2018.
- Invited panelist for the panel, “Chinese Diplomacy in Middle East Conflicts,” for the Conference China in Conflict Zones: Competition or Cooperation? Sponsored by Georgetown University and the U.S. Institute of Peace, Washington D.C., March 22, 2017.
- Invited panelist on "Trade between Asia and Latin America" at the International Business Summit, Dallas, TX, 11 October 2016.
- Invited panelist in the Miller Upton Forum on Entrepreneurship and the Chinese Economy, Beloit College, Nov 6, 2015.
- Diversity, Equity and Inclusion Award winner, TCU, 2024
- Plume Award winner, TCU Race and Reconciliation Initiative, 2024
- Chip Herr Visiting Scholar, Fort Worth Country Day, 2018
- AddRan Social Sciences nominee for the Dean’s Teaching Award, 2009 & 2014
- Wassenich mentoring award nominee, 2011 & 2014
- Outstanding Advisor Award (Kappa Lambda Delta), 2010
- Director, National Consortium on Teaching about Asia (NCTA) - Texas, 2015-present.
- Vice President Elect for the Western Political science Association, 2024-2025
- Editorial Board of Social Science Quarterly, 2024-present
- President, Phi Beta Kappa - Texas Delta Chapter, 2024-27
- Managing Editor of International Studies Perspectives (ISP)
- College Board Consultant for the AP Comparative Government and Politics exam, 2020-21
- APSA committee member on the Task Force on Systemic Inequalities in the Discipline, subcommitteee on Citation Patterns and Inequalities, 2020-21
- APSA committee on the status of Asian Pacific Americans in the profession, 2016-2019
- Secretary for the Western Political Science Association, 2013-2019
- AP Comparative Government Test Development Committee, 2014-17
- Development committee for the Major Field Test in Political Science, ETS, 2010-2011
- President of the Southwest Conference of Asian Studies, 2009-2010
Last Updated: November 19, 2024